how to change the shipping origin in shopify?

HOW TO ADD MULTIPLE SHIPPING OPTIONS ON SHOPIFY STORE hello welcome to simple answers in this,video

Simple Answers

Updated on Mar 19,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to change the shipping origin in shopify?

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how to change the shipping origin in shopify? catalogs


hello welcome to simple answers in this,video I will be showing you how to add,multiple shipping options on Shopify,store the first thing you want to do,once in your Shopify dashboard you are,going to tap on settings in the bottom,left hand corner,and from here you're going to tap on,shipping and delivery,after selecting shipping and delivery,you are going to scroll down and you can,select create a new profile,after you have tapped on create new,profile you can give this profile a name,if you want and you will also see the,option add products you are going to tap,on that,and if you would like to add all of the,products in your Shopify store you can,simply tap on all of them or if you'd,only want to add a particular product,for example this one right here you will,simply select it then you're going to,tap on done,after selecting the product you are,going to scroll down,and you're going to see create shipping,Zone you are going to select that,and from here you can simply add a Zone,name I'll simply add,test,then you can search the countries that,you would like to set up or you plan on,shipping to so for example I'll type in,America,vent up undone,after doing that you're going to scroll,down and you're going to see the option,add rate you're going to select that,then from here you can give it a name so,I'll tap on standard after doing that,you are going to set the price right,here,so let's say for example twenty dollars,then you are going to tap on ADD,conditions and when you select add,conditions you can set this base on item,weight so let's say for example once an,item weighs over one pound it will be,more expensive although at the moment it,is in kg so let's say once an item goes,over 2 kg it will be more expensive so,we are going to tap right we are using,maximum weight,and you are going to select right there,and you are going to put in two and,you'll simply tap on done,or if you wanted to set it up based on,price you could also do that and you can,create more than one of these to set up,multiple shipping options so again,you'll simply scroll back up to the top,and you'll tap on manage you are going,to scroll back up again,and you're going to top right where you,see create shipping zone right here,and from here you are going to create,another Zone name and you are going to,select the same region again and you'll,do the same setup as I was showing you,earlier but you can simply add different,variants at the end and that's it hope,you found this video helpful and,informative if you did be sure to hit,the like button and subscribe and thank,you for watching

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