how to get a free domain on shopify

How to Get a Free Domain for Your Website 2022 how to get a free domain that's what I'm,going to wal


Updated on Feb 10,2023

How to Get a Free Domain for Your Website 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to get a free domain on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to get a free domain on shopify

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How to Get a Free Domain for Your Website 2022

how to get a free domain that's what I'm,going to walk you through in today's,video before I do that though I want to,know what is it that you're trying to,build on the internet do you have,something you need to get up online for,people to be able to find and you have,zero dollars to invest or maybe are you,starting a business you have a little,bit of a budget but are trying to spend,as little as possible to get your,business or whatever it is up on the,Internet well for the first option you,need a domain a website all that free,and free for life not something for the,short term and then if you're starting a,business you have somewhat of a budget,but you're trying to save money so,there's a bunch of options on how you,can get a domain free for the first year,and then I'll show you how to pay as,little as possible for your domain going,forward at the end of the video I'll,show you where we end up purchasing our,domains from one place you may see,mentioned in other YouTube videos blog,post articles Etc is free num so this,isn't something that I would recommend,they advertise that you can get a free,domain but I haven't actually been able,to get a free domain and they're not the,mains that you would probably want for,your website anyways so if you put in,something that you're searching for and,click search they show you dot, and Dot GQ is something you,could potentially get for free but when,I go to click on get it now it always,says unavailable and I go to check and,there's nothing at that website so if,it's, or the,there's nothing at those websites but,they're not available here so this is,just something I wouldn't want to go,through the whole process have something,not work out give them all my contact,information maybe they want your credit,card number who knows I would just do,one of the other options I talk about,later on in this video one place you,could potentially get dot a,domain like that for free for a longer,period of time maybe for as long as you,need your website is if you're spending,a bunch of money on other services with,Enos for example if you have email with,them as long as the contract is you get,the domain paid for so if you have no,budget for anything this isn't a great,option for you you're essentially paying,for the domain but it's kind of bundled,up with the other things that you're,paying for or so that option I think,isn't great for you if you have zero,dollars to invest in the domain or the,website I would check out the free,website builders most website Builders,do have a free plan they won't give you,a free domain they will give you,a free sub domain so a subdomain looks,something like this versus a normal,domain that you own not a huge deal if,you end up going with something like,this that cost you no money Wix for,example has a little bit longer domain,for their free websites but you can do,most things you could do with the normal,website with the free one there are very,few that allow you to sell products have,an e-commerce store other ones will,strip out some functionality one other,thing to keep in mind is they will put,an ad on your website so they're not,making money directly from you and so,they're hoping somebody that visits your,website will see the ad click on it,build their website and give them money,as an example here's what the ads look,like for Wix and Weebly so if you do,have a little bit of money to invest but,don't want to spend any more than you,have to getting your domain for free for,the first year is really really easy,most website Builders and hosting,companies for example if you're building,your web website with WordPress you're,going to need hosting they will give you,a domain free for the first year there,are two things I want you to keep in,mind though the first read the fine,print so for example Squarespace you can,get a free domain with any of their,plans but you need to pay for it,annually not monthly so if you sign up,monthly it's not going to include the,free domain then somewhere like Weebly,just check which of their plans so the,free website builder or the very lowest,cost plan do not include a domain any of,the plants above that will so it's,either the time frame or the specific,plan you choose some may include or,exclude the one year free of the domain,so make sure to check that the next,thing to keep in mind is the renewal,price so what you're going to pay for a,year two three five ten fifty or as long,as you have your website so for example,with Squarespace they charge twenty,dollars per year for domain with,Wix for example it's going to cost you,around 14 or 15 dollars for domain,the Privacy protection is another about,the same 14 or 15 bucks you're paying,close to thirty dollars per year with,them so that's not the cheapest place to,pay for your domain and you can transfer,your domain so they're just assuming,you're going to be lazy about it you get,a free year and then you're just going,to keep it there forever if you transfer,it you can save a bunch of money I'll,tell you where in just a second in this,scenario where you're not ready to build,your website yet but you want to have,the domain you're not going to be able,to get a free domain for any amount of,time there's nothing you have kind of in,exchange to be able to get it for free,so you want to pay as little money as,possible for that domain I wouldn't,recommend purchasing from somewhere like,GoDaddy so you see the first year here,they'll give it to you for a penny but,you have to pay for year two at the same,time which is 19.99 so you spend 20,bucks for the two years so 10 bucks per,year in that scenario and then all the,future years is going to be 19.99 also,privacy protection they'll charge you,they have a couple of different options,of 10 or 20 dollars per month I forget,what it is so be careful of that I have,a whole video walking you through how to,save money when purchasing a domain,check that out if you want to make sure,you're getting the best domain and not,paying for anything that you don't need,so where we recommend purchasing a,domain or if you have the first year,free and want to transfer to Maine for,year two and Beyond would be pork bun so,with pork for example you,paid 9.73 for the first year and for all,following Years also included in the 973,is privacy protection and SSL,certificate and free trials to a bunch,of things they do have promotions,sometimes for the first year but it's,always very clear what the renewal price,is with them so to summarize if you have,a little money to invest figure out,where you want to build your website and,sign up for a plan that gives you the,domain for free for the first year,before the first year is up transfer,your domain to pork bun or somewhere,much lower cost if you want to learn how,to transfer your domain check out the,video up above if you have no money to,invest we recommend that you sign up for,all the free website Builders and just,use a free subdomain and you can have,that open forever if you want to learn,about options for free website Builders,check out the video below hope to see,you in those and future videos bye

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