how to do free shipping over $75 on shopify

Shopify - How to configure free shipping over an amount but this video is a quick video I,decided to

The Shopify Chick

Updated on Feb 10,2023

Shopify - How to configure free shipping over an amount

The above is a brief introduction to how to do free shipping over $75 on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to do free shipping over $75 on shopify

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how to do free shipping over $75 on shopify catalogs

Shopify - How to configure free shipping over an amount

but this video is a quick video I,decided to put together due to a,question that Nadia posted in the group,and this video will show you how to,offer a free plus shipping product in,your Shopify store and in this case,we're wanting to offer a product with,free shipping,that's over a specified amount in a,Nadia's case if it's over $100 she's,wanting to offer free shipping so um,quick note someone mentioned earlier,that well there is a video that I,recorded last week where I'm showing how,to use Shopify and try celery to,accomplish something similar and,understand there's so many different,ways to accomplish things using Shopify,and in some cases it makes sense to use,Shopify in some cases it may make sense,to integrate a third-party application,it's just contingent upon what it is,that you're wanting to do so in this,video we're going to use Shopify to do,that,so let me jump on in so here I'm,starting off on my homepage and,basically there's two areas that you're,going to focus on you're gonna focus on,the product page or the product,configuration and then you're going to,focus on shipping so if I jump into,products you'll see that I already have,three products Kirk created and they're,just demo products one for free shipping,paid shipping and regular shipping the,one we're going to focus on today is,free shipping so you want to make sure,that for the product that you create are,the products that you're wanting to,offer free shipping on you want to make,sure that you have a price that reflects,the amount for which you want free,shipping to apply and in this case I set,the price of this t-shirt very expensive,at $100 okay,so I'm going to jump over into my,settings and go to shipping and right,now I don't have any shipping zones set,up and that's what we're going to walk,through now so you want to click on edit,and we're going to do a price based,rates and I'm only shipping to the,United States and then we're going to,click on Add rate and I'm just going to,call this my free shipping offer the,minimum order has to be $100 right and,then I'm going to set a maximum order at,let's say $499 and then I'm going to say,free shipping so you want to make sure,that you click this free shipping rate,okay click done make sure I click Save,and then I am going to go back to my,store so I'm gonna refresh any day now,okay and then I'm going to click on my,shirt for $100 I'm going to add it to my,cart checkout and voila shipping is free,ok so this is how you add free shipping,on products that's over $100

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