how to find instagram code for shopify

How to Find Influencers for Shopify Dropshipping 2022 today i'm going to be showing you the,best met

Elliott Prendy

Updated on Feb 28,2023

How to Find Influencers for Shopify Dropshipping 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to find instagram code for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to find instagram code for shopify

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How to Find Influencers for Shopify Dropshipping 2022

today i'm going to be showing you the,best methods that you can use to find,influences to start promoting your,e-commerce and dropshipping stores so,you can start getting more traffic and,start making more sales so let's get,straight into it,now before you actually start,researching and reaching out to,influencers you're going to need to,offer them something in order for them,to want to promote your products and the,best thing that you can offer them is a,commission based on every sale now you,can easily go and create an affiliate,program for your store so that way,influencers can sign up for your,affiliate program get a unique link to,your store and every time a sale is made,through that link they get a commission,and you can set the commission based on,how much you sell your products for and,how much profit you make on each product,so you can set it to five percent 10 20,it's totally up to you but like i say,this is the best business model when it,comes to reaching out to influencers,because you don't have to necessarily,pay them up front you can just offer,them a commission based on every sale,now the best shopify app to actually to,actually create an affiliate program is,called up promote and i will leave a,link in the description to the up,promote app and i've been testing out,this app and using this app on my,e-commerce store finley bice to create,an affiliate program to start reaching,out to influencers and like i say this,app is really powerful it has some,really amazing features and it is,totally free so you can set up an,affiliate program in a matter of minutes,without actually having to pay anything,for the app so you can start testing out,this method of reaching out to,influencers to sign up for your,affiliate program without any upfront,investment and then you can always,upgrade your plan to get access to some,of their other features so i definitely,recommend going and installing that app,onto your shopify store and like i say i,will leave a link in the description to,that app so you can go and set up your,affiliate program and once you have set,up your affiliate program we are now,ready to start researching and reaching,out to influencers to promote our,products for your drop shipping and,e-commerce stores so i'm going to be,covering five different methods that you,can use to find influences i'm going to,start with the first method which is,looking for instagram influencers now,there is a string of characters that you,can search into google followed by a,word related to your niche so that you,can find influences that have over 1 000,followers and aren't related to your,niche so i will leave this string of,characters in the description and i will,show it on screen now and you can see,i've just used a string of characters,and i've typed in the word suited to,find instagram accounts that are related,to the suit niche so now if i go and,click on some of these accounts,we can see that we find some really good,influences with decent engagement i,always look for around a 10 engagement,rate,for these accounts so if they have 30,000 followers i'm looking for at least,two to three thousand likes on each,picture and that way i know that they,don't just have fake followers now when,it comes to looking for instagram,influencers you have two different types,of accounts so you have theme pages and,theme pages basically compiled loads of,different content from different,creators around a certain niche and a,certain interest so for my example it,could be just different suit pages that,show loads of different images of people,wearing suits and then you have actual,influencers who have their own following,and create their their own content now,if you're just looking to grow your,brand and create some brand awareness,then using theme pages is totally fine,but if you're actually looking to make,sales and conversions i definitely,recommend using actual content creators,using actual influencers that create,their own content because usually they,have a more passionate audience and they,have a more tight-knit following so,people are more likely to purchase,products that they personally recommend,so like i said you can use this first,method of searching this string of,characters related to your niche to,start finding some more micro influences,because you might not know where to,start and if you just start looking at,all of the big influences within your,niche usually they want upfront payment,if they have over 100k followers and,things like that so you're going to be,looking for people between 10 to 30 to,40k followers and like i said a good 10,engagement rate on their images now you,can also of course just search for a,hashtag related to your niche as well in,the instagram search bar and that way,you can find accounts related to your,niche and like i said you're going to be,wanting to look for accounts with a,smaller follower rate maybe around full,30 to 40k and once you find an,influencer you can just follow them and,then click on the down arrow and,instagram will recommend similar,accounts to them so that way you can go,and find other accounts that will be,instagram influencers as well now when,it comes to dming an influencer to get,them signed up for your affiliate,program you first they just want to,build some rapport with them so i'll,leave a image on screen now of a typical,message that i send to an influencer,you're just saying i hope you're well,you're trying to build some rapport with,them i really like your page i really,like some of the content that you're,creating and then you can just ask them,for their rates for a promotional post,so it could be a story or it could be an,actual instagram post,and then just mention that you do have,an affiliate program that they can sign,up for and get x amount of commission on,each sale and if they need any help,signing up for the program just to let,us know so i would suggest reaching out,by dm first because that's a little bit,more personal but sometimes you might,find that influencers will say no dms,and they want you to contact them,through email so you can always find,their business emails in their bio or it,is linked to their instagram account now,if you are going to reach out to,influencers via email make sure that you,have a professional email address for,your store as well because if you reach,out to them just from a gmail or an,outlook email they're probably going to,think that you're amateur you're,unprofessional and a lot of times,instagram influencers don't want to work,with companies that are unprofessional,and amateur now another great tactic to,get influencers on board is to offer,them their own coupon code that they can,share with their audience this just,makes them feel a little bit special and,makes them more excited to work with,your brand because you're offering them,something different you're not just,giving them the same offer that you give,to every influencer you're actually,giving them their own code that they can,share with their audience now once again,if you use the up promote shopify app,you can assign coupon codes to,particular affiliates so you can go and,put their name and the number so that,their audience can get 10 off or,something like that and like i said this,just makes them feel a little bit,special and this makes them more likely,to want to work with your store so like,i said if you use the up remote app this,is one of the really great features,where you can connect a coupon code to a,particular affiliate so that they can,offer that discount code to their,audience the second method that you can,use to find influencers to promote your,store is actually to use the up promote,marketplace and this is quite an,untapped method to start finding,influences so when you start using the,up promote shopify app you can actually,list your store on their marketplace and,their marketplace allows affiliates to,come over and see all the stores listed,on their marketplace sign up for their,affiliate program and start promoting,their products this is a really great,way to get exposure for your affiliate,program and once again this is a,completely free feature of the up,promote shopify app but not only this,but if you actually upgrade your up,promote plan to their growth plan which,starts from 20 per month you can,actually go and have a look at their,database of influences and affiliates,that are already promoting shopify,stores from their marketplace and you,can start reaching out and contacting,them directly so you can go and find,influencers in different niches and you,can already reach out to them and these,influencers are more likely to engage,with your store and want to promote it,because they're already promoting other,shopify stores that are on the ut,promote marketplace platform so from the,up promote dashboard all you need to do,is just click on find influences and,then like i said it will show you a list,of different influences that you can,start reaching out to and offer them,your affiliate commission for promoting,your products the third method that you,can use to find influencers to start,promoting your store is to start looking,on a platform that is absolutely,exploding at the moment which is of,course tick-tock now it's quite,difficult to find influences on,tick-tock and once again you can use a,method similar to the one i mentioned,earlier where you just search a hashtag,related to your niche and then you can,start finding tik-tok accounts that are,related to and promoting that niche so,once again if i use the suited example,i've just typed this into tiktok as a,hashtag and found a few different,accounts that are creating content,related to men's fashion and the men's,suit niche and you can just send a,direct message to these creators on,tiktok or often times they will have a,link to their instagram as well so you,can go and dm them on instagram if you,can't get through to them on tiktok now,the really great thing about using,tiktok influencers it is that you have,the potential for the video to go viral,and they are creating video content as,opposed to instagram where it's often,photo content video content is really,going to display your products in the,best possible way and like i say on tick,tock you have the possibility of the,video going viral now if the video goes,viral then that's going to get your,store in front of a lot of eyes now,another tactic that you can use when,reaching out to influences is to offer,them lifetime commissions on a,particular product so that basically,means even if a customer doesn't come,through their link any time a sale is,made on a product they will receive,commission for it now why might you want,to do this well if a product does go,viral based off of a tick tock and,you've told the influencer that,regardless of where the sale comes from,they're going to receive a commission,they're very likely to want to promote,your product because if it goes viral,then they're going to get a huge amount,of commission because that way it will,have a snowball effect it will go viral,and the people that purchase it will go,and tell their friends and refer people,but they're still going to get,commission even if people don't click,through their link now if you upgrade to,up promotes professional plan you can,actually go and assign a product for a,lifetime commission to any affiliate so,like i say this is a really great tactic,that you can use when reaching out to,influencers and this is going to make,them want to promote your products more,often because they know that they're,going to get a lifetime commission on,any sale that is made on a particular,product the next tactic that you can use,to start finding influences to promote,your drop shipping and e-commerce stores,and i think this is a super untapped,method is to start reaching out to,facebook group admins so if you just,head over to facebook you can start,searching for groups just using the,search bar related to your niche so i'm,just going to have a look at some men's,fashion groups related to wearing suits,and things like that and then you can go,and reach out to the admins of these,groups you can say we offer 10,commission to promote our products are,you able to go and start promoting in,your group and what a lot of people do,sometimes they end up joining groups and,promoting the products themselves and,then they get banned from the group so,if you reach out to the admin directly,you have given them an incentive to want,to promote your products because they're,going to get a commission on every sale,so that way you're not just invading,their group and spamming the group with,products and then they end up banning,you you're actually giving them a reason,to want to promote your products because,they're going to make money from it as,well and like i say this is a super,untapped method so start having a look,at some facebook groups related to the,niche of your store and you can reach,out to the admins tell them to sign up,for your affiliate program and they can,start promoting your products to all of,their audience within their facebook,group now whilst we're on the subject of,reaching out to facebook admins as,influencers you can actually go and,offer influencers a recurring commission,as well so if you have some sort of,subscription product on your store and,you're using an app like recharge or,bold subscriptions you can actually go,and connect the up promote app to offer,your affiliates recurring commissions,and this is another really powerful,tactic when reaching out to influencers,because if they know that they're going,to get a recurring commission every,month from your products they're more,likely to want to promote it so like i,say if you have some sort of,subscription based product using the up,promote app to create your affiliate,program will allow you to connect that,subscription product to a particular,affiliate and then they can get,recurring revenue every time a purchase,is made through their affiliate link the,final way in which you can find,influencers to start promoting your drop,shipping and e-commerce stores is to use,youtube and youtube is a really powerful,way to get your product in front of a,lot of eyes and like i say because it is,video content it's going to display your,product in the best possible way as,opposed to still images now when it,comes to searching for influencers on,youtube once again it's very simple you,can just start searching for videos,related to your niche so for my example,i could start searching men's fashion,try on haul men's suit try on haul best,men's suits and things like that now,what you're going to want to do is,filter the videos by view count and then,just scroll down for a few minutes until,you start seeing the videos that have,around 5 to 40k views because these are,the types of influences that are more,likely to work with your store on a,commission-based basis if you have if,you see videos that are around 100k 200k,views these types of youtubers are going,to want upfront payments so start,looking for youtubers with around 5k to,40k subscribers they get a decent amount,of views but if it gets too high once,people start getting into the 100k,subscribers and things like that like i,say they're going to want upfront,payment they probably won't want to work,solely on a commission based basis for,promoting your products now of course,you're going to want to send them a free,product to review so it might cost you a,little bit of money that way but if your,products are fairly inexpensive then it,shouldn't cost you too much to send out,these free products to influencers so,they can review it on their youtube,channel when it comes to reaching out to,influencers on youtube you can usually,find their business email in this,description of their videos or you can,just go to the about section on their,channel and they usually have a business,email there as well now i usually leave,it up to the influencer to create the,content because there's different types,of videos that can be created on youtube,it could be a review video it could be,some sort of integration where they just,say this video is sponsored by x store,or it could be if it's a fashion product,some sort of try on haul but like i say,i usually leave it up to the influencer,because they know their audience the,best so they know what type of videos,that their audience will react best to,now one last thing to mention is that,you want to retain your influences as,well so once they sign up for your,affiliate program you want them to,promote your products in the future as,well you don't want them to just promote,it once and then completely forget about,your store now really great way to,retain your influences is to create an,affiliate newsletter so anybody that,signs up for your affiliate program you,can send out a monthly newsletter to,those affiliates talking about new,product releases and new products that,are coming to your store you can talk,about any upcoming promotions for your,store and things like that and that way,when you're constantly getting in front,of your affiliate's eyes through this,newsletter you're keeping your store,stuck in your mind and that makes them,more likely to want to promote your,store on a consistent basis rather than,just promote it once now using the up,promote shopify app they have a built-in,feature that allows you to send out bulk,emails to all of your affiliates so like,i say this is a great way to keep in,touch with all of your affiliates and,influencers that you've worked with and,make them want to promote your store on,a regular basis so you can start making,more sales using influencer marketing so,those are my top five methods for you to,start finding influences to promote your,dropshipping and e-commerce stores i,hope you have enjoyed the video make,sure to subscribe to the channel for,more dropshipping and e-commerce content,and check out the two videos on screen,now to learn how to create a one product,store and also how to create high,converting video ads and i'll see you in,the next video

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