how to build a shopify store from scratch

How To Build A Shopify Store Step By Step For Beginners | $16000/month | Make money Online how to bu

JLM Prod Studio

Updated on Jan 19,2023

How To Build A Shopify Store Step By Step For Beginners | $16000/month | Make money Online

The above is a brief introduction to how to build a shopify store from scratch

Let's move on to the first section of how to build a shopify store from scratch

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How To Build A Shopify Store Step By Step For Beginners | $16000/month | Make money Online

how to build a Shopify store from,scratch and launch in one day step by,step with no prior experience required,what is Shopify Shopify is a complete,Commerce platform that lets you start,grow and manage a business without,having to use a single line of code,Shopify is completely cloud-based and,hosted you don't have to worry about,upgrading or maintaining software or web,servers this gives you the flexibility,to create and customize an online store,and run your business from anywhere with,an internet connection step one sign up,for Shopify the first stage of setting,up your Shopify store is also the,easiest all you need to do is sign up,for an account navigate to the Shopify,website and click on the get started,button fill in your desired email,address password and store name remember,you're going to need to choose a unique,name for your store otherwise Shopify,won't allow you to purchase the domain,after you click next tell Shopify about,yourself by specifying how much you plan,to sell and if you're already selling,click on the enter my store button when,complete it will then ask if you'd like,to make a brick and mortar store or an,online shop for this tutorial we're only,going to make an online shop so select,that option and click next the following,page asks you to fill in personal,information such as your name address,and phone number all of which is used to,configure currencies and tax rates step,2. add a product to your Shopify store,once you're properly signed up with,Shopify the software will take you,directly to the admin screen for your,new website here is where you'll be able,to start customizing your store and,uploading products for your customers to,browse through when going to your,Shopify back-end it outlines a nice,step-by-step process on how to,completely set up your shop the first,button asks you to add a product so you,should click on that first the add,products page is similar to something,you would see on WordPress you can fill,in details like a title description,price and vendor feel free to complete,however much of the product page you,like just make sure you save the product,at the end remember the image is,connected to your product can make or,break your chances of a sale so it makes,sense to choose images that will appeal,to your target audience don't make the,mistake of overlooking the importance of,your website visuals another thing to,keep in mind is that you can set up,collections or groups of products,according to your individual needs too,for instance if you are a clothing,website you'd be able to set up a page,that was specifically for men's clothing,or specifically for shoes and,accessories with Shopify you can arrange,for the same products to show up in a,number of different collections making,it easier than ever for your customers,to find the items that they need when,you do add a collection to your store,you'll be able to select how products,should be added to it for instance you,can have products that meet with a,certain criteria automatically added to,your store step 3 customize the look of,your Shopify website go back to the main,dashboard and select the customize the,look of your site button this area asks,you to customize anything from logos to,Colors this takes a bit of tinkering but,the main part you want to focus on is,the link that asks you to visit the,theme store here you can browse through,hundreds of themes in Shopify to make,your site look awesome while free themes,are great premium themes can be very,appealing too premium themes will come,with extra modifications so if you want,to dive down into the very smallest,details of how your website looks then,it might be a good idea to pay a little,extra for a professional theme you'll,also find that you can make a lot of,adjustments to how your site looks and,performs if you access the CSS and HTML,aspects of the theme if you don't have a,coding expert in-house you can always,check out the Shopify experts page for,some extra help there are plenty of,Shopify experts that specialize in,product descriptions Shopify themes,email marketing and lots more you can,tap into the Shopify experts Community,for almost anything some of the things,you'll be able to change about your,Shopify theme fonts color schemes items,that appear on the page related item,functionality homepage Carousel slides,logos step 4. set up your domain with,Shopify after you choose your template,and design your website to your liking,it's time to select a domain to make,your site official and make it live go,back to the dashboard and click on the,spot that asks to add a domain this asks,you whether you want to transfer a,domain or register a new one choose the,domain you like and walk through the,steps to make the purchase you'll also,need to specify which Shopify payment,plan you'd like to go with remember you,can either purchase a domain from,Shopify and have it added directly to,your store or you can buy your domain,name elsewhere and add it into Shopify,it's totally up to you you will need to,update your DNS records if you're,uploading an existing name however upon,activation you can then go to that,particular domain and see your website,while you're in the main area of your,Shopify website make sure that the,following information is complete,General keep all of your information,filled in this settings area including,your billing information and legal,details taxes ensure that you've got the,box next to charge taxes in the variants,section of your website clicked to help,with your accounting shipping you'll,need to click on the required shipping,option next to products so you know,which products need an extra price,adding for Postage and Packaging,remember to select either a weight-based,shipping specification or choose,something that helps you to sell as many,products as possible if you're planning,on selling physical products from your,online store Shopify allows you to,automatically calculate the rates that,could be right for you and your,customers using reliable sources like,DHL and UPS you'll be able to process,online orders rapidly and print valuable,shipping labels without worrying about,issues like dealing with additional,plugins Shopify is pre-existing,arrangements with some of the world's,largest shipping carriers to help,customers reduce the cost of serving,their customers as much as possible to,find them you just need to go into your,settings page page and click on the,shipping option you can also test your,order system before you jump into,selling online by going to the admin,section of Shopify clicking on settings,and going to your payment settings from,the payments area deactivate it before,you continue then select a credit card,gateway to test you can click bogus,Gateway for testing and then place an,order just as if you're a normal,customer step 5 activate your payment,processor click on the tab to the left,of the dashboard called payments this,area allows you to select from dozens of,payment processors such as stripe and, Shopify also has its own,payment processor which is super easy to,implement simply walk through the steps,to activate your payment processor this,allows you to accept payments and put,those payments in an account payment,gateways are some of the most important,things you'll need to consider when,you're building the ultimate Shopify,store remember the Gateway that's right,for you will depend on a lot of,different things including the trans,action fees most payment gateways will,charge you a small fee every time,someone purchases something on your,website make sure you go for the Gateway,that gives you the lowest possible price,card types it's important to select a,payment Gateway that accepts a wide,variety of card types and other payment,options including things like PayPal and,stripe off-site checkout some payment,gateways will take the payment process,away from your website and into their,own server using a form this payment,Gateway strategy can be slightly more,secure but it's also a bit of a pain for,customers after all is said and done you,can click on the launch website button,to make the store live congratulations,you now have a fully functional Shopify,online store how do Shopify payments,work once your Shopify store is ready,and set up the next thing you'll need to,think about is how you're going to start,taking payments from your Shopify,customers Shopify offers the Shopify,payments option which is probably one of,the simplest ways to access and manage,your payments online read our our,Shopify payments review the payment,system means that you don't have to set,up a merchant account with another,provider like square or stripe what's,more Shopify payments integrates fully,with your online store so you can view,all your payouts as a Shopify admin,easily if you choose to use Shopify,payments for accepting customer cash,then you'll need to set up something,called a pay period basically this is,the amount of time between the day that,your customer places their order on your,store and the time that the order funds,are sent to your bank funds from orders,placed on Friday and the weekend are,usually grouped together and sent in a,single payment crucially just because,there's an option to set automatic,payout dates on your Shopify account,doesn't mean that you have to wait,forever to receive your money by default,the Shopify payments Gateway will give,you the money you've earned for a,specific day as soon as those funds are,processed and therefore available,however if you'd prefer to get paid,weekly or at another interval rate then,you can choose to do that too if you,select a reoccurring date for when you,hope to be paid then the payout will be,scheduled for that specific day to,schedule your payouts go to settings and,payment providers click on manage in,Shopify payments click on payout details,in the payout schedule click save,Shopify payments does come with access,to a few useful features such as payout,balances and fee tracking within the,admin section of your Shopify account,you can sync your payments with their,orders and therefore see how much you're,receiving from an individual order the,Shopify payment system also comes with,just one fee the card rate that you need,to provide to the card company for the,transaction there's no subscription,transaction fee a lot of third-party,payment processors do come with a,subscription fee that you need to pay,alongside the price of typical credit,card fees thank you for watching and,comment down below let us know your,thoughts and your perspectives we are,totally open to reading everyone's,thoughts and make sure you subscribe if,you haven't yet also click the,notification button so you don't miss,our latest videos we have a lot more,videos coming up

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