how to create a staff account on shopify

How to Create Staff Accounts on Your Shopify Store hey everybody today on this Shopify,tutorial I am


Updated on Feb 14,2023

How to Create Staff Accounts on Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a staff account on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a staff account on shopify

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How to Create Staff Accounts on Your Shopify Store

hey everybody today on this Shopify,tutorial I am going to teach you how to,add staff accounts for your Shopify,website so let's say that you run a,business where you have staff accounts,and you want to add them so that they,can go in and add product or make,changes to the site or what have you,I'm going to show you how to do that,with Shopify it's actually quite simple,so what we're gonna do weave on weave,logged in we're at our sort of main,screen here we're gonna go down to,settings and we're gonna go to account,and you can see the account overview,this is basically your information the,account owner that's me in your case,it'll be you and here we have staff,accounts so let's say we want to add a,staff account we're gonna click there,we're gonna add a first name in here and,we're gonna add an email address,obviously make sure that you type in the,correct email address for the person or,they won't get their invitation so I'm,going to take a type in a fake address,here,okay and we have a checkbox here that,says this staff account will have full,permissions that means that they can do,everything in the store on the site that,you can do so you might want to think,about that what kind of ability you want,your staff to have so if we uncheck that,box now we will see what kind of,permissions that we can give them so in,the online store do we want them to be,able to change and work with the themes,do we want them to be able to create,blog posts and pages navigation so,that's the menu domains can they work,with domain names so let's say we just,want them to be able to create and edit,blog posts and pages so we'll give them,that permission now let's see what we,want them to do in general do we want,them to be able to access orders,probably if you want them to process,orders as orders come in you can allow,them to work with orders you can allow,them to view customer data you can allow,them to work with gift cards create,discount codes let's say you don't want,them to be able to change settings or,view report sales reports maybe you do,maybe you may want them to be able to,view and print reports to go over with,you so you can basically set what kind,of permission the staff account has what,you would do then once you're happy with,the information the person's name email,address and what kind of permissions,they have on the site then what you,would do is you would click send invite,that user that staff member would then,get an email saying they've been invited,to be to join the site as a,staff account they would click a link in,their email and then they would be able,to sign in they'd have to create a,username and a password and then they,would be able to sign in to accomplish,all the tasks that you assigned to them,I'm not gonna do that because obviously,this is a fake email but that's how the,system works so that's how you can add a,staff member to your Shopify store now,if you would like me to build your,Shopify website for you for free check,out the link down below there's a form,for you to fill out on Google Forms with,some simple information about how I can,contact you and a little bit about your,business and as a Shopify partner I will,build your Shopify website for free so,check that out hope to be able to work,with you hope you enjoyed this tutorial,and I also hope you have a great day

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