how to bulk cancel orders in shopify

Refund Shopify Orders in bulk now here's how you can bulk refund your,Shopify orders let's say I hav

Refund Shopify Orders in bulk

The above is a brief introduction to how to bulk cancel orders in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to bulk cancel orders in shopify

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how to bulk cancel orders in shopify catalogs

Refund Shopify Orders in bulk

now here's how you can bulk refund your,Shopify orders let's say I have one,sample order here which is paid and we,will now refund it using the Excel if I,add so I can I start by exporting orders,with their line items and refunds so,that we can have that one sample order,with the fields we need for a refund,now the export is complete and we,download the export file,and now here's that one order it takes,up four lines in our sheet and so what,we need to do first of all we need to,change this command to update so that,the app knows that you want to update,this order now we delete everything here,up to the where the line line columns,start so we can delete those columns we,don't need them and now we take the line,type and for where is the line item we,change them to refund line and the same,based here okay the discount of course,we can't refund the discounts or we,delete it and we can also refund the,shipping line so the shipping line is,basically the shipping cost if you have,it if you don't have it you will not,have this line so we need to change the,shipping line to the refund shipping and,we can keep everything the same or if we,want to refund partially then we can,play with quantities and on line totals,to have a partial refund but for this,case we will refund it fully and now we,scroll here to the right we can delete,those columns we don't need them and now,we will see here are the refund columns,and now we just need to fill in if we,want one refund for this order we can,just make it make a refund ID one we,could also split this one in two refunds,for example if we write like this then,we will have this line item will be in,the first refund and then the second,refund will be those two lines but again,for the simplicity sake let's have it in,a one refund let's put some notes this,note is what the customer also will see,in their notification we see,so let's say there you go as that's,agreed and we copy it for for all those,lines and now if we want to restock,those products back into our stock we,can just put the true here then they,will be restocked and if if you don't,want then put the balls like this in,this case let's let's restore them and,if you want to restock them to a,specific location and if you have a,motor location store then you can write,the name of this location here and here,is the field whether you want to send a,email receipt to a customer about this,refund no so we will make it true so,then the customer will receive an email,about this refund and that's that you,can just save as refund and now go to,the excel file app and do the import,this refund file now click import,all right we see it has updated one,order and now if we go back to our,original order and hit refresh you see,now it's refunded and fully so the total,net payment is zero let's see if we have,an email about that yes you see here is,the modification email telling that we,as a customer received $6 of refund it's,$6 because that was the amount which was,actually paid thanks,you

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