how to check cart recovery rate shopify

5 Ways To Reduce Your Cart Abandonment Rate we first looked at how we can motivate,people who are ju

Exposure Ninja

Updated on Feb 26,2023

5 Ways To Reduce Your Cart Abandonment Rate

The above is a brief introduction to how to check cart recovery rate shopify

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5 Ways To Reduce Your Cart Abandonment Rate

we first looked at how we can motivate,people who are just looking and try and,knock them into those impulse purchases,we then looked at how we could remove,some of the impact of high shipping,costs by offering memberships or trigger,points where people could increase their,basket value in order to get free,shipping then we took an intensely,critical look at the frankly,unacceptable practice of requiring,people to sign up for an account before,they go to checkout we then looked at,how to,you see them come on to your website and,your heart rate starts to raise a little,bit you see them find their way to a,product category page they're close,they find a product that they like they,click on the product page and you can,see them browsing looking at the,information,result they've clicked add to cart here,we go you feel your pulse start to raise,a little bit more no matter how many,sales you get the thrill of watching a,live purchase never dies they go through,to the checkout,but then,nothing,they leave,they close their browser window,never to return,hurt you start scheming,can you find them,what was their ip address again where,are they based,wait could i visit them they're only a,couple hundred miles away,maybe they'll be back but what if,they're not,let's look them up on facebook,basket cart or checkout abandonment is,painful and it doesn't get any easier as,the numbers start to scale,if you've ever watched visitors using,your ecommerce store live in your,analytics oh it can be a torturous thing,check out basket or cart abandonment,never gets any easier as the numbers,scale you just get more frustrated at,these horrific leeches on society daring,to click on your products and add them,to their baskets but not finish the,purchase but in this video we're going,to address the top causes of basket and,checkout abandonment and how to fix them,firstly some terminology stuff because,the phrase is carte abandonment and,checkout abandonment are thrown around,kind of interchangeably they actually do,mean different things and by the way for,those who aren't in the uk,basket or basket if you're up north,means hard so carter abandonment and,basket abandonment they mean exactly the,same thing right if it's not already,complicated enough when you go into an,e-commerce store and you put a product,in your basket or your cart but you then,don't check out that is called cart,abandonment you've got your cart but,you've abandoned it you haven't gone to,the next stage if you open that basket,or cart then click check out and you go,into the checkout process but you don't,finish it that is checkout abandonment,now what we're going to be looking at,today are ways of mitigating both of,these things one of the most useful,places that you can go to get insights,on this stuff is google analytics and if,you go to conversions e-commerce,shopping behavior you should see a chart,that looks something like this what this,shows you is the different stages of,your ecommerce funnel for example in,this case we can see there have been 66,000 sessions in this time period with 21,000 of those sessions having product,views i the person visited a product,page three and a half thousand of those,sessions had an ad to basket in 2 800 of,those sessions had someone begin the,checkout process and,1133 of them resulted in sales and what,we can see is the percentage drop-off at,each stage,now the question that you might have,right now is,is my data normal my data looks,different to this and it's a very common,question that store owners have,what is an acceptable checkout,abandonment rate well what i wanted to,do is show you three different examples,from three different businesses to show,you how and why this can vary so in this,first example we can see that we have a,basket abandonment rate of 38,so on average 38 of the people the,sessions that have add to baskets don't,result in a checkout,now in this example we can see a basket,abandonment rate of 44 and in this,example a basket abandonment rate of 51,now we might look at this and think oh,no 51 that is horrific,but this particular business is a b2b,company and their customers put items in,their basket to use as a quote generator,they then get in contact with the,business to talk through the quote and,see if they can negotiate a bulk,discount so that is absolutely fine,another major difference that you might,see with your car is the number of,sessions that result in product views,for example in this one we've got 19 of,sessions resulting in product views,whereas in this one we can see a,whopping 43,of sessions resulting in product views,so if you've got the 19 you might be,thinking oh no my website visitors,aren't even viewing my products well in,this case that's because they've got,loads of really good ranking quality,information on the types of products,that they sell they're picking up a lot,of informational searches that are,coming to the website so they're not,just getting commercial traffic whereas,on this site the majority of the phrases,that they're ranking for are purely,commercial they don't have as much,informational content on their website,so that is why a higher proportion of,their sessions are resulting in product,views so what i'm saying with this is,there are loads of variables that will,impact what your car to management what,your checkout abandonment rate looks,like including the quality and the,intent of your traffic the percentage of,returning visitors who know exactly what,they're getting versus new visitors is,how much consideration goes into the,purchase of your product for example if,you're selling prom dresses you're going,to be getting a lot of people that are,just adding to basket to save it for,later as they're browsing around the,internet whereas if you're selling sd,cards you're going to get a lot of,people that know exactly what they need,and they just need to buy it so that's,going to result in different checkout,and cart abandonment rates now i really,wanted to give you an average across all,of e-commerce so i've got some stats for,you you want some stats i've got stats,for you according to fresh relevance the,average cart abandonment rate is 57.6,but wait sales cycle says it's 84.27,pretty big difference between 84 and 57,right yes exactly what looks good for,you might be horrific for another,business the most useful approach is to,take a look at analytics benchmark each,of these levels and then work on,improving the percentage of people that,move from one level to another benchmark,against yourself and continually focus,on improvement alrighty on to the tips,by some remote chance you happen to be,enjoying this video then please click,the like button and also subscribe to,our channel we release a new video every,week and we also do a youtube live,session where we'll typically be ripping,apart some websites and showing you how,you can improve your website's,performance so click the subscribe,button and the little bell icon to be,notified every time we post something,new oh and uh thing number two if you,want some free help with your digital,marketing the team heroes exposure ninja,offer what's called a free website and,digital marketing review we'll ask you a,few questions in a quick form about your,business your digital marketing and your,goals,we'll then research what you're doing,how well your website's performing and,what you could be doing better and we'll,put our recommendations into a 15-minute,video of the things to focus on in order,to drive more leads and sales through,your website this service is completely,free you get the video sent to your,email for free by one of our team all,you need to do to request it is go to, forward slash review,and fill in the form that's exposure,forward slash review and fill in the,short form and for the youtube commenter,who said they loved my accent do enjoy,the rest of the video now the first,question to ask if we're going to solve,cards and check out abandonment the,first question we need to ask is why do,people abandon well luckily the baymard,institute has collected some data for us,they conducted a study of us adults,where they asked if you've abandoned a,car in the last three months what were,the reasons that you abandoned it for,and what they got was not massively,surprising to be honest by far the,biggest reason that people abandoned,cars is that they were just browsing,they had no intent of purchasing they,were just throwing items into their car,no surprises here now whilst we're not,going to be able to avoid this,completely what we can do is nudge some,of these people into impulse purchases,we'll come back to that later on of all,the people that had intent i.e they,weren't just browsing the most common,reason that people abandoned car was,that extra costs were too high for,example things like shipping taxes and,fees well let's solve that one in a,minute as well the next most common,reason was that the website wanted them,to create an account nothing more,annoying than trying to purchase and all,of a sudden you're throwing up with some,register thing you're like i don't want,to register i just want to check out now,what's really important here is we,actually do want people to register for,an account we want people to be members,of our e-com store so that we can market,to them continually this isn't about not,forcing people to sign up or not,encouraging them to sign up this is,purely about when you ask for that we're,gonna look at a really elegant,implementation of this strategy just a,bit later on the next reason too long or,complicated checkout process the next,was that people didn't trust the site,with their card information we're gonna,look at how to build credibility,then i couldn't see or calculate the,total order cost up front the website,had errors or crashed ouch returns,policy wasn't satisfactory,there weren't enough payment methods or,the credit card was declined now i'm,going to lump in these last two together,and we're going to solve that one as,well so you can see that here we've got,a bunch of things regarding website,functionality but also business,decisions things like delivery times,this is about the relationship you have,and the package that you have with your,courier so that's beyond the scope of,this video today we're going to be,looking at the conversion elements and,how what we do on your website to remove,some of these objections,okay so the i'm just browsing people how,do we get them to purchase well what we,can really do is nudge them from i'm,just browsing into an impulse purchase,that's all we can really do we have to,allow people to just browse and we're,fine with people adding their stuff to a,card now we can help them with this by,making their cart auto save so that when,they come back to our site they've still,got their cart there better still is,that you allow people to save their car,and you can get shopify plugins that,will allow you to do this where they can,enter their email address to save it for,later this means that you can run cart,abandonment emails to them it also means,if they check into your cart from,another browser you can allow them to,sign in and see the stuff that they've,got there but let's return to this idea,of bumping them into an impulse purchase,because everyone loves a good impulse,purchase right well here i am on the,boots website i'm just going to add a,product to my basket and then i'm going,to click view basket and check out now i,might be here on impulse,perhaps but what i'm seeing now is i'm,seeing a little nudge to get me to,purchase because i've got a couple of,free gifts already in my cart so this is,a great way of nudging people into an,impulse purchase there's other stuff,going on on this page which we're going,to come back to in just a minute,anything that you can do to push people,into that impulse purchase from just,looking mode is a good thing in,e-commerce conversion will make your,google analytics e-commerce conversion,rate very happy okay next those,unexpected costs we've all been through,it you go through the process you find,the right products that you want you,stick them in your car you go to,checkout you see a horrific delivery,cost and you're immediately put off of,course the ultimate answer is to not,have horrific delivery costs although,weirdly there are some occasions where,you might want to have high delivery,costs we'll come back to that in a,minute just as well but the overall,thing is you don't want to have big,delivery costs now there's of course an,argument say if you do have high,delivery costs because what you're,delivering costs a lot of money to,deliver,where do you present that do you present,that up front on your website for,example in a benefits bar knowing that,some people are just going to bounce,immediately as soon as they see that,delivery cost or do you wait till,they've gone through the process of,adding items to their cart to show them,the delivery cost at the end well neil,patel says you want to bounce them,straight away i completely disagree with,that i think you want them to have gone,through the process of adding stuff into,their cart they've put in that time and,energy to find the right products they,have a sunk cost already then you hit,them with a delivery cost if they're,unattractive now of course obviously you,don't want them to bounce at all if they,see your delivery cost but if you're,going to have a certain number of people,bounce it's better to have that as a,high card abandonment rather than a high,bounce rate in the first place now one,thing you can do is advertise the,trigger points at which people get free,delivery you can see here on this b2b,ecommerce site free next day delivery,orders 100 pounds and over great so,whatever the delivery costs are i know,that i will get free delivery over a,certain amount and it's at this point,where a high delivery cost potentially,becomes an incentive let me explain,let's say that i've spent 90 pounds on,this site and i know that if i spend,over 100 pounds i get free next day,delivery now it's at this point where,actually weirdly a high delivery cost,can actually incentivize a higher order,value stick with me let's say that i'm,on this site and i've spent 70 pounds i,go to the checkout and i see that my,delivery costs are 15 pounds 15 pounds,ouch i also see that i get free delivery,over 100 pounds well i can spend another,30 pound on product to get free delivery,basically another 15 pounds to get 30,pounds worth of product my additional,purchase is half price happy days i'm,now incentivized to increase my average,order value because that delivery cost,was high if that delivery cost wasn't as,high let's say it was only two or three,pounds i wouldn't have been as,incentivized to get over that free,delivery threshold so you can see how,high delivery cost in some circumstances,can actually increase your average order,value,you thought digital marketing was simple,it's not simple but it's definitely fun,now going back to the boots example you,can see that they show us how close we,are to that free delivery threshold i,then have products here related to what,i've got which can i can use to nudge me,over that free delivery threshold smart,move now this isn't massively easy to,implement and according to the platform,that you're on and the extensions you've,got you may or may not be able to do,this but it's a good thing to do this is,ideal because it removes the thinking,part out of your customers checkout,process and anytime we can remove the,thinking part of anything we know we're,gonna get some results now here's a,weird example to watch out for here i am,on and i'm being asked to put,in my shipping information before i can,see any price before i even see the,delivery cost on mobile that's okay,because when i get down and see that my,delivery cost is a whopping five pound,ninety nine on the five pound dress that,i've ordered on this example you can't,see but the product i'm buying is this,halter neck puff sleeve smock dress you,know i just thought i'd mix it up a bit,for the explosion ninja videos anyway,it's a five pound product and they want,to charge me 5.99 for next day delivery,which by the way isn't the cheapest,delivery option they have they just want,to charge me for next day for some,reason now this would be a real turn off,to me but i can see that for a whole,year for an extra two pounds i can get,free next day delivery unlimited happy,days that sounds good to me the problem,is on desktop i don't get that same,logical process i go straight to the,shipping page and i can see immediately,this delivery cost which looks really,high i've got no knowledge at this point,that i can reduce that i don't know that,i can change for different options and i,don't know that the premiere option is,available so i would imagine that the,basket abandonment rate on desktop will,be significantly higher because people,are being hit with this high delivery,cost immediately without any context or,information about how to lower it,whereas on mobile we get that,information in a different order which,makes it more digestible the simplest,way of course to get through all of this,is to just offer free shipping but,obviously it's not possible for every,business all righty the next thing we,need to get over is forcing people to,create an account before they can even,check out,like we said earlier we want people to,create an account it's great if they,create an account because then you've,got their information you can remark,it's him you can send abandoned car all,that type of stuff happy days we love,people signing up for account but what's,not cool is forcing them to do this,before they go to the checkout we just,hate this for some reason as human,beings just like we hate being burned we,hate being killed we hate being forced,to sign up before we can check out i'm,going to show you some bad ways of doing,this to prove that nobody gets it a 100,right 100 of the time we're back to our,old friend's boots let's say that we've,seen these things we like our free gifts,we're going to be just browsing that,turns into an impulse purchase happy,days we click check out then what,happens well the first thing that,happens is we go to this page i want to,check out as guest i don't have an,account well the checkout is guesting,isn't massively obvious the fact that,this is a tab,isn't particularly clear it's not,highlighted it's not a clear button but,let's say i go to it anyway i then have,to click through another message they're,forcing me to read stuff i just want to,freaking check out and give you my money,please stop getting in my way but no i,have to click continue then what happens,is totally inexcusable i'm then forced,to go through a recapture are you,freaking kidding me okay fine i'm not a,robot then we have to wait for all of,this to happen,absolute washout you want people to be,able to check out as quickly as possible,by the way if you think that's bad check,this out on,you can't even see products without,signing up am i qualified to sign up for,this do i know anything about this,business do i know that it sells the,right products for me do i know that,they ship to my location do i know that,the terms are acceptable to me do i know,that they sell at the right price for me,no i know nothing i'm being forced to,sign up before i can even look at the,website i just hope they're not running,ppc to this,or,any traffic to this,all right let's look at a good example,to cleanse our souls this is how nike or,nike if you're american encourages you,to become a member and by the way,becoming a member is just their,membership club so they have your sign,up details so the first stage is we go,through the delivery details we put in,our information about where we're,sending the thing through to we then,have a choice of deliveries we can,either pay for delivery or,free we can become a nike member and all,we need to do is fill in our information,now to me this is absolute genius,because this is when membership makes,the most sense they're not asking me to,become a member earlier than it,absolutely makes sense to for me i'm,essentially being paid four pound 50 to,sign up for membership and that's what,it feels like so it's a great,implementation and nike fair play for,delaying that request love ya you just,did it okay let's address the,credibility thing the thing about people,being afraid to put in their car details,or somehow unsure about the business now,adding credibility triggers to your,checkout pages and your cart pages is,not only a great way to give your,business credibility but it's also a,great way to answer any last minute,objections people might have about,things like delivery reliability or the,quality of your brand now one of my,favorite spaces for analyzing this type,of thing is the,at-home orthodontics solution industry,right smile direct club and all of those,now this is a fascinating space we're,going to do some videos on them um loads,of the businesses in this space just,copy each other a lot of their websites,basically look exactly the same now the,customer journey for those who aren't,familiar you get an impression kit which,you the little trays that you stick in,your mouth you then send that back and,then they start you on your program of,getting straight teeth so this,impression kit is a really important,sale because this is their tripwire,they're not really generating leads to,an email capture they just want you to,buy the impression kit so this page,becomes really important the first thing,to notice about this page is that it's,both a product page and the checkout,page they don't have a separate page,this is obviously easier for a business,that sells one product or one tripwire,so not everyone can do this but we can,take these lessons and apply them to the,checkout page as well,so notice how they've got information,about the product just like we would,expect on any product page we then go,into the shipping staff and the payment,stuff,the bit that's really interesting for me,is this credibility that's added just,below the shipping stuff so if you're,filling it out you're like,maybe not sure maybe let's have a little,look more than one million satisfied,grinners and counting is a great,credibility headline absolutely love it,then we've got people of different ages,genders races you can see yourself in,here you can see that this is a,universal product people are loving it,it's user generated photos as well which,gives credibility which is fantastic if,we're still not convinced underneath,that we have 21 000,5 star reviews on the site so what's the,impression that you get from this,this is pretty safe this is a safe bet,that,that uncertainty that doubt that you,might have is washed away in a tide of,testimonials i love it now it's not,possible for every business to add,credibility stuff like testimonials and,reviews to their cart pages and their,checkout pages for example if you're on,shopify unless you're on plus you're,gonna have difficulty adding,testimonials to your checkout pages but,you can usually add them to your cart,pages with an extension so do what you,can here you're not going to be able to,get it perfect and of course if you're,selling loads of products you might find,it difficult to have product specific,reviews in the basket so just opt for,business reviews instead reviews of the,company as a whole the rule here is that,the more you can do is better you don't,have to wait to get it perfect before,you implement it the final checkout,abandonment gremlin that we're gonna,squish is credit card is declined not,enough payment options credit cards get,declined for all sorts of reasons and,not just because people don't have any,money as an hsbc business banking,customer i can tell you hsbc's fraud,team can block a payment that we've made,every week for the last eight years to,exactly the same vendor for exactly the,same amount,i think it's just their way of showing,that they care but allowing your,customers to pay with an alternate,payment method for example paypal amazon,pay if their main credit card gets,blocked is a really good thing to do,also worth noting is the rise of apple,pay so if you've ever watched someone,realize that they don't have their card,on them and they have to go and type the,details they have to get up and go find,their card and hunt and peck their,credit card into some non-autofill card,form you will appreciate the value of,having two taps on the side of your,phone to pay for something apple pay and,google pay have changed the game and,with platforms like stripe promising,merchants up to 2.5 x increasing,conversions by using apple pay and,google pay it makes it an absolute,no-brainer one final thing to touch on,here is the rise of the split payment,options clarner clearpay lay by all,these types of things,really contentious and huge debt bubble,that's likely to burst all over,everyone's faces at some point but until,that happens you can use them to,increase your e-commerce conversion rate,for example clara claims that,installment financing and checkout,increases conversion rate by 30 percent,and average order value by 58,now you might think well the products we,offer not really worth splitting,payments for well going back to, here you can see how i could,pay for my five pound dress in,six weekly installments so affordability,as a relative term and these services,increase conversion rate because they,allow people to split payments on even,minuscule purchases so i hope you found,this video useful we've looked at the,top causes of heart and checkout,abandonment and some of the ways that,you can remove or reduce them we first,looked at how we can motivate people who,are just looking and try and knock them,into those impulse purchases we then,looked at how we could remove some of,the impact of high shipping costs by,offering memberships or trigger points,where people could increase their basket,value in order to get free shipping then,we took an intensely critical look at,the frankly unacceptable practice of,requiring people to sign up for an,account before they go to checkout and,what to do instead so they still sign up,for an account during checkout we then,looked at how to boost your credibility,through the use of testimonials and,reviews both through the basket cart,page and the checkout and finally we,talked about payment options and how to,increase the number of payment options,you offer to your customers so they have,many different ways of giving you money,if you've enjoyed this video don't,forget to like subscribe give us a,comment some sort of comment whatever,you want to say and don't forget to,request your free marketing review as,well until next time see you soon

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