how to create a wishlist on shopify



Updated on Mar 19,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to create a wishlist on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a wishlist on shopify

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hey welcome back graduates so today i'm,going to be teaching you how to add,another amazing uh converting feature to,your store and it's a wish list now a,lot of you are using apps which they're,great you know they allow your customers,to add things to an item and you know,purchase later but if you haven't,noticed apps do cause load on your store,i do believe shopify is you know has,been working hard to try to optimize,apps but they still cause excessive load,to your store and you just you should,just honestly add the feature to your,store,you know have it developed into your,theme or follow this awesome video to,edit yourself um so anyways i'm gonna,get right to it and show you how this,works um so right here you're gonna,notice on dawn theme again this is dawn,theme um that's what this is for not,other themes it's for dawn uh you go in,and you'll see a heart and all you gotta,do is click the heart and boom just like,that you see this little heart show up,here with the one and there you go you,have a little wish list option and just,to show you when you refresh,it's still there so this is still,highlighted and this is still,highlighted and it's everything's there,so when they come back and you know say,you're running a sale maybe you send out,an email newsletter saying hey this,product you know x y z is on sale,they're going to come back and have easy,access to the wish list um you know,showing that that that's what they're,interested in before and it's on sale,and they're just going to go and,purchase very very and that's actually,what a wish list is for it's it's to get,your customer to know about sales go,back easily uh access the the product,and just purchase without any hesitation,that's why wishes are so powerful a lot,of people just add them to the store,just to have them because they think,they need to without understanding what,the purpose of a wishlist is for,that's what it's for um and uh also guys,last video we taught you how to add the,spin the win option to you know offer,discounts so go check that video out if,you're interested you know it's another,tutorial but anyways let's get right to,it and show you how to use this and as,always we're going to use our,dawn latest dev theme so i'm going to,preview that,and you'll notice we do not have a,wishlist feature and we're just going to,go do that right now,so as always when you purchase the file,you're going to have,a step-by-step tutorial right here you,just have to open the file follow along,and make sure you pay attention to the,video you're going to want to watch this,entire video through the entire the,entire length because there is a certain,situation that you may be presented with,and i'm going to teach you how to fix,that so if you're skipping around and,you email me saying hey i'm having this,issue and it's this issue i'm going to,say hey go watch the video again all,right,we're always here to help you you guys,send us emails we fix those bugs for you,but you're not following the video,that's on you okay it's on you you heard,it here first it's on you,not me,you all right so anyways we're going to,go here and we're going to also edit the,code,and as always guys if you don't know how,to get to your themes,maybe you don't know how to get to your,themes i'm sorry,you log in you see this dashboard you,click online store you find the theme,you want to edit and you go here and you,edit the code,easy all right so let's close out all,these so there's no distractions so the,first step here is to add the section,file so we're going to go to sections,go to sections,and then we're going to add a new,section and what you're going to want to,name this let me just get that back open,is you're going to want to name it eg,wishlist drawer just like that so we'll,copy this copy this text right here,and we're going to paste it in here,great section and then you're also going,to have a folder with all the downloads,as always if you haven't if you haven't,purchased our other uh snippets and,sections then you,should totally do that you know go to,our website purchase them,um all right so now,let me go here and here we are so we're,in the wishlist feature right here,wishlist cart drawer and you just open,that in,your text center open in notepad notepad,plus plus vs code whatever you want to,open it up with to access the files all,right,and if you're using themekit you could,just easily upload it so i already have,it open we're going to copy the entire,code,we're going to go here,paste hit save and we're going to close,out of that so we copy the code over,paste it in there now the next step is,you want to go to your layout,theme.liquid so we're going to close out,of sections,close out of the sections here and we're,going to go to theme.liquid,and now what we need to do is we have to,find the footer so the easiest way to do,that is you go here,do ctrl f or command f type in footer,just like so all right now we're going,to paste,this at the very end i don't know why,this keeps closing on me,the very end so,right here you copy this,no wrong thing you copy this,section,move that over and we're going to place,it right below now if you don't have the,spin to win feature here um,don't worry about it you can go purchase,that click the link right here,um but we're gonna put it right at the,right below it right but in your case if,you didn't if you don't have eg spin the,win you would just it would look like,this,just like that except without these,weird characters because apparently i,can't copy and paste right i can develop,but i can't copy and paste,all right so eg wishlist drawer but i'm,going to revert the changes for my own,use,and i'm going to hit save,and that's it,now the next step,so we're done with theme.liquid our next,step would be to open we have to find,the file main hyphen product now,again there are some differences so this,is a,i believe this is an older version of,dawn and the other version is newer and,i'm just showing you that there there,are differences between dawn versions,and i'll explain why,um,and how to identify that in a second,so we're going to go to our sections,we're going to find main dot product,there's main dot product right there now,i'd notice in some dawn themes it's,product hyphen main in this case it's,main hyphen product no issues there,though,all right so now what we're going to do,is we're going to find the top of the,file now i have here where it says you,know look for section class page hyphen,with but in this case we don't have this,right this is a theme that doesn't have,this option so you're just going to find,this section so you're just going to,look for the first available section on,here,and as we hit enter,no i'll show you what to search for so,you search for this section and you,should only realistically have,oh okay for some reason you don't have,to i don't know why,weird i guess there's only one there's,no closing section over here i don't,know but it's just this first line right,here honestly just copy that,so,get back to the tutorial and we're just,going to replace it so we find this and,then we replace it with this,right so that's we're going to do,we're going to copy that,and we're going to replace this right,here,hit save,and now we're going to close out a main,product and we're also going to close,out a theme liquid,and now the next step is to find,us in your snippets folder we go to your,snippets,and you're going to look for,product card right here,and it could be card hyphen products but,in our case it's product type and card,so,you know make sure you take note of that,product card and we're going to do the,same thing we're actually going to,replace this line right here i told you,guys we make this really easy,we want you to make money we want to,make it easy time is everything right so,now we're going to,replace it so this right here if you can,see the relationship here card wrapper,card wrapper we're going to copy this,line right here the very last line,now this is where,i'm glad you followed along thank you so,much you listened you're here with me,i'm going to show you,a secret that a lot of these people who,are watching this video aren't paying,attention but you are you're here with,me,so here we go ready check this out now,on newer versions of dawn they use card,underscore product but,in this situation they're not i don't,know why but they're not,so you see how right here product,underscore card underscore product and,this is card underscore product well,guess what we're just gonna do this,we're gonna do old switcheroo and move,it right here,and hit paste and now actually what i'm,going to do is i'm going to keep it like,this and i'll show you what the error is,we actually have an error,for you to see so i'm going to refresh,i'm going to ins,really shopify really you're going to do,that to me let's preview this again,because shopify doesn't like me,all right so now watch i'm going to try,and click this button and it won't work,it's just going to error out,and here's why you see this right here,if you inspect element i'm going to show,you that one more time slower you right,click on the page inspect element and if,you're on chrome you just click on,console and you'll see this right here,you have not correctly implemented the,wish list now this is a clear sign that,you didn't follow the tutorial of the,video,we will still help you,but i'm probably going to say hey go,look at the video all right,i'm just kidding i'll fix it for you,but here's why it's not working watch,it's magic,so on older themes or newer i'm not,really sure you just replace that hit,save and now we're just going to refresh,the page,and you'll notice you no longer have a,message saying and ignore this this is,just my browser this always happens,we have a little,extension that helps us out but that,message is gone and everything will work,fine and you'll see here boom just like,that it worked it worked it worked but,if we go and remove this code and we,revert it back,and,refresh you refresh we refresh,right here,you're going to get this error message,you have not correctly implemented the,wishlist changes and the reason why this,is showing up for me,uh right here is um it's because i have,these already in my wish list now,if you're if you don't have anything in,the wish list you come back,and you refresh the page,the error,is still there so you will automatically,know something's wrong it's not,configured properly so just,get used to looking at your console you,can really understand what's wrong with,your site by looking at the console.log,but that's for another video,so that is how you guys can install an,amazing feature to your store that will,help you and increase sales,so i hope you enjoyed the video if you,liked it please actually like the video,and subscribe click the little ring bell,it's it's what helps us grow the channel,it's what helps us produce more code,snippets for you and,you know record videos like this,so until next time guys thank you so,much for watching

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