how to connect to shopify

How to Ship International Shopify Orders - Custom Forms/Packaging Tips all right what's up guys welc

edog fresh

Updated on Mar 08,2023

How to Ship International Shopify Orders - Custom Forms/Packaging Tips

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How to Ship International Shopify Orders - Custom Forms/Packaging Tips

all right what's up guys welcome to my,YouTube channel um today's video I'm,just going to show you guys how to,package and how to prepare uh Shopify,orders that are going internationally,shipping so,um the first thing you're going to want,to do is um before you even print out,the label you need to push you need to,make sure that you have an HS code I,think it I think that's what you call an,HS code the product every different,product on your Shopify site needs to,have different HS codes for,international orders and basically what,that code does is it'll tell uh Customs,because your package you ship it out it,goes to customs which stops it at the,border they regulate what's the good,what's importing exporting and then,they'll ship it to the person the HS,code will basically tell them what's,inside the package so for example how to,make up a random one like four to nine,point one zero one and it's just,basically going to say oh these are 100,cotton uh shorts for men that's,basically what we'll tell them and it,just tells Customs what it is,so they can kind of regulate it so after,you put in all your HS codes just go,search them up online search up how to,find an HS code,um you're going to need to print up your,shipping label let me show you an,example of what one looks like I'm just,going to cover it up a little bit I know,it's flipped this one is to Canada this,is UPS so first thing I do is I package,the order I put in my packing slip I put,in some of these like air bubbles I,don't know what you want to call them,but,um just because it's International so,it's moving around a lot,I package my order up,uh you can go kind of heavy on the duct,tape this is just a cardboard box this,one's going to Canada it's not going too,far and I feel like it's pretty secure,so I'm not going to tape it up like,crazy if it was a bigger box and it had,some more valuable items that I'd,probably,um use more tape on it so,I'm gonna get my label I'm gonna unstick,it and,my 4x6 thermal label you can now see,that it is on the outside of the box,um and now the next thing you want to do,is you're going to want to get a uh,and then closed resealable packing,packing pouch I guess I think that's,what you call them UPS actually offers,them free on their website you can get,like 25 at a time we're gonna stick that,on the outside of our package and,basically what we're going to do is,we're gonna put our custom forms,inside here,this little slip I'm gonna show you guys,what the custom forms looks like I'm not,going to disclose any of this,information,um but this is what uh UPS's look like,it's just like this this has all the the,buyers information my information and,then like the tracking,um and what UPS does um USPS and UPS,have a little differently I don't know,about dhls usually online but um,uh UPS will usually have two pages that,are different and,um you don't have to sign anything on,these,and these ups ones it's actually three,of the same exact page and you have to,sign each one so what I do here let me,show you real quick it's it's hard,because the camera's flipped but this,says name and this is signature and you,have to sign it three times what I did,is I went on Amazon,and I bought these two custom like,signature stamps and I just stick them,down and it prints it so watch this I'm,just gonna,current name signature,and then you can see it's filled out so,that I mean that's not really necessary,that's a little extra but I,figured I'm doing,like 10 of these a day I may as well and,it's just kind of fun too so so there we,go I signed and I printed my name on all,three of these commercial invoices for,UPS we're gonna fold this in half,and then you're gonna stick it inside,this packing slip,um I got these ones off Amazon,and then obviously you zip it back up,then what I do just to be just to be,safe because you would hate for this to,get lost in the mail because I will put,a little piece of tape right over top,of this so in case it does Come Undone,which it doesn't seem like it's gonna,there's a piece of tape holding it on as,well so that's how you do it uh if you,did USPS it would be the same exact,thing except your custom form your label,is going to look a little different and,the USPS when you don't actually have to,sign the custom form,um,if the reason there's three of these is,because,um sometimes people at Customs will take,one out and let's it just lets you have,a couple extras just to be safe if these,are not put in here or uh someone takes,these out and they get lost some not,something like that,um you will usually get an email it's,like an urgent respond within 24 hours,email from your carrier and it's saying,we need the invoice I got one just the,other day and what all I did is I,literally went on Shopify found the,order number I downloaded the custom,forms and I just sent them the custom,forms to them like thanks you're all,good they'll let the package move on,another thing to keep in mind is that,Customs custom shipping is our,international shipping is very expensive,but also like make sure you let your,customer know that there is going to be,custom fees uh usually it's like five,percent like on average the custom fee,is probably five percent of the worth of,the good but I mean I just had a,customer complain to me that it was 58,for a 60 product,um and I told them that's obviously out,of my control I told them to take it up,with a carrier but I hope that answers a,lot of your guys's uh questions I'm not,really posted on YouTube but I'm just,doing this kind of to help people,because I know that I used to have a lot,of questions about this and there's not,a video so this is the video,um it's not supposed to look uh good,luck guys for Shopify sites and goodbye

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