how to create a forum on shopify

How To Create A Community Of Customers Who Love Your Brand On Shopify (Peerboard) hey,everybody,just

Justin Cener

Updated on Mar 26,2023

How To Create A Community Of Customers Who Love Your Brand On Shopify (Peerboard)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a forum on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a forum on shopify

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How To Create A Community Of Customers Who Love Your Brand On Shopify (Peerboard)

hey,everybody,justin cener here i'm going to show you,how to build an engaged community of,buyers for your shopify brand and this,is the ultimate goal for a shopify,entrepreneur creating a forum for your,customers literally engaged people who,want to be paying constantly for your,product the ultimate goal of any,e-commerce brand build a beloved brand,people that want to be connected to your,brand in any way they want to talk about,your brand share your brand,engage with other people that love your,brand when you get to that level when,you set up a brand and store that,enables that type of communication and,that type of community building you're,really going to have a long-term asset,on your hands and that's how some of,these brands get really really big,especially with user-generated content,and referrals and people sharing it it's,all about creating that engaged,environment and if you can get your,customers to fall in love with your,brand you've already won so what we need,to do is allow for deep personal,one-on-one connections allow for,customers to interact with each other to,find other like-minded people that all,share one thing in common they love our,brand so what we want to do is build a,forum or a message board to have a,basically a community associated and,attached to our brand inside of our,shopify store and there is no way to do,that with shopify out of the box we're,going to need to find an app that's the,point of this video i'm going to show,you the best app for this and it needs,to work with every single theme it needs,to work with all different product types,and niches and store types doesn't,matter what you're selling we want to,have the people that are going to,potentially buy and are already buying,your products we want them to have a,place to engage together so building,this forum or this message board it's,going to encourage community,collaboration it's going to encourage,engagement it's going to encourage,people sharing photos and videos and,maybe even tips or stories on how they,use the product and we need to be able,to of course integrate this in our store,in a way that matches the colors the,theme the look and feel and our overall,branding so we're going to be using peer,board and i'm going to go over the,shoulder in a second this is what i,personally use this is what i highly,recommend as well if you want to build,that community of engaged buyers and,potential buyers that can turn into,those vip customers so you see the link,directly below this video we're going to,go over the shoulder and i'm going to,show you more about peer board right now,you're looking at the peer board forum,and community app for shopify again you,see the link directly below this video,but you're going to really be able to,turn your store into an engagement,machine you're going to enhance your,store with this really easy to use,community forum app and i'm going to,show you over the shoulder just how,powerful this is but this is going to,boost that engagement boost traffic,boost time on site boost all of the,metrics that you need to find that long,term winning brand it's also going to,improve customer support you can step on,there and provide proactive customer,support on there but most of all you're,going to increase that customer loyalty,we're going to build super strong,one-on-one connections and relationships,with our customers we're going to be,very present and more than anything else,we're going to allow to,our brand to grow organically with all,of these people who can become,evangelists and fans and lovers of our,brand very easy to set up i'll show you,how we can color scheme it to match the,look and feel of our brand and we'll use,it really in all different places of our,store all different places of our,business from sales to support to,onboarding to really everything and,we'll be able to discover who is the,most loyal in our audience those are,going to be the people that deserve to,be kind of classified as vips maybe they,get launched new products maybe they,even get discounts you can incentivize,them to be active as well so let's go,ahead and install this in a demo store,i'm going to show you just how powerful,this is all you need to do to get this,installed come over here you press the,add app button this is going to allow,the peer board app to install directly,onto your shopify store all you need to,do press the green install app button no,code no technical skills required,whatsoever,and we're going to be right brought,right onto our onboarding here,for peer board,and we'll be loaded into our settings,over here a few things that we want to,set up it's going to default in terms of,your path your url path to community you,can change this to whatever you want but,often makes sense to keep it as,community community token definitely say,keep this as is over here we have a,couple different options shopify store,login page or peer board login page,basically depends you have more branding,options and social login options over,here for example logging in with,facebook so i recommend keeping the peer,board login page over here it's going to,be basically um information in terms of,how to add this page into our navigation,menu we're going to want to add this,into our main menu let me show you the,test store real quick,so we want to go ahead and add our,community up top in the navigation so we,can come over here,copy this url i'll come back over here,under online store open this in a new,tab real quick we're just going to go to,the navigation,and you can add this to your footer or,header navigation or both if you want,i'm going to come up here add it into my,navigation over here add menu item we'll,come over and we'll go to pages,and we'll type in or paste in the link,and we'll call this forum there we go,and add this over here we can of course,rearrange this i'll move that up over,here and we'll save that continue to go,through our settings over here and you,can continue on into the peer board,theme,customization settings this is going to,give you a bit of information in terms,of how to customize the theme you could,also take a look at the faqs and the,essential guides i'm going to come back,over to the dashboard really not much,that we need to set up in terms of this,overall idea here what we want to do is,now go into our actual,peer board admin so we're going to come,over here click login as admin over here,and we're going to be brought in we'll,have to set up our profile first it's,going to be uh grab in obviously your,information over here you could add in a,bio you could put in a tagline here,something like owner,operator uh whatever you want you know,you can put something in there so people,know you as the owner and we're gonna,come over here we have some basic kind,of information over here you see it says,admin only this is kind of just your,step-by-step onboarding but shown in the,format of your general discussion forums,so you'll see and i'll walk through how,to write a post but this is going to be,your pinned post and uh just like any,pin posts on facebook or something like,that it's gonna be the first thing that,they see automatically written over here,kind of just some basic information,about the type of posts and a little bit,of call to action for people to not only,register but get involved here you see,admin only admin only so you could if,you have multiple admins you could use,this as a private communication space as,well but this is kind of a little,onboarding video i'm showing you most of,the detail but definitely you have great,technical support available 24 7 over,there you also have it down here in the,bottom right,talking about branding right and again,you can go through all of these,different options we want to go into our,settings or our hosting settings and,this is again our peer board url but uh,it's going to be connected in through,our shopify store,and you'll see it just like this slash,community that was the path that we set,up earlier so we're going to go into,hosting settings over here,and this has again some of the other,information where you can change the,prefix or change the domain is a bit,more in terms of that integration manual,so that's number one that's if you want,to change it to a custom domain really,easy to just get started as you see over,here right we click right on forum and,it brings us in our nice slash community,link on our domain so looks pretty good,and i think it's very trustworthy as is,if you're an advanced user you can go,ahead and mess around with that we'll,come over here oops back over here sorry,we want to custom do customizing the,branding this is the big thing here and,this is super easy right we want to now,continue to build onto our brand here so,we're going to have our community name,we could have a little description a,place for all customers to communicate,with each other and the brand,uh or we could say and the owner right,really make it very very personal we,could have different upvote emojis here,we can customize this so we do something,like uh,you know an art here and we could have,more customization like a browser icon,come up over here we also can have a,custom logo over here,for the board and if not it's just going,to pull out your your basic logo which,is what we want to do and we'll continue,down branding over here this is what,number three is going to send us to into,the theme settings this is where we,really want to customize the look and,feel so we'll come over and i'll add in,my red color for my little theme again,this is my overall site up here with the,red so we want to have our red color,scheme we're going to get orange out of,the box that's just the default color,we'll come over and switch it over here,we'll save this and as we continue on we,can change things like font family we,can change things like the headings,background color text color really,everything we even have the greeting,text over here that we can change,on or off right so very very simple in,terms of customizing all this we could,add header links for example directly to,our customer service portal or to any,promoted products we could do something,like uh,product or how about something like this,vip,forum exclusive discount and we send,them to a specific product page so,that'll be very easy that would be a,nice way to kind of incentivize people,to maintain their activity in here,because they get some extra discount or,something like that very popular posting,guidelines right you could put some,rules in here,you could change the write a post button,text very easy to do all this and,customize all of this emails in here as,well they offer a daily digest highly,recommend going into the upgraded plans,the daily digest great tool to keep your,customers engaged and basically send,them a daily digest literally a summary,of all the activity that's been going on,inside of the forum we could do full,language translation as well i'll show,you under setting i showed you the uh,the hosting information over there is a,lot more settings that we can run,through enabling those social logins,really cool to allow for people to sign,up very easily and they'll be able to,log in across browser as well,so coming over here you'll see on the,admin side of things again we just,created this but you'll see the members,list over here you could also group,or create user groups for example admin,employee vip customers new customers,right you have all this you could also,invite people into the group you could,invite your entire customer list right,this is very powerful export your email,list or your customer list and then,upload it right in here invite all of,the members in to your forum,but very very powerful in terms of this,and this is our entire admin panel,again we have the help section over here,and the chat to get directly with their,support so now i want to show you how a,customer would see it we come up over,here in forum and remember we can invite,them very easily come over here you see,that sticky pinned post and any other,posts that will be in there very easy to,sign in a bunch of prompts over here,we'll go to write a post sign in or,create a new account they could sign up,with google facebook linkedin or they,could just quickly create their own,account go ahead and we'll sign up with,one over here you'll get a confirmation,sent,after that you'll be able to go ahead,and create your username you can create,a tagline and bio and all that great,stuff you can turn on or off the daily,digest and we'll come back over here now,we're going to go ahead and create a,title we could do it under these spaces,you can create your own spaces as well,basically just kind of,different sections of your forum,different topics and we'll come over,here general discussion post title,anyone buy the hoodies yet so you put,something like that they'll be able to,literally publish this directly in here,and you can imagine that if you're in,this kind of uh forum you have other,customers in there they see this they go,ahead and they comment they give their,experience they post pictures we can,come in as the owner say hey here's a,coupon code for you to try it right this,is turning potential buyers into paying,customers here or,further getting customers to buy more,and become even better customers that's,the whole idea here and you see just how,easy it is coming here comment chain all,that stuff just like a a forum a message,board you know have that on your entire,shopify site fully integrated so that,was peer board,definitely get this installed in your,store there's a free plan available get,a 14 day free trial as well you see the,link directly below this video i highly,recommend it it's going to do exactly,what i described in this video just what,i showed on the over the shoulder you're,going to be able to enable a community,inside right in your exact shopify store,the same exact places as an app that,works just like any other app directly,integrating in your shopify store no,code no technical skills and this can,turn your brand into a long term money,making asset with a community of people,that just want to pay you over and over,so again link directly below this video,highly recommend it i know it's going to,help you make some money if you have any,questions let me know and i'll talk to,you real soon thanks a lot

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