how to delete featured collections on home page on shopify

Shopify how to remove price from collection page and featured section homepage on brooklyn theme hel

Shopify How To

Updated on Mar 11,2023

Shopify how to remove price from collection page and featured section homepage on brooklyn theme

The above is a brief introduction to how to delete featured collections on home page on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to delete featured collections on home page on shopify

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how to delete featured collections on home page on shopify catalogs

Shopify how to remove price from collection page and featured section homepage on brooklyn theme

hello guys today question comes from,Nick on the Shopify forum he asked need,to remove prices on collection featured,akira using the brooklyn theme so let me,show you the end result first here in,the featured products beside the title,of each product there's no more price we,still have it on on the product page and,i also removed it on the catalog or,collection page as you can see no more,price beside the title so let's see how,we can do it so here's how the standard,brooklyn team will look like you have,the featured collection you have the,featured products with the prices beside,them and in the collection or catalog,page you will have basically the same,thing so let's go and find where those,prices are and remove them so go to your,admin panel online store themes and,obviously we're working with with,Brooklyn so just click on the three dots,over here on the right edit HTML and CSS,so let's assume we want to do the,featured products first so we're gonna,be looking for something called featured,products go in the snippets just click,on it,and you will see here featured products,so again click on it you can read this,but you don't need to just scroll a,little bit down you'll see over here,product great college collage sorry,it's including this snippet so then we,have to go and find this snippet again,and it will be right here so click on it,then again if you scroll on it you can,read it but this one also calls another,snippet which is the product grade item,so that's our final destination just,click on it this is actually the snippet,that will generate it the title the,price the images so now what we'll do is,do a search ctrl or command F to search,in just search price the one that,interests us will be right here line 61,we have product price product that price,so instead of removing it I recommend,you to comment it and the way to comment,in HTML will be like this,I will comment this one here also this,is if you have if your price varies so,you have from $20 to $50 this will also,show a price so let's comment that out,out also just in case okay don't forget,to click Save let's go take a look if we,refresh this price is gone one little,thing that I don't like is the - so,let's remove it it will be right over,here long - so again comment it out,save refresh and that's it so in this,case collection page use the same,snippet as as on the home page so the,prices are really gone from there also,let's assume it's not the case you will,have to go and search as with it for for,the featured product so if you go to,templates collection you see here it's,including collection template so let's,go see the snippet collection template,if we scroll Scroll scroll here product,grade College College and then we go,back exactly to what we had before this,will point to the grade item and this is,exactly where we did it now,one extra tip or changes if you want,let's assume for whatever reason you,want to remove the price on the product,it's just going one of the products so,for whatever reason you want to not show,a price you will have to go in templates,product and again let's do a search for,price,if we have compared price this is the,one that it will show so this let's,comment out compared price it's when,something is in sale if we refresh here,so in this case it didn't work we can,still see the price so then what I will,do is just go back sorry,go back and comment the span just above,next to that so remove what we try to,comment and let's try this one above,okay and then so this here is this this,is the regular price when you have,something in special in my case it was,at $4.99 so $4.99 that's the regular,price and this will be what the current,price is so let's remove this let's,comment this out,and click save refresh and Bofur gun so,don't forget search for it and look for,whatever is with price in it like,product camper price current variant,price or just product that price as we,side earlier and product red product,price right here so if you have a search,if you have in the blog wherever you,have at just search for whatever is in,product price and comment it out thank,you that's it if you have any other,questions let me know you can use the,comments below it will be my pleasure

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