how to change shopify store theme

HOW TO CUSTOMIZE CRAVE SHOPIFY THEME | SHOPIFY CRAVE THEME hey guys welcome back to my channel and,i

Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Jan 25,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to change shopify store theme

Let's move on to the first section of how to change shopify store theme

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how to change shopify store theme catalogs


hey guys welcome back to my channel and,in today's video I am going to show you,how you can customize a creative Shopify,theme so crave is a pretty brand new,Shopify theme that has been released by,Shopify recently,and basically crave um it's a really,nice theme for food drinks a restaurant,different Services toys and games so uh,the setup is also nice it's really good,for visual storytelling and stuff like,that let's view the demo before I show,you how you can customize it as you can,see this is,um,it's a food stall,um so you can see here the images are,really good,products they're really nice the images,they're just amazing and you can have,this kind of feature where you can add,your images that pops up like some sort,of like a video-ish and stuff like that,so I'm going to show you how you can,customize the entire craft theme so,stick around until the end of this video,so you can know how to do that so,let's go um this is my Shopify,um my Shopify admin page and if I view,my store here you can see this is like a,plain,um you can see this is just an empty,um craft theme so we are going to fill,out everything in here and it is going,to look like something like this but on,this tutorial I am going to do um like a,coffee shop,so I'm going to fill out everything in,here so let's go back,so to start customizing I'm going to,click here customize,and this will take us on the,customization page,this is where we're going to,um start editing everything,so let's start on the top and this will,be an announcement tomorrow so I am,going to click that,um,and then I'm going to start editing so,if you want to live right welcome to,ours so,um or you can just say an announcement,you want to tell your customer maybe,like free shipping,free shipping on all products,on all products,okay and you can also put the color,um the color should be according to your,brand what is your brand color so this,you should be very very careful while,customizing your store because you don't,know because you don't want to mess up,all the colors,and you don't have to have like so so,many colors that you just don't want to,be attractive,um so I am going to leave accent one for,myself and then I'm gonna I'm gonna go,back so we just edited our Announcement,by section and now let's go to the,header section which is this section,um right here,let's click header so over here you can,um add your stock logo so you can click,here change and select an image and this,is where I am going to upload my logo,for my business for my computer so I'm,going to do so I'm going to click upload,an image and my logo is being uploading,and that is my logo will appear right,there and I'm going to click select and,you can also choose what is your logo,with that you want so if you want it to,be like on this uh size maybe like 80,pixel or maybe 110 100 so pick the size,that you think will be perfect for you,and you can pick where you want,um the position to be on your header,section so if you want it to be on at,the top Center top left or middle left,you can do that so I'm just going to,leave middle left and that should should,be it for that section,um then let's go back let's click save,so,um what I will give you the tip is that,having Habit to save your work,um time to time so you can save your,changes just in case if your laptop,or started to restart itself so you,won't lose uh some of the work that you,did so far,and then after that now we are going to,under a slide show we can add,um slide you can add as many slides as,you want so right here there are two,slides,so you can add if you want more slides,so now there will be three slides and,stuff like that so I'm going to click,um the first slide over there,and I am going to click change and,select an image for my first slide so I,am going to upload an image from my,computer,so the first image is uploading and that,is so that is the first cover that I'll,be selling on my stove,and if you're happy with that image you,can click select and then after that,let's go back now we can we can change,the heading of this section here so,let's put a,larger,let's put like like your legs or let's,put,um,flavor,um let's put,naturally,naturally flavor,okay and over here you can pick the size,of your header so if you want it to be,medium or you want it to be small you,can do that if you want them to be large,you can do that but I think medium is,looking great,and over here now on subheading uh which,is this one here you can actually tell,your brand about about this flavor so,I'm going to say um tell your brand,about this product,about this product,and why they should buy it okay,so you can do that and then on the,bottom level here this is is your call,to action so you can either leave it as,button level or you can uh you can type,like by now this is one of the call to,action,um,and then after that you can put the link,over here so this button here can be,active so either if you want to click,the collection products and stuff like,that so I'm going to click collection,and I'm going to put like uh all,collection for now,and then if you want to use the outline,button style like that you can do that,or if you don't want you can just take,it out and it is going to be like that,so the color is going to be the same as,that one so it's really important to,match,um the colors and not having like so,much color for your brand okay so this,should be good for now on that section,so let's go back,um so that is our first slide we can add,another slide so,let's click here uh image slide and we,can add another slide so let's select an,image and I'm going to upload another,image okay and the image is uploading,right now,I'm going to click select and again,um,we can type uh the image we can type the,The Heading,so I'm going to type here,um,um,then the type of this coffee and I'm,going to leave the heading as the medium,um,and then my subheading again here you,can tell your customer about a story,about this brand image and stuff like,that and the button level again I'm,going to type,um,by now,and then I am going to put the product,and I'm going to link that over there,and I can take out the outline and that,should be good I'm going to click save,so let's go back over here so now we,have,um we have two different slides,so if you want to have more slides you,can click here add slide and you can,have here it shows we're gonna have four,different slides and if you don't want,to have this slide you can just click,the I icon next to the,image slide and now we're gonna have two,slides and if you want this slide to be,the first one pretty much you can um,you can click these six dot over here,and you can drag it up and this image,should be the first one and,the second image will be this one so I'm,going to drag this out back because I,want that to be the first one okay,so that should be good from there so now,what we are going to do we are going to,add featured products and different,products in here and as well as,collection so you really can't add,different products from here and,collection we're gonna have to go back,behind on um on the Shopify admin page,there and start adding all the products,and collection so let's save the work,from here and then let's go back on the,Shopify admin page which is this one and,over here where it says product when you,click that you can see here you can add,your product collection you can also see,how many inventories you have and stuff,like that so,this is a brand new store and we don't,have any products as of yet so I am,going to click here add your product so,I am going to click add product and this,is the product page,um is going to look like this so I'm,going to start by giving the title,description I'm going to put the medium,uh the price and all the important,information I won't go into too much,detail on this tutorial but I will link,up all the videos on this channel on how,to add different uh products so make,sure you click the link will be up on,this section here so click that so you,can know how to add your products and,what kind of really good information and,details you need to know on your product,page so the first thing I'm going to add,um here I'm going to put the name of the,product and then I am going to um write,the description,so I'm going to put,um those,um description about the product and,then after that I am going to add,pictures for this product so I'm going,to click add file and the file will be,I'll get the file from my computer okay,so that is my first product and then,um I'm going to put this coffee beans on,12.99,and the cost price for this coffee was,four dollars,um so the cost price it's really,important to put the cost cost per item,and the selling price so you can know,your profit margin if your profit margin,is from above,um it's from 50 percent then,um you are going to make profit but if,it's below your margin is below 50 then,you'll be making a loss on your business,so,after that you can put you want to track,the quantity of this product or if you,want to continue selling while your,product is out of stock you can pick,that but I really recommend you to track,your quantity if you're not confident,enough like if you're sold out if you're,not sure if you'll be able to,um restock this product really quickly,and over here you can add how many,locations do you have,um selling this product you can add them,over there if you don't have many,locations you can just leave it empty,and if this is a physical product make,sure this box is selected because you'll,be providing shipping but if you're,offering like online services then you,really don't have to select shipping,because you won't be shipping anything,so and then over here we can create um,different options,so I'm gonna pick,um I'm going to pick the option name as,material and this is the,the bin,okay and then I'm going to click done,and for the variant section,um I'm going to put how many quantities,do I have of this one so I'm just gonna,put a 20,and then we go back here on the product,started status so pretty much over here,you're going to select if you want this,to be a draft that it won't be,um it won't be live when your store is,launched,or you want it to be active so it can be,active once your store is public and,then you have how many over and then on,this section here it shows how many,channels do you have on your store so,there is an online store and Facebook so,all your channel will be shown here,um if you're selling on Tick Tock,Pinterest uh Instagram,Etc and then you can select what kind of,what type of product is this so I am,going to type here,um I'm going to call it a custom one and,this is,um,this is a drink,and then it's optional to put a binder,and it's option to put your collection,but if you want you can just select the,home page and on the tags so the tags,they're really important this will helps,you to know,um what that kind of product is this and,if even customer visited you still they,will know how to find this product on,your stuff so the first tag I'm going to,put here coffee,so I'm going to add coffee,uh,I'm going to add dark Bean I'm going to,add dark,coffee,so make sure you put a relevant,information and relevant tags and that,should be good so I didn't go into too,much detail to explain everything in,here but make sure to watch that video,that I will link it up somewhere on top,here make sure to click that so you can,know what does the product page really,really means okay so after everything,click save and then it's gonna getting,saved and Shopify will tell us,congratulation you have added your first,product so let's go back so now you can,see we have our first product,so I'm going to add more products,I am going to follow the same process,that I did when adding this product over,here and then when I'm done I'll come,back and we can go to the next step so,now I'm done adding more products,and I did the same step as I did when I,was showing you the different products,um,I think I forgot to add quantities in,here,so I'm going to add quantities okay,so basically I followed the same process,that I showed you when I added the first,product,so the Second Step that we're going to,do we are going to create collections so,collection also,um this is the collection page and by,default uh Shopify is giving us a,homepage as the first collection so we,can start creating our collections so,I'm going to click create collection and,this is the collection page is going to,be looking like this again I'm going to,link a different Shopify video that I,showed in detail how to create different,two types of collection there is a,manual collection and automated,collection,I would recommend you to use um,automated collection this way you can,use different condition,to add your products or anytime you add,a similar product like this you can just,put,um conditions either if you're looking,you're using product tag product blender,product title price weight Etc that,product can be added automatic,automatically but if you're using manual,this is going to take so much time,you're gonna have to add one product,each time so yeah so the first product,that I am going to do here I am going to,add the title the title of this,collection so I'm going to write Coffee,Bean,and it's optional to add a description,and then over here I'm going to use I'm,going to select tags and I'm going to,click any condition and the first,condition should be,um dark main I'm going to add another,condition here,I'm going to put bin okay,and then after that I am going to click,add image for this collection so I'm,going to click an image and I'll take,the image from my computer okay now,that's the image I'm going to after,everything everything should be good and,then I'm going to click save,foreign,so this is how you can create your first,um collection so if you want to know,more in detail how to,add different collection with,um,with all those two different methods,make sure to watch that video I'm going,to link it up up here as well so I'm,going to add another collection and when,I'm done adding all the collection I'll,get back to you guys so now I'm done,adding all the collection so first we,added all the products these are our,products and then collection so this,should be good to go now let's go back,to our online store click online store,and this will take us on the theme page,and then click customize and this will,take us back on our customization page,and if we scroll down we can see some of,our products are here already they have,been added automatic so,what we're going to do next we are going,to,um,edit the featured collection here so,let's edit the header and we can add,uh our best selling,our best selling coffee,and then let's click save that should be,good,let's go back now let's edit,um,the multimedia calling so over here,we're going to add collections so let's,click the first collection and we're,going to add collection so we have curl,my column coffee so I'm going to select,that and that should be added over there,let's go back let's add another,collection,and this time we are going to add coffee,bag beans,and then let's click select,let's go back let's add another,collection,and over here let's add,um call me coffee,um no let's add,um soft cough,okay let's add Coffee Bean and then,let's click select and that should be,good for now let's click save,and then let's go back so again here,um,Let's uh click here,and then let's edit the,The Heading let's type,like Julius,flavor,let's click save,and then let's go back,so now we are going to add another page,here,products with the image with text so,pretty much this is a section where you,can add,um,a product and then you can tell a story,about it so your soul should be really,good to attract customer,um to buy that product from you,so I am going to click here,and then we're going to click select,image and I am going to upload an image,from my computer,and the image is up wording,and then let's click select,so now what we're going to do we are,going to edit,um,okay so the image should be good and,then let's go back so the next thing we,are going to edit,um the image with text so over here,let's click that and we're going to edit,this,um section here,so,where's type,actual flavor,okay and then let's go back,and then,and then after that,um over here you can edit the text so,you can talk about this product why,people should buy this um syrup and,stuff like that and then let's go back,and now we're here on the pattern so we,can add the call to action you can edit,and you can type buy now,right now so this is your call to action,and you can either,link your collection or products I'm,going to link all the collection so you,can link The Collection so I'm going to,click collection and I am going to type,here Chrome like coffee and that will,link,um all of this so and then I'm going to,click save so when the customer click,here it will take them on this,collection here,so now let's go back you can see our,website is all coming in together,now what we are going to do on the email,signup page here so you can tell your,customer to subscribe to your email at,least,um so you can click that and you can,edit or you can just leave it like that,um and then let's go back and then you,can also edit your uh textures for,example this one say be the first to,know about new collection and exclusive,exclusive of um offers so if this is,good you can just live it,um,and then what we can do next,um this is the section where your,customer can put their,um their email and subscribe in your,store,so um this that should be good and now,we are here with the image with text,again as I said before this is a really,good theme for telling stories and stuff,like that so let's tap here,um we can select an image like what do,we want to talk about it so now we can,talk about the coffee beans so we can uh,edit,um,we can edit the heading of that,and then let's go back,um let's add an image select image that,and don't forget to click select,then let's go back and then on the text,here this is where you're going to tell,your customer about this coffee bean,tell them a little bit of sorry and why,they should buy it and stuff like that,okay so let's go back so now everything,is coming in really good together so on,the mult column section here you can,either add if you are,um your store has been featured,somewhere or if you have like the best,review from your customer you can do,that so I'm going to click that,and,um,I am going to put a heading here,you can type in,a base review,or you can type,what customers,say about us,about us so we can just,um put the,the review,so I'm going to type here customer,one and this should be the review you,can type you can put there the review or,if you have any link you want to link,maybe a page that shows the review or,you can put the product and stuff like,that you can do that,but I'm just gonna leave it empty like,that and then I am going to type here,customer too so this will be our,customer number two and then I'm going,to type another here,customer three and this will be a,customer number three review so you can,pick what you want to say there exactly,or what you want to put over there so,you can add more of them but three,should be good it looks nice and clean,so I'm just gonna click the I think and,it's gonna hide that so the last section,is over here,um this is the photo menu section I am,going to link uh the video again up here,on how you can customize your footer,menu also your main menu over here that,video is talking about that so how you,want to customize your photo menu main,menu I will link that video as well over,there so on the photo menu section here,over here you can add um different links,like maybe like about us,um contact us,um store policies refund policy shipping,policy and stuff like that you can also,add your payment gateways down here and,um many other information that you want,your customers to know so I won't go,into detail about this section here but,I will leave the link down up here and,as well as on the comment section,I mean on as well as on the description,section so you can know how to customize,your footer menu and add all the links,from there,and then on the theme settings over here,or when you click colors you can edit,colors about your store so if you want,you don't want the solid color like this,you can edit that accent colors and,everything else so pretty much that is,how you can customize,um accribe them on your Shopify so it's,so easy to customize and adding all the,products so I hope you guys liked,today's tutorial,um let's click save and also let's go,back now let's click uh online store,here and view how our store is actually,looking like and as you can see here,this is how our store is looking like we,have all our bits selling coffee,um the base Collections and stuff like,that the website looks really really,nice and clean so let's say if we click,on this product here you can see this is,the picture of the product we have the,price the quantity the add to cut the,call to action that they have to buy now,now I'm the product detail and stuff,like that,and stuff like that so yeah guys this is,how you can customize your um,um you are Crab theme the process is,very easy and very simple I hope you,like today's tutorial if you do leave me,a comment Down Below on the comment,section don't forget to subscribe on my,channel and like this video and I'll see,you guys on the next video

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