how to bulk edit metafields in shopify

How To Bulk Edit Metafields In Shopify Online Store 2.0 (2022) if you're watching this video then i'

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Feb 06,2023

How To Bulk Edit Metafields In Shopify Online Store 2.0 (2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to bulk edit metafields in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to bulk edit metafields in shopify

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how to bulk edit metafields in shopify catalogs

How To Bulk Edit Metafields In Shopify Online Store 2.0 (2022)

if you're watching this video then i'm,assuming you have a large store with,lots of products,and also that you're already using,metafields or at least you're quite,familiar with metafields if you're not,very comfortable with metafields i've,actually already created a video,introducing metafields and you'll find,the link for that in the top left of,this video right now,the problem you might be having if you,do have a large store,is that you have lots of matter fields,to fill out,and it's very very time consuming to go,into every product page scroll down to,the bottom fill out the meta field and,then go to the next product and do the,same thing,it's ridiculous to do that for say 500,products normally when you need to edit,your products in bulk you can go to this,all products page click this check box,and select all products in your store,then click on edit products and it will,show you fields that you can edit in,bulk and you can add fields to this page,with this drop down but as you can see,our meta fields don't show up here these,are only default shopify fields luckily,there is a way to get around this,limitation,remember my fabric metal field that i'm,using on this product,well here it is in the bulk editor,so it is possible to access metafields,in the bulk editor and this is done by,paying attention to the url let's go,back to the bulk editor that i opened,which is just showing the standard price,field,so let's have a look at this url,it says admin bulk okay and then we have,resource name is product okay so we're,editing products and that says edit and,that says variance dot price,okay that's because it's showing the,price,so how about we try to change this,we're going to type meta fields okay,and then we need the name space and key,of our meta field that we want to edit,okay and you can find this,on the metafield definitions page which,you can access by going to settings,and then meta fields so you can see my,meta fields here i have like length and,fabric,so my fabric matter field is,metafields.specs.fabric this is called,the namespace and this is the key,but basically,you're going to copy and paste or type,this in,and we don't need the product part so,just metafields.specs.fabric,that's going to go,i lost it but that's going to go,right after edit equals,right and we go meta fields dot specs,dot fabric,okay and hit enter,and there we go there's my fabric meta,field,now you can actually edit more than one,meta field at a time so we can have just,as we can add fields like the title,or,like tags,we can also,add extra meta fields,and the way you can do that is to,separate all your meta fields,with,percent to c okay so after our meta,field,after our fabric matter field we're,gonna type percentage sign 2,and capital c,and then we're going to write meta,fields,again those specs,dot length this time okay because this,is the name space and key of my length,meta field,okay,and the url's just jumped again,but here we are matter field specs,fabric then percentage 2c,that's like a spacer,and then metafields,dot specs dot length okay and we're,going to hit enter,and now we have fabric and length as,well,and i'll remove tags because this makes,it annoying it's too big and now you can,edit,both of these meta fields quite quickly,so that's all there really is to editing,matter fields using the shopify bulk,editor,you can also just,copy and paste this somewhere into your,notes so that it's easier to access next,time,by the way if you like small tricks like,this with editing the url let me show,you another one really quickly,if i'm on the all products page here,i'm going to delete this last part so,that it says admin products,and then i'm going to write slash count,dot json,this is a really useful one for large,stores because now it shows my exact,product count so on this store i have,1242 products you can also do this to,get information about collections and,even for customer accounts so if you,want to know more about that i'll put,the link somewhere in the description,and at the top of this video last thing,that i want to talk about is if you,truly have a huge amount of products,thousands of products and even using,this bulk editor would take way too long,then you probably want to edit your,products in excel or google sheets right,for that you need to export your,products and instead of the default,shopify export tool,i recommend using an app called,matrixify,and this isn't an ad or even an,affiliate recommendation or anything,like that matrix if i is just something,that i genuinely recommend,to use instead of the shopify,default export tool because when you,export with shopify,you don't have a choice about which,fields you export you simply click,export,and you can choose what type of file,right and you can choose all products,and that's all,so it exports all your products and then,when you import,you re-import all your products and and,obviously,you don't want to add the same products,twice so you overwrite but this,overwrites all the information on the,products it feels very risky overwrites,the title the price you know all the,meta fields,uh all the inventory and stock,everything and it just feels needlessly,risky right,it feels like why would you do that if,you don't absolutely really have to,and so the difference with matrix if i,is that,it lets you export only the columns that,you want so if you want to export only,titles you can export only titles if you,want to export only tags or only meta,fields then you can export only those,things i only have the demo version,but,this is roughly how you would do it when,you click new export you can select,exactly which fields you want to export,and here down at the bottom we have meta,fields,okay and we can even filter which meta,fields we want to export so,for example,if i want to export only the meta fields,that i was talking about before,which for me were under the namespace,specs see they're both specs.length and,specs.fabric,so i would say the name space is equal,to specs and then it would export,only,these two meta fields but it won't,export these many fields there's a lot,more that i can say about matrix fi but,i think i'll keep it short today but you,can just keep in mind that if you really,have thousands of products then this is,the app that i recommend so that's all,for today guys if you found this video,helpful then check out my channel i have,a lot of videos that i try to make for,specific problems that store owners are,having,and,feel free to message me or feel free to,comment on my videos and request a video,on a specific topic,good luck with your metafields and see,you next time

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