how to bot shopify

How to Bot Shopify in 2022 w/ LIVE COP EXAMPLES all right what's going on guys in this,video i'm gon


Updated on Feb 17,2023

How to Bot Shopify in 2022 w/ LIVE COP EXAMPLES

The above is a brief introduction to how to bot shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to bot shopify

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How to Bot Shopify in 2022 w/ LIVE COP EXAMPLES

all right what's going on guys in this,video i'm gonna be showing you guys how,to bought shopify for the setup guide,i'm gonna be using wrap and then for the,live cop portion it will have live cops,with mac and wrath so you get to see how,both bots work the video will include a,brief setup guide with wrath on how to,set up for shopify which is very very,straightforward and you can kind of go,and copy it with any other bots they all,pretty much work the same way i'll also,give a couple tips and tricks while,buying shopify to give you guys a little,extra chance at copying copy on shopify,is all speed game so preferably you need,good proxies and a server that is not,needed though and i will discuss that in,the video but i will break down my,personal setup and then i will also show,you guys how others run and then you can,decide between the two which one works,best for you this is all about testing,you need to test multiple different,setups to see what works best i used to,cook shopify about a year ago i had a,really good set of proxies that would,work pretty much every single drop and i,was hitting everything if you check back,on my live cops you can see that and,then i went through a huge drive phase,where i wasn't coughing anything and it,just recently i kind of fixed up and,decided running a different way and i've,been able to hit a lot more frequently,so we'll have a handful of sneaker,releases at the end of the video kind of,demonstrating how i'm doing it and if,you do need any more tips and tricks or,one-on-one support click the link in the,bio get started with soulful supply your,all-in-one cook group they got,all-in-one guides they ping you for,every single anti-bot that goes up on,snk shoe palace so you never miss a,restock and the guys in there are,wonderful to help you out with anything,you need so again the links in the,description if you're still looking for,a cook group let's jump into the video,so i can show you guys how to set up,all right so as i stated before we will,be using wrath for this setup so let's,jump right into it first thing to know,is for shopify releases you got sites,like kith undefeated shoot house snk,pretty much anything um that's just,built on shopify you can bought so for,this example let's just go ahead and use,kit keep in mind that every site,releases at different times um kit for,example is at 10 am est undefeated,usually at 8 they've also been doing 8,10 11 12. so they're all over the place,you just need to check up with your cook,group that's why it's good to have a,really good cook group that gives you,that info,so just keep that in mind,but that's the whole that's a whole,different little aspect i'm just going,to show you guys how to set up if you,know what's going on so we know kids,drops that 10 we have the early link and,whatnot so we're going to go ahead and,set up this task we're going to,obviously go to kit,size um,for kit in particular the size they they,typically drop,like a whole size range so four to 17.,um you you definitely don't want to hit,random because it'll pick up a size that,might not be in stock i usually run like,a common size if i really really just,want to cop the shoe so i'll go like,eight and a half through 11 or something,so let's just go ahead and do that but,then again this is really this is up to,you what you do here,for the input,typically for kif for wrath and pretty,much most bots now,they use the end of the url so here's an,example this is from the most recent uh,nike dunk drop this was the url,and then you would just use the end of,this so that is what you're going to be,running as your input,so i'm going to get rid of it for raft,you put a plus and then you put that so,that was the input you used for this,drop and for example but um for wrath,for valor um,and i think mech now too you just use,this but obviously consult,the bad discord and see what they're,saying usually they'll put what to put,to use here so this isn't that important,um just make sure you have it correct,obviously,number of tasks you got that quantity is,keep it on one and then you choose your,profiles,so let's go ahead and choose my main,um,so um,you use that and then you're going to go,choose express preload good to go no,accounts on kit needed now here is where,my setup differs from others this is on,my my local pc here but typically i,would run rap on a server and i use,proxies that are not throttled so that,is very important you want to make sure,your proxies aren't throttled people,usually just run local tests so two or,three,and then they would be able to hit like,that because they weren't throttled i,think my locals throttled because i have,not been able to hit,on local and my tasks still super slow,so i'm pretty sure i'm throttled i do,use unthrottled isps for me my hype isps,work so that is what i use,for kit not all of them are going to be,on throttle though keep that in mind i'm,lucky and i got the throttle one so you,really really do have to play around,with it and test,in the past i used unknown and those,worked for me forever and then for some,reason i didn't renew them and i lost,them and then i was screwed and i have,to use local luckily now these proxies,work for me so my setup for kif is gonna,be,is my hype isps on a server,and that is um my setup for shopify but,if you're like most people and your,locals not banned you could just run no,proxy on your local server like this,and this will do and you should be able,to check out uh or at least have a,decent chance of checking out because,this is it does,come down to luck kind of not really you,gotta solve your couch fast obviously,but that is the setup right there um and,then in terms of my task my delay i,always keep it at 888 just from the,start and then uh 20 seconds before drop,i'll drop it to,four fours,um and then right before like literally,right before maybe one or two seconds,before i'll drop it to two to two or,even under sometimes i'll even go under,that's a little risky um but literally,one to two seconds before drop i'll drop,it that low and then it'll let it'll,cycle through so obviously then the,capture pops up you're gonna solve the,captchas you need to open a shopify,checkpoint um solve them as fast as,possible and hopefully check out but,once it cycles through and i if i don't,hit i'll quickly go ahead and raise my,delays back to around 3000 just so i,don't throw out all my proxies or my,local you definitely don't want to throw,your local host because that's like the,most reliable thing you can have,so just keep that in mind if you don't,hit it right off the bat i would,probably raise the kit throttles,extremely fast so,that is how i run shopify again like i,said i do use hype isps and i use a,server,just because it's a lot faster it pings,two times as fast on my server so,that's what i've been doing recently and,it's been working pretty well for me for,others though localhost on server works,if you don't have any isps,so that's pretty much a setup portion,it's extremely straightforward and again,if you do have any more questions or,concerns,and you're looking for cook groups so,full supply they will help you out,that's that portion of the video,now i got a couple shoes that released,recently and i will show you guys how,those went and you can kind of see the,flow in real time of how it works with,that being said though that wraps up for,me i hope you guys enjoy the rest of the,video and i'll see you guys on the next,one,just you need some gasoline,so,so

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