how to create nested menus in shopify

Create nested menus in Shopify (and more than 3 levels deep) good morning this is a short screencast


Updated on Feb 28,2023

Create nested menus in Shopify (and more than 3 levels deep)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create nested menus in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create nested menus in shopify

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how to create nested menus in shopify catalogs

Create nested menus in Shopify (and more than 3 levels deep)

good morning this is a short screencast,explaining how to set up shopify,navigation so there are a couple of,different methods for nesting menu items,inside software navigation if i open up,my menus here i've got a vanilla store i,haven't really configured anything,inside the store yet so all i'm doing is,just,experimenting with the navigation,first up,you'll notice there is this main menu,this tends to be the pivot menu for,for most of the things,in the site and generally when people,are creating menus what i've noticed is,that store owners will go to the main,menu and they'll start creating their,menu items here which is a completely,acceptable way of doing it so i'm going,to start creating a few menu items these,are going to become the basis for my,categories and i'm just going to link,them all to the home page for now,because this is just a demonstration,normally i would link them through to,collections and create a proper category,hierarchy but for now we're just going,to go with um with something basic so,i'll create one for photography i'll,create one for,technology,and,it needs to have a link so let's just,again sign that to the home page um and,then one more in here,for,um,mobile phones,so with those three items i put them all,in at the root level and if i save this,and go back to the,categories uncomplicated app so i'll,just jump into,apps categories uncomplicated,and in this tab i'll leave the,navigation open,so in here i've got a view of my,categories so far and these categories,are based on,uh that menu navigation the shopify,navigation now it absolutely doesn't,matter,whether the categories i'm using are,going to be used as part of categories,uncomplicated or breadcrumbed and,complicated it really doesn't matter,which of the uncomplicated apps you're,using they all work in the same way when,it comes to shopify navigation so here,if i refresh the category list i'm not,going to save it you'll notice that the,category list on the left hand side here,will update,and here we can see the uh the new menu,items have been created now what i've,got is a very flat list here and if i,were to create a big store with perhaps,40 or 50 categories in it um it would,very quickly become unmanageable because,they're all in one list what i want to,be able to do is nest those categories,underneath one,so if i go back into my navigation back,into my main menu,the easiest possible way is,to simply drag these items so if i say,that underneath technology i want to,place mobile phones i drag the item,and when i drag it in you notice how,here it's got the little blue circle on,the left hand side right up against the,left hand edge that's the,the menu items led for these,these first level categories if i drag,it in it indents so now if i let that go,it's actually put mobile phones as a sub,item of technology,or so it's added this option so that i,can add more sub items of technology so,if i click a new menu item in here and,call say computers under technology as,well for now again just linking to the,home page,click add,and crucially save,then this will now save this menu with,fewer first level categories and instead,some second level categories if i go,back to my store,i refresh,you'll notice here that i have a,password protected store which is why,it's asking me for the storefront,password when i'm refreshing if i had a,normal store it would just have a,refresh button here on the right hand,side but now in our category list you,can see over here on the right hand side,i've got some nested menu items,and this is a very effective method i,can continue to create these nested menu,items um perhaps i want to say that,under mobile phones i want to have,smartphones so i'll create a menu item,for smartphones,home page ad,i can drag that,in as well so that it indents in there,so now i've got smartphones underneath,mobile phones,perhaps in here i want to have,smart watches under mobile phones i,suppose the smart watch isn't,technically a mobile phone but for the,sake of this this demonstration it will,do and the same pattern i can follow so,if i click save i go back to my store,i click refresh again,tell it to another save that i don't,need to remember that password,then it's going to refresh the category,list and on the right hand side we're,going to see,three levels of nesting so first level,categories second level categories,mobile phones and computers and third,level categories,now if i go back into my store and i,create um,another menu item,perhaps something like uh iphones,or maybe,iphones,and again for now i'll link that to the,home page add,then i can drag that but notice how it,won't go in it goes gray so when i drag,it around normally it's blue and that,allows me to reposition it when i'm,actually trying to drag it in though to,indent it underneath smartphones it,doesn't work,and that's because there is a limitation,within this,menu system that shopify have designed,that only allows you to have um these,three levels of categories so first,level categories second level categories,like mobile phones and computers and,third level categories when i tried to,create this fourth level of category it,won't do it,but this is not the only way in which we,can create categories so what i'm going,to do is i'm going to delete that menu,item,i'm going to just check that i've saved,my menu it doesn't need saving because,it's it's in a state that it was before,so it's already been saved um,and i'm going to return to the top level,navigation page,so we've currently got two menus and,it's our main menu that has many nested,items in it remember in that main menu,one of those nested items was called,smartphones,what i'm going to do now is i'm going to,create a new,menu,so i'm creating a new top level menu,here and i'm going to give this menu the,name,smartphones notice how this name is,exactly the same as the menu item from,that other menu,because it's exactly the same if i show,you uh that is not exactly the same that,is not exactly the same that is not,exactly the same that is not exactly the,same it has to be exactly the same but,if it is exactly the same shopify will,treat it as a link between the two so,here i've got a menu called smartphones,i can add a menu item in here to say,iphones as i did before,i can add that i can add a menu item in,here to say,android phones,again i'll link that to the home page,and add,and now if i save that menu,we'll go back to shopify navigation and,we will have an extra menu so we've got,our main menu which is the one we've,been working in up to this point and,we've got the smartphones menu which uh,is a little satellite menu,the nice thing though about this is that,because our main menu has an item in,here smartphones which exactly matches,the name of another menu title,when we go back into our app,and refresh it,then what we're going to see on the,right hand side here is a fourth level,of menu item and this is the mechanism,by which we can extend shopify beyond,the limitations of that,that first screen we looked at that uh,uh menu um that nested menu creator,so what we've got here is our first,level categories like photography and,technology we've got second level,categories mobile phones computers and,then we've got a third level um which we,had before smartphones and smart watches,but now our fourth level iphones and,android phones and that fourth level is,only enabled by the fact that we created,a smartphone's menu,the nice thing about this too is that if,i go into smartphones i can carry on,nesting in here so within android phones,if i want to create a category dedicated,to,samsung i'll create that,and then drag that in i've got normal,nesting characteristics so here we have,samsung android phones i might also want,to create a link in here,for sony android phones,and click save menu,so this is still the same smartphones,menus we had before it's got a little,bit more to it now because it too has,some,first level categories phones and,iphones and android phones and now we've,added in here second level categories,samsung and sony when i go back to the,store,and i refresh this,then what we're going to see now is as,well as having our first second third,and fourth menu items we've also got,fifth level menu items namely samsung,and sony so first level second level,third level fourth level fifth level and,using this pattern um we're able to use,shopify navigation to create multiple,levels of navigation so i hope you has,been clear we've talked about two,different ways there of creating,menu items the easiest simplest way of,creating the menu items and nesting,those menu items to start with is to,simply create them all inside a single,menu when you want to take it,beyond the limitations of this widget,then you can do that by creating a menu,item,with the exact same name as,a menu title and by having that we can,then create further levels of navigation,so i hope that's been useful if you have,any questions um please click get,support in the app,and i wish you the best of luck with the,store

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