how to enable customer registration shopify 2018

THIS Is How To Take Your Competition's Customers! - Shopify Dropshipping mimic and spy on your compe

Supreme Ecom

Updated on Mar 22,2023

THIS Is How To Take Your Competition's Customers! - Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to enable customer registration shopify 2018

Let's move on to the first section of how to enable customer registration shopify 2018

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THIS Is How To Take Your Competition's Customers! - Shopify Dropshipping

mimic and spy on your competitors this,is the only way for you to maximize your,store layout and optimize your weakness,this is an essential and a given you,should always be spying on them as well,as mimicking them and also seeing,exactly what they're doing and analyzing,them overall what's up y'all Danny here,you guys know we do a free Consulting,call every single week and if you want,to get a chance to enter do these three,simple things go ahead and like this,video we put these videos out every,single week to give you guys as much,value as we can subscribe to the channel,to catch every video we put out every,single week lastly go ahead and comment,the word YouTube down below with your,biggest takeaway from this video I'll be,announcing the last winner of the,consultation somewhere in this video so,make sure to stay tuned in if you want,to find out if it was you make sure that,if you're having any questions at all,about this video or about how you can,get started on your eCommerce Journey,that you DM us the word success on,Instagram at Supreme econ sideways we,can reach out to you in any way possible,now without further Ado let's go ahead,and hop straight into it so today what,we're going to be covering is a lethal,Chrome extension called similar web and,it has tons of features that show us,competitors analytics so we can get a,sense of understanding how they are,doing so let's go ahead and hop into my,laptop so we can go ahead and see what,similar web is about alright you guys so,first thing is first we're gonna go,ahead and go to Google we're going to,type in similar web from extension we're,going to click this first one here so,after we click on that link it should,direct us to this page right here we can,actually go ahead and download it after,we have it downloaded we can actually go,ahead and go to an example store that I,have here so we can see exactly how we,can use them as a reference alright so,here we are on this example store here,that we can actually go ahead and use,similar web on so now that we have it,downloaded all we're going to go ahead,and do is we're going to go up here to,our Chrome extensions we're going to go,ahead and now enable similar web and,it's gonna go ahead and just give us our,first prompt here with some analytics so,far you're going to want to go ahead and,click on more insights so after clicking,on more insights it's actually going to,redirect us over to an actual dashboard,here where we actually have all of the,analytics that this particular website,has so first things first is actually,going to give us a total amount of,visitors that they are actually gaining,it's going to give us the global rank,country Rank and all that good stuff,there it's also going to go ahead and,tell us the device distribution to,actually see how many people who are,coming to the website from desktop or,mobile view scrolling down we have some,more overviews down here as well this,right here is is just the free version,but if you upgrade you will have access,to all of these different uh things,right here that can actually really,really help you when it comes to really,dissecting your competitor which is,actually a really great thing,um to actually incorporate right now we,are just on the free version and even on,the free version you can still find some,pretty cool things so let's go ahead and,move down to the visits over time so,here you can see that they have actually,been escalating one really cool thing,about this tool is that it actually,gives you some sites that you can,actually compare it to and on the actual,paid version the really cool thing about,it is that you can actually compare two,specific websites together so if I,wanted to compare this website let's say,with one of these up here I can actually,compare both of them and really see the,analytics that they both have in,comparison to each other scrolling down,we have some countries right here and,you can see that United States is coming,in number one alongside with Canada,United States Germany and Australia so,this really helps us understand exactly,where they are actually running their,advertisements in and which countries,actually doing their best in that,country so we now we know that they're,most likely just running ads only,towards United States rather than all of,the others so scrolling down with some,marketing channels right here it,actually goes ahead and tells us,different types of percentages of what,you're doing when it comes to running,their store you know right here we have,some organic search and people who are,actually look looking up the actual,company itself we've got some paid,searches here and so on so forth so now,you can actually go ahead and see the,full overview like I mentioned earlier I,am only on the free version right now,but if you have the paid version like I,said you are actually able to go in full,depth and really be able to dissect,competitors out so right here as well we,are actually able to see the top organic,Search terms so we we are able to really,identify exactly what terms that they,are using when it comes to their SEO it,actually allows you to change that for,you so you can Implement whatever you,want if I'm using them as a competitor,and as a reference I'm gonna most likely,be using their top searches as well when,it comes to mine on Shopify so I can,integrate that type that in there so I,can try to be up there parallel and,selling with them so right here as well,we are actually able to see the outgoing,traffic so let you know that you're a,travel plaster because right here they,have the CDN Shopify scrolling down here,as well for their social traffic we see,that they are mostly running some,Facebook ads as well as some Pinterest,ads coming in second right here and you,know a little bit of ads here as well,um but right here this really allows us,to really see exactly where they are,actually pushing and running all their,ads on based off of this dashboard right,here so now if we go ahead and click on,the similar sites tab like I mentioned,earlier you are able to see different,websites that are running their store,parallel to them so now you can even use,them as a reference and then use similar,web to actually take a look at their,analytics as well and now you're able to,compare contrast the true just like that,but if you have the pay version you can,just simply put both sides together and,it will actually compare and contrast,all their databases and everything that,they actually have just wipe it in there,for you if you do go ahead and go into,Play version you were actually able to,find more,competitors right here so making a way,back to the top up here the really cool,thing about this tool is that you can,actually pick and choose specific time,frames so you want to really see how,they were doing in just the last month,you have to go ahead and take a look at,that and then right here some new,analytics will go ahead and start,manifesting here you have the visit,duration right now they're averaging 2,minutes and 14 seconds but there's,actually a pretty long time if you go,back up here you can actually pick a,custom date that you can allocate,towards so you can take a look and see,the actual database that they have been,performing for that specific time frame,you can also go up here to worldwide and,select some countries up here as well,and but you can only do this if you're,on the actual paid version so up here if,you click on pair this is where you can,actually go ahead and use a different,store so that way you can actually go,ahead and start putting in all of their,metrics together so you can really,maximize your search result so actually,you are able to actually see your,comparison and the free plan which is,even better for us now we have to go,ahead and take a look at all the at the,ranks right here see what they're,looking like for the country ring all,that good stuff their device,distribution Rings right here their,monthly visits that both platforms are,actually getting their visit duration,times for both websites here we've got a,little comparison going down here other,directs the referrals organic search and,all that good stuff right here and it,also even gives us more references down,right here as well for different,websites that we can actually go ahead,and compare and contrast towards and,right here a little bit of compare and,contrast towards where they are actually,running their advertisements on so we,get a further insight and see how,they're actually performing on those,platforms there and that's how you can,spy on your competitors and use them for,your advantage but before we wrap this,up as you guys know every single video,we get a free Consulting call to one,lucky winner that is able to hop on a,call with one of the Supreme Ecom,members and get assistance with any help,you need on your store and with that the,winner of the free call is Samurai,congrats on winning your free call make,sure you reach out to Supreme underscore,Ecom on Instagram so we can get you,scheduled where we can cover anything,you want from Shore design team and,product research and if you want the,opportunity to win next week all you,have to do are the three things that I,mentioned at the beginning of this video,I hope you guys stay consistent and,persistent and apply the knowledge that,I give you in this video Supreme econ,wishes you nothing but success this is,Danny and I'll catch you on the next one,to get it right back stack that internet,money to the site crash stay on IG try,to get a life

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