how to change sale on shopify to a percent

$$ How to INCREASE YOUR SALES on Shopify 2023 the BEST Shopify App I am going to be sharing with you


Updated on Mar 16,2023

$$ How to INCREASE YOUR SALES on Shopify 2023 the BEST Shopify App

The above is a brief introduction to how to change sale on shopify to a percent

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$$ How to INCREASE YOUR SALES on Shopify 2023 the BEST Shopify App

I am going to be sharing with you guys,what strategy has made me over six,thousand dollars it makes you watch the,entire video because if you're not,implementing this strategy you are,missing out on a ton of money this is,the core way that I gain customers get,repeat customers and continually make,money I am sharing this information,absolutely free so if you guys would,like to subscribe to get more quality,content make sure you subscribe so you,don't miss out I am talking about email,marketing and the reason why email,marketing gets you so many sales is,because these are customers that are,going to sign up because they want to,receive updates they want to receive,coupon codes they are more likely to,repeat buy from you they are pro they,are going to be your most loyal,customers so here's is an example of,email marketing this get 10 off,customers are able to put in their first,name last name,their email and their phone number and I,receive all of that information for my,database to send them emails there's,definitely a couple ways that you can do,this but for me I like to have a little,pop-up right when people join my site I,do have this set up so that customers,receive a 10 off coupon once they put in,their email to use on my website it's,important to give your customers some,sort of incentive so that they do want,to sign up the app that I use is called,privy and I do not mind sharing with you,guys the revenue and the amount of,clicks and stuff that I have generated,using this app but I really do like this,app if you need a step-by-step tutorial,they actually can walk you through and,show you how to use their app and I,actually have used that customer service,before they walked me through and that's,how I am so well taught on this app,scrolling down these are the last two,most most recent emails that I sent out,so I let my customers know that I'm,having a sale very soon which is really,important I have found that that helps,me out a lot when I let my customers,know in advance about a sale now the,next one is the complete your purchase,and I always have that going on what,that is is I have customers who might,add things into their cart and then,leave this is a reminder of like hey you,know what like you might want to come,back check out what's in your car again,just kind of like a reminder and I,actually have gotten a lot of,repurchases this way so this is,something that is very very very very,very important to have set up now it,customizes it to the customer and what,is in their cart and I will also add in,a coupon code because sometimes when,they check out or they look at their,cart and it's a little bit too much,money adding a coupon code is really,helpful to actually get them to complete,a purchase let's take a look of emails,that I have actually created because,this is the core of email marketing so,here are some examples and so this is an,example of my number one like the best,um,email that I've this is the email that,has made me the most money this is,letting my customers know that I had a,50 off and there isn't another reason,why I love this app is because you can,literally just copy and paste emails you,can create a new copy of an email that,was really successful so if maybe the,formatting is great or the subject was,really clickable it dragged a lot of,attention that is really really,important,and I also like this app because it,shows you how they have actually,performed so you know if an email that,you sent out was successful or not,because it'll also show you the clicks,like you might not have gotten a lot of,sales which you got a lot of clicks and,attention which is super important,so um down here is kind of like the,report that it gave me on this email so,that's another thing stick to what works,and do different variations to make it,even better privy does have templates,that you can just go in and edit for me,I'm not that tech savvy I'm not that,good at email marketing I've gone a lot,better but what I used to do was just,create a couple templates that I really,like the look of I was impressed on the,way they came out they pre-formed well,and I just made copies of those and I,just edit them they do have um kind of,like seasonal ones if that's kind of,what you're into but I make my,email marketing Flyers actually on canva,Shopify does have its own marketing,email marketing that you can use that's,available for free however this is,definitely like a step up and it's a lot,more customizable and especially once,you get things going it's amazing you,guys know I'm starting over from the,ground up on my business because I took,about a year leave,this has been a godsend because it is,letting my customers know hey I'm back,so if you guys are ready to purchase I'm,here,that is a really brief overview of,preview you can do campaigns you could,do coupons you can send emails you can,actually also send text messages which I,have not deep dived into yet but I,absolutely love this app and I can,highly highly recommend it which is why,I'm sharing it with you guys if you have,any other questions make sure you leave,them in the comment box down below if,you would like to check out privy it is,in the Shopify app store and I do pay,for this app but technically it pays for,itself because I get sales from this app,so I don't really pay out of pocket for,it necessarily my sales pay for it so,that's another reason why I love this,app because it does work

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