how to enable real time shiping plugin in shopify

How to integrate Australia Post with Shopify to completely automate the order fulfilment process? ho


Updated on Mar 02,2023

How to integrate Australia Post with Shopify to completely automate the order fulfilment process?

The above is a brief introduction to how to enable real time shiping plugin in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to enable real time shiping plugin in shopify

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How to integrate Australia Post with Shopify to completely automate the order fulfilment process?

how to integrate australia post with,shopify to completely automate the order,fulfillment process,with the australia post rates and labels,app by plug-in hive you can achieve this,right within your shopify store,once you install the app it'll,automatically configure your store,location as the shipping origin you can,modify the store details if required,the next step is to configure your,australia post account credentials,login or register an account at the,australia post developer center,click on register for a key under the,shipping and tracking section,on the next screen click on the complete,registration button to proceed further,now enter the necessary details choose,the required service and enter the,account number for plug-in hive,customers choose the option yes and,select the platform as plug-in hive from,the drop-down list and proceed further,now you need to select the australian,state we'll be handling your billing,once your request is sent australia post,takes around 24 hours to accept the,application,you will receive an email containing the,account details,add the account details in the app and,save ensure that you've enabled the,production key,now your australia post account is,successfully integrated,the shipping costs for your orders are,calculated based on the total weight of,the product so it's important to,configure weight for each of the,products,if your product dimensional weight is,more than the actual weight you need to,configure the product dimensions choose,the advanced packaging option and,configure the right boxes,by default the app displays all the,applicable australia post services at,the shopify checkout page,you can choose your preferred australia,post services to display from the rates,tab,you can set the display names of the,services to show at the shopify checkout,page and control what you charge for the,australia post services by adjusting the,charges you can add or deduct a,percentage or fixed charge for any of,the services,with this the app setup is complete now,let's see how the app automates the,shipping process,add a product to the cart and proceed to,checkout the app displays real-time,australia post shipping rates for all,the available services,now let's select australia post express,post and place the order,now let's place another order but this,time let's use free shipping as the,shipping method,select the orders and generate shipping,labels,you can view both the orders in the app,dashboard here the shipping service is,set to australia post express post the,one we selected while placing the order,however for the other order placed using,free shipping the app automatically,selects australia post parcel post which,is the cheapest available shipping,service,now you can easily print shipping labels,for both the orders with a single click,once you generate the australia post,shipping labels for your orders the,tracking number is automatically updated,in the shopify order details and the,order is marked as fulfilled,the tracking number is included in the,shopify order shipped email which is,sent to the customers from the orders,status page they can click on the,australia post tracking number to view,the status of their order,now initiate the pickup request for both,the orders the package will be collected,by the australia post agent and,delivered to the customer,and there's more,the app also helps with other features,as well,you can enable insurance for each,product,enable signature on delivery option,mark the product as dangerous goods,you can categorize the products based on,the harmonization hsn code,with all these features the shopify,australia post app is the best,integrated australia post shipping app,for shopify so what are you waiting for,the complete australia post shipping,solution for your shopify store is,available at nineteen dollars per month,if you have any queries or require any,assistance in setting up the app please,reach out at forward,slash support

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