how to edit footer on shopify

HOW TO EDIT MENU ITEMS ON SHOPIFY | MAIN MENU | FOOTER MENU hey guys happiness here welcome back to,

Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Feb 02,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to edit footer on shopify

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hey guys happiness here welcome back to,my channel and in today's video we are,going to look at main menus and the,footer menu i am going to tell you what,they are what they should include,and how you can edit them to fit your,business so main menu are a group of,different clickable links that helps,your customer to navigate your store,easily and find what they are looking,for and each of these clickable links,they are called main menus so basically,a main menu,so with main menu you will find it on,top of your stove and the photo menu you,will find it at the bottom of your stove,and this will depend with what kind of,theme you are using some of the theme,you'll find your main menu on your side,of your stone so if you want to know how,to create your photo menu and main menu,or how to edit them or what to include,on your photo menu and the main menu,make sure you stay around until the end,of this video so you can know how to do,that and before i jump into this,tutorial please don't forget to give me,a big big thumbs up subscribe on my,channel for more tutorial like this and,leave me a comment down below to let me,know what do you think about today's,tutorial and without further ado let's,jump in today's video so i am going to,show you a demo for urban outfitters,though,i'm gonna show you their main menu,and so this is their website so,basically menus are a group of clickable,links that helps customer navigate,through your stores,and the main menu basically consists of,different pages and collection and you,can find your main menu up here so as,you can see on the urban outfitters,this is their main menu they have,women's mains home lifestyle beauty and,cell so that is the main menu and all of,them they are clickable links um so for,example if you click here on the woman's,the website will take you straight to,the woman's section,so they are all the clickable links like,all of them so most of the store they,have main menu at the top up here but,some of them they have their menus on,their left hand side on this side here,so instead of having a main menu here,they have a main menu on this side here,so placement and style of your main menu,is determined by your store theme so,before you decide on a theme of like,what kind of theme you want to use for,your store um,make sure that the themes that you,picked is gonna be great or it's gonna,work for your business so that's the,main menu there is also a photo menu,which is located,uh down on your store here,so,again this is urban outfitters website,and the footer menu is here so footer,menu is located down here and you can,find different things like uh really,good information like shipping or,retirement exchange uh the payments,frequently asked question the contact,ads,um even careers so many things you can,find on the footer menu so let's go back,to shopify admin page and i am going to,show you how to,um,create your main menu so i'm going to,show you how to create your main menu,like this,um for example here let me view my,online store,so this is my coffee shop store and by,default when you start customizing your,shopify store,uh by default shopify will give you like,a home a catalog and contact as your,main menu section,and on the footer menu there is only one,which is search so i am going to show,you how you can add different,menu items just like how alban,outfitters did here,so basically my shop is about coffee um,essentials so i am going to customize my,stove through that but all these steps,that i'm going to show you you can use,to all kind of themes or kind of store,that you're running so let's go to our,shopify admin page and click online,store,and then go to navigation,so once you get here on navigation,you'll see you have two different menus,there is a footer menu and main menu so,i am going to start showing you how you,can customize your main menu and then i,will do the footer but all the steps,that you're going to do on customizing,your main menu you can do the same thing,with the footer menu so let's click main,menu so this is the main menu page and,if you're just getting started with,menus,then your main menu will already have,two default main menus,uh i mean three default,then your main menu will already have,three different,default menu items,so the first is titled as home and this,links to your store home page and the,second is titles as catalog so when you,click catalogs,you go to a page that lists all your,products,let's view my store here so this is the,home,so it will only show what my homepage,looks like and on my catalog it will,show only what um my products are,looking like like all the products that,are available in my store so to add a,new menu item click add main menu here,so click add menu items,and type in the name of your menu item,that you want so i'm going to start by,typing cups,after you name your menu items click the,link text field here,and select the pre-existing page or,collection that you want the menu item,to be linked to so if you don't have any,pages or collection created yet then,click down below on the,then click out the link in the,description for the videos on those,topics,i showed i showed you guys how to create,different collection on your shopify,store so check that out so you can know,how to do that,um so i'm going to click collection,and i'm going to add my,cups i'm going to add the link of all,cups,so i'm going to put coffee cups,okay and then i'm going to click add,so now my first menu has been added i'm,going to add another menu,um i'm going to call this a spoon,and then i'm going to click collection,and i am going to put all my coffee,spoons and click add so you can add as,many menu items as you want so i'm gonna,add another one,uh,i'm gonna type,coffee holder,and then,collection,and coffee holders,so this is how you can do you can add as,many,um,as many,items as you want now let's click save,after adding all our main menu items,that we want and let's go back here and,refresh our store and see if,our main menu has been added already so,we are going to expect our main menu to,appear up here,so now you can see here our main menu,item has been added so so far we have,cups spoons and coffee holder and when,you click this menu that you added,they'll take you straight to the cup,section spoon section and coffee holder,so let me click cups and you can see,here i have all my cups,and spoon that is my spoon collection,and coffee holder that is my coffee,holder collection it is also possible to,create sub-categories in your menus,using um drop-down menu items just like,on the album outfitters they have like,different main menu they have women's,men's home but they have a drop down,menu so on the women's section they have,all different categories like dresses,rompers tops cuts etc same goes to the,main menu of main section it has uh,different drop down menus um all their,tops jeans,vintage active wear etc lifestyle and,things like that so if you want to know,how to create those drop-down menus on,your main menu um,watch the next video in this series to,learn how to create those drop-down,menus now let's go back to our shopify,admin page um you can also edit items,that are already existing in your main,menu,so for example let's edit um the catalog,to do that let's click edit,and we can edit the name of our catalog,and we can type all products,and then after,put after editing your menu click apply,changes and don't forget to click save,so we can save the items,now let's refresh our page and see,now instead of having catalog we have,all products and if we click that we can,see all our products that we have in our,store,you can also change the order of your,menu items by um clicking these six dots,here and you can drag the menu item so,let's say,uh how this is how it's appeared right,now like we have home all products,contact cap spoon um coffee holder,so we can click these six dots here and,drag the contact all the way down,and we can put um,let's say we should drag like coffee,holder up there,cups and then spoons and,click save,let's go back to our store and refresh,the page now you can see here,our main menu has been updated the,contact has been moved all the way to,the end we have cuff holder cups and,spoon so that is how you can create,these different main menus on your,shopify store so let's talk about footer,menu so creating your footer menu the,process will be the same,so the only thing you have to do is just,go back,and let's click for the menu so the,footer menu also has um a default menu,called search and it links to the search,bar for your store,so,this is the search,menu here when you click that and it,will take you on the search page and you,can do your searching there and find,results,so to do that you're going to do the,same step that i showed you when we were,adding different pages for,um,for the main menu so you'll do that by,clicking add menu items,and here you can start creating a page,like,contact us,and then you can link your page here,so now we are going to link a page,so you will click pages here,and click contact,and click add,okay,and then click save so let's view how,our footer menu is going to look like so,far we have only search we don't have,contact as we just added contact as,so to do that let's refresh up and here,we are we have our contact as,on the footer menu so if we click,contact us,it will take us straight to the contact,as page where your customer will put,their name their email address phone,number and type the message they want,you to know about,their issue or their questions and then,click send,so that is how you can customize your,photo menu section,and in here you can add different menus,um,like maybe like,about us etc so like about us,so these are like pages oops,so like,about us and you can click on the link,here,and click the page and if you have,created pages your pages will all appear,here,now on this tutorial i'm not going to,show you how to create different pages i,will i will leave the link down below on,the description where i have another,tutorial that i showed you how you can,customize your footer menu in detail and,create different,uh and create different pages that you,can link them on your photo menu,okay,so that's it guys for today's tutorial,and if you like this video leave me a,big big thumbs up subscribe on my,channel for more tutorial like this,and leave me a comment down below and,let me know what what do you think about,today's tutorial or if you have any,question let me know down below on the,comment section,and i'll see you guys on the

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