how to change website thumbnail shopify

Thumbnails next or below the product image in Shopify product page? Increase Conversion Rate hi ever

Marouane RHAFLI

Updated on Feb 03,2023

Thumbnails next or below the product image in Shopify product page? Increase Conversion Rate

The above is a brief introduction to how to change website thumbnail shopify

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Thumbnails next or below the product image in Shopify product page? Increase Conversion Rate

hi everybody this is marwan today i'm,gonna talk about one of the most,controversial,questions regarding the design of the,e-commerce product page the issue is,related to the thumbnails position,so the thumbnails should be next or,below the fit red product image,as you can see from here,should it be next to it,or,below to it,the answer to this question doesn't,depend on your feeling or on your,conversion rate but it depends on the,product image ratio,so,i,made three examples here with different,products image ratio this one has,two one by two this one has two by one,and this one is square one by one,this one two by one which means that the,width of the image it's two times higher,than its height,and this one the height is,two times higher than the width,so,the position of the thumbnails here,depends on the product image ratio as,explained in this uh,topic that i have created few days ago,i'm gonna give you the link you can find,it in the,video description you're gonna find the,link here to read it carefully,so,for if for an image that that is square,which has a ratio of one by one,product,or thumbnails next to the featured,product image is the best choice as you,can see here,uh the product page looks pretty awesome,looked compact,and looks um,and the visitor has the,a complete viewport,so the the the customer,can see everything here the templates,the featured product image the product,description etc the inventory and,everything here,and he can select the featured product,image here,so this is the one by one so if your,product filtered image,have a ratio of,one by one or are square,then,making the thumbnails next to the,product,image is the best choice,but here if your featured product image,has a ratio of two by one or if the,width is higher than the height,this one doesn't look pretty good as you,can see here,it doesn't look pretty good and people,if they selective,uh,thumbnails it's not gonna,it's not all gonna have a good look,so,the best choice for this one is making,the,thumbnails below the the featured,products image so people can select it,easier,let's make the fit red let's make the,thumbnails under the featured product,image so you can see here in this,example i'm using the black theme which,is easier to use so i'm gonna make the,thumbnails under the product image,okay,it's updating as you can see here so if,the width is higher than the height,this design is the best as you can see,here if i scroll up and down,everything is shown here,and for this one,if the product image ratio is one by two,or if the width is shorter than the,height,product uh thumbnails below the featured,product image is not the good choice as,you can see here people need to scroll,down,click here go up and see the featured,product image so this is not user,friendly,so for this one,so for this one if your featured product,image has a,landscape view where the width is,shorter than the height so this is the,best choice the featured,the template should be under the,featured product image,but,if your product image is square,or if the width is shorter than the,height,then,the,template should be next to the product,image,like this one,like this one,so with this just a simple,with just this simple customization you,can can increase your conversion rate,because,uh your product page is going to be more,user friendly and people will most,likely stay on your product page and,will most likely click on add to cart to,purchase your product,in case,your featured product images are,different for example let's say you are,selling uh some product,but you have some products which are,square,featured product image which are square,and some,which have the width higher than the,height and if you are in shopify you,need to hire a developer,to make,different templates for each product so,for square product you can make the,assemblies next to it and for,this kind of product where the ratio is,two by one make the thumbnails under it,so,thank you so much for watching and have,a good day

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