how to fix unencrypted urls in shopify

How To Sync Amazon Affiliate Products With Your Shopify Store Using The Spreadr App hey guys Paul ne

PNUK Training

Updated on Apr 01,2023

How To Sync Amazon Affiliate Products With Your Shopify Store Using The Spreadr App

The above is a brief introduction to how to fix unencrypted urls in shopify

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How To Sync Amazon Affiliate Products With Your Shopify Store Using The Spreadr App

hey guys Paul next lesson on our Shopify,store how to add Amazon products if you,want to run your Amazon affiliate and,you want to send people to buy on Amazon,and get paid the 10% commission or the,5% depends what product it is a lot of,people would have to grab the link and,grab this copy this code it mess about,well there is a way to do it where you,bulk transfer products in or you do one,at a time,but you basically turn your shop so this,is my shop into an Amazon affiliate,store where you can point people instead,of going to you know by now you wanted,to say buy on Amazon rise this actual,t-shirt is on Amazon so I may bring that,one in and show you what it does right,so it says Add to Cart we wondered that,we want this to say buy on Amazon and,point people that way right I also,wanted to search share some books that I,recommend reading some business books,some self-improvement books so just,importing the products even if I don't,get paid by Amazon would be a good idea,because it does save me time so I,googled Amazon affiliate Shopify and,this one years got six hundred to five,star reviews it's got five star rating,600 - this one's got three reviews but,only five stars but only three reviews,you'd think that doing themselves so,we're gonna use this spreader app right,so what I do is I go to this link I'll,put a link in the video description or,in the lesson and they're in the,training if you are you gonna get a,7-day free trial,five dollars a month but you're gonna do,one click products and commissions,expand your store and basically add,where the products you want so I'm just,gonna go ahead and click get it's gonna,add tell me that it's gonna manage,products minimize your on my store I'm,gonna install the app it's gonna tell me,there is a seven day free trial,five dollars a month after that so I'm,approving that charge and you know if,it's gonna make your money and save you,time then it's always gonna be worth it,so what you're gonna have to do is,integrate the code join Amazon and,import products right so let me pause so,what we first need to do is integrate,the curl so at the moment on any product,it's gonna say add to cart so we want to,say if this is a certain product we want,to say buy on Amazon instead right so,what it's saying is click follow this,guide to integrate spreader curl right,so I'm gonna come to this guide this,guy's a walkthrough open your Shopify,admin click on on know store go to,actions click Edit code click find,product template liquid and then find it,Add to Cart button and then underneath,the Add to Cart button I'm gonna add,this code right so I'm gonna find add to,cart and then add the code right okay so,what I do is I go to my admin so it's,whatever your site is admin I go to,online store I go to actions edit code,then it said find product liquid product,training not liquid insect least poly,sections right yeah so in sections go to,product or training and liquid sections,template product liquid find Add to Cart,so I'm pretty much sure it'll be add to,car right so if I actually search for,cart product single product Add to Cart,section ID so see if there's anything,else product add to car that's not it,variant Add to Cart form action car add,but here's the add to car see in fact if,you'd had gone it probably did to tell,you to go search that did it support,yeah so if he does surged I should just,search Add to Cart would have been,easier,add to cart' right or something like,that and it would bring me to this point,where button submit add button button,single products Add to Cart so we're,happy that that is where I need to be,and then it says on the next line add,this information so in there add that,right now you may want to copy the whole,thing into a clipboard first before you,do all this and no in fact you you,should unless you really know what,you're doing and click Save,I set saved preview,nothing really should have changed,hopefully I checked my training ones are,not have already been changed for,different things so we're still happy,still working still got the little flash,so I've done the first part I did the,code so the next part is joined Amazon,Associates problem to get your out of an,hour and save it in the settings section,right so you're going to join Amazon,affiliates obviously I already am one I,don't do a lot with with Amazon,affiliates but you know I want to get a,little bit better I want to go to tools,promote I tell you I've just been here,link your accounts product overview,promotion product links oh so Pierce if,you go up here look manage your tracking,IDs and if you want to put any of my,tracking IDs on your products that's,fine then I use this one a lot Paul,Nicholson - 20 I think the u.s. the u.s.,ones - 20 the UK ones - 21 I think I'm,not logged in on a login but yeah so I'm,looking for this product code to add to,my settings right so I'm gonna go to,settings I'll open up a new window just,to keep that initial page so,United States my product code is Paul,Nicholson 20 default value I'm not sure,if it'll X you do more than one I'm a,country region from where you want to,import products so I want to import them,from the US because I wanted to be in,dollars so I'll leave that as it is so,I'll do it again United States ok save,so I've done that second part and now,import start importing products so if I,go here and home so what shall we do,first well let's do this the blue Yeti,so this microphone very worried,this one here is the microphone I'm,actually using so I wanna people say to,me what do you record your video is all,now do you do it well this is the,microphone now use right so I can I,would think search for blue Yeti search,all ah doctor,keyword yeah blue Yeti microphone for,searching hammers in the items you need,to setup Amazon Web Services okay,so we'll go through that as well but,let's do add a product link so let's do,one at a time first so if I take this,link and try put in one product in add,product check in look in products added,successfully view product and there now,is the Amazon blue Yeti view on Amazon,right now my button here I'll pop that,to get in touch with the guys that's,better because it's done this before is,there's something that puts this little,box in now you shouldn't have that you,should be far,I'll probably add a section at the end,of the video how I fixed it but I don't,slow this video down every um every,theme may have a little funky thing like,this because I think it's something to,do with that flush on the View button,that doesn't lay it done but if I click,view it allows me to jump to that,product amazon knows that i've sent,somebody there and it will i'll get paid,five percent commission or ten percent,commission if somebody buys that blue,yeti Magra firm so let me just pause you,again and i'm gonna go through how to,set up the AWS credentials but i like to,look through it first rather than,slowing you down right so now we're,going to set up the Amazon Web Services,credentials so that we can bulk import,items so I'm on the United States my,affiliate is Paul Nicholson twenty or,thirty twenty it says here how to get,your things you go to the LM is an,Amazon affiliate program then it says,you're gonna go to tools product,advertising API tools product,advertising API then it says that you,would click part the other sizing,problems for you important due to,changes viola plays pal join button will,not be active for new users once you,okay so click manage granters buttons,we've allowed sir so manage it's may ask,me for a lets me found,send curled so it's just text me a code,to my phone I'll go through it and I'll,then I'll reset it so if you're watching,it don't use my credentials,I will reset those just sent it to my,email Amazon get your code put in your,code,I've just done this and I mean I need 10,you too security come down Shoals access,keys so I've got a few that have been,around and now deleted create a new show,access I'm gonna copy this if I can go,back to this box into access key I'm,gonna copy this into secret key verify,and save so it worked so now this time,when I go I'm gonna go happy me,philosophy see what comes up,after that t-shirt right so a great,search Amazon AWS let's try it in let's,try it in fashion for sure if it'll come,up well there you go look mens be here,now in silver so it does it it's doing,it in separate t-shirt so men's helping,me retro kids fun t-shirt six silver so,it's gonna do absolutely every variant,when I search for that so I don't really,wanted to do that but what I might do is,what my thinking so I like Bob Proctor,so if I do Bob Proctor and then do box,so the ABC of success and I can go,through and add the ones that I'm,thinking thinking of worth buying right,or worth that I recommend so I might add,this product the power of the mind what,else we got so I could do it doesn't,actually tell you the price and it,should tell you the price maybe,what else am I gonna recommend if the,war of art is there yes so said let's,duel Steven Pressfield yes the war of,our do the work turning pro these are,the four books that I would recommend so,I could have ad product ad product ad,product ad product so it's easy it's not,really a bulk import into it's a bulk,search but it's not a bulk import so is,it a place to default values auto-sync,malkor prices analytics I'm not only,going to all that because it's gonna,make this video really long but,obviously you can change prices if you,want to change them to make them more if,you're going to sell them on your site,vs. Amazon if you're gonna make Amazon a,fallback analytics and stuff I'm not,sure I'm gonna use so for me I just,wanted to use use it to quickly import,products to quickly link to them so you,can see I'm gonna have to go through and,edit the collection so it grabs the,thing that's really saving you is the,time when it grabs the image it grabs,the product it grabs the information so,down here's the description everything,you need to know is obviously the,picture that's been pulled in then view,on Amazon I've got to fixed that bottom,so a fast way to have you on Amazon,store adding products to your website,you know to bulk it out so now I've got,though you were born rich obviously I'm,going to add these in a collection so I,would really go and pour products,collections create a collection a full,book record and I'm definitely spell,that wrong,luckily computer knows how to spell I'm,gonna manually Adam or I could add them,through a different throw a criteria but,I'm just gonna manually select products,and save and then go to products go to,find those Steven ones I feel sure that,yeah that posts peltier and Allah is it,bring up his name there you go up add to,collection add to for book,recommendations and save now when I go,to one of these books on my theme it's,gonna say Paul but recommendations so,now I can put up in the top there I can,have a catalog and put in Paul's book,recommendations up here so how do you,see it's not perfect it's actually good,that it's showing current price versus,Amazon so it's on sale sale price so you,get in the you know 1278 on Amazon we,used to be 1395 view on Amazon and you,can go and buy it straight away,so any questions fire away below you can,see that I've got a little bit tinkering,to do to get this button to work,hopefully on your theme it'll work,straight away but I'm pretty sure that,you're gonna be able to email you know,you got I got an email from from the,guys that's saying if you've got any,problems feel free to contact us support,at spread out freshdesk spreaded dot,freshdesk calm and you should be away,it's an easy way to add more products to,store into it's not gonna cost you,anything because five dollars a month,for the,but you know you can add a lot more,products to store before you leave I'll,be interesting to see if it goes on,Facebook if faith if the store will sink,poor but recommends right will it show,did I put the products on so let's have,off its blue Yeti one right let's,available on and I'm gonna put it on,Facebook by an Instagram so when I go to,when I save it,well I go to Facebook am I gonna see old,price probably gonna be this one when it,loads there's a lot of loading going off,yeah I've got a lot of products now,unter I need to streamline my store I've,done a lot on these videos and sync with,your sync your collections with Facebook,I up getting sketchy again I,don't I had it all sorted in and I just,got Scotty right collections Paul's book,recommendations available on all stores,right so all products they've got press,field again see what these ones show in,unavailable so I want to turn these on,just cause it'll be easy for me to find,this one I want to see what it does on,Facebook it will show but I think the,checkout page will come to Shopify and,not to your Paul's bot recommendations,right I'm going to sync with Facebook,the collections are being synced now go,to my shop and now on Facebook,come on is it not synced yet Paul's,training all products searched what was,it,Yeti so that he hasn't synced yeah but,then but then it's not air there's a,thing on Facebook that won't let you,sell a product that isn't being shipped,as well so let me just I'll be really,surprised if you still here now come on,there we go well so it did so it's,processing right so the chance the thing,that it's gonna do with with the,Facebook thing your products is being,processed usually takes it may say,because it's not a shipped item that you,can't have it but when you go to check,out on website it goes to the checkout,page it doesn't go to the shop page so,that'll be something worth watching for,if you tag your products in Instagram,posts or you put on Facebook we'll have,to look at a and workaround not to go to,checkout on website because it takes the,checkout page not there the product page,so there's little funky things I'm sure,the geyser spreader I've got work,arounds got ideas answering your,questions but up for that one,introduction to how to put Amazon,products on your Shopify store and,quickly be able to get affiliate,Commission for linking to them any,questions leave them in the training or,leave them on YouTube I'll get back to,you chit

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