how to customize my theme on shopify 2016

How to customize a shopify theme the default theme hey guys good evening good evening and,welcome t

The Prince Of Ecom

Updated on Feb 24,2023

How to customize a shopify theme the default theme

The above is a brief introduction to how to customize my theme on shopify 2016

Let's move on to the first section of how to customize my theme on shopify 2016

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how to customize my theme on shopify 2016 catalogs

How to customize a shopify theme the default theme

hey guys good evening good evening and,welcome to another video finished,generally kind of Shopify guy it's been,awhile since I've actually done a video,for you guys and I did promise you to,show you how to set up the default theme,that Shopify comes with that's a launch,pad star and this will be a quick theme,setup now we're going to go on the,assumption that um you guys have already,set up your relevant pages your,navigation and well your background the,background our first store so we're,going to theme so from online store,going to themes and if you haven't,already done a theme which we've already,done one for the store survival a theme,this is a minimum and you'll find that,the launch pad starts actually quite,similar to the minimal theme it's a few,minor differences but let's see if we,can so looks like so this is what the,launch pad star looks like currently the,default Shopify theme scrapland beer and,now we're going to customize that theme,and the first thing you'd want to do is,set up your homepage so the first is a,slider section to let your featured,collection on section 3 some featured,products and section 4 are not gonna,have any featured page content if you,want you could write a welcome page or,stuff like that and have it show up on,your page but as you see um when we set,up the the sections things start popping,up on the site just gonna see if changes,here next we're going to go back and,we're gonna do the header section when I,use a custom logo,and let's go to dekstop and we're gonna,use our survival Edith Logan nice pink,Arbuckle clapping looks better to me,maybe your logo should be in PNG format,so that it shows up like this clear nice,okay and here at the top ask if you'd,like to align the logo to the left I,like keeping my logo to the left keep on,menu to the right if you want you could,have the main menu below the logo look a,bit like this and you could Center it,like that as I said I like having my,menu and melago in line could also,remove lines in the header so this line,here could take it all by this in that,we can add a custom favicon or a favicon,by shrinking this to a 32 times started,to image and then uploading it here,won't be doing that and here's a top bar,message you could use this as a,promotional message you could use it,like a tagline anything issues and know,that we are great with our logo just a,save that,next we're gonna go back to the setup,and insert the slideshow so we're just,going to use one slide just the first,one and we already meet backdrop for it,on canva remember use to,create your custom backdrops and your,ads and stuff like that and hit open,so we're watching as this side comes,alive,all right now we need to add a URL our,link URL to the backdrop make it,clickable so we could just copy and,paste the catalog link and for all the,catalog and paste it here you should,give it a text this helps it on Google,and ranking in the search engines,and save,so the search is coming together quite,nicely no max we're gonna set up our,future collections and we want priests,top kids,OOP,and the kids seem to have more FM,tickets sweatin on both floors one row,is fine can show the head in if you like,all right good remove it,a whole page featured products,save that scroll back think it might,look a little bit better with the,featured product being in the middle off,all right,next we are going to go to the product,page is light box,flat light box show quantity select some,quantity select are you want the term,nails to be below the image and you want,to any of related products so you just,leave everything as is collection page a,neighbor collection certain shows sold,out circle say circle this is all good,or we want to keep any appetite,searching unchecked and cartridge I want,to know what we want to enable are the,notes just in case they have something,to say to you and you don't want to,stand a coin,Beedrill the anthem is added onto the,cart checkout we're not going to use a,custom background but we are going to,use a custom image,we're going to brew custom,main content area no custom button,background custom image we can change,the colors of the buttons so forth but,see nazar we're dealing with first year,button color is fine,and let's save here,and we are almost done here see nice,quick and easy setup and let's do the,photo so we are not going to show the,blog in the photo it tends to be a,little bit messy we are going to show,the photo menu first photo mania is,illegal is we want to show an additional,menu if you've created one and I like to,show my customer service men you can see,comes alive here quick links about those,customer service social media icons are,nice so can follow us everywhere on,Twitter Facebook Pinterest and Instagram,and contact information as well as,newsletter sign,so it looks,Salah less cluttered and in so for side,but this is what your site would look,like from my contact text,Oh,let's use how,our better support,all right,and that's it,just like that your Launchpad star theme,has been set up customized and is fully,working so let's go back here there we,can check the Add to Cart section let's,select this product do this product,silly in the description you have the,share buttons images under the main pick,let's add it to our cart,check out,see here's our logo again nice and,professional all the way through and we,could go through and complete this check,out all right guys,that has been it remember if you haven't,got a Shopify account yet there is no,time to spare,now is the time to go ahead and get one,if for any reason you need to contact me,like for instance if you wish to have,your store developed you could do so,through Facebook,my name is Kevon Harris on Facebook,that's JAV o and H a our our is my email,address will be under this video and,remember there will be a link to sign up,to Shopify you get a 14 day free trial,don't hesitate today is the day to start,watch the videos on on finding your,niche and get started remember if you,put it off that's at the data that it,will take you to make your first dollar,online

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