how to be successful with shopify oberlo

How To Make Money With Oberlo in 2023 (For Beginners) hey guys mike bastille here and in this,video

Mike Vestil

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How To Make Money With Oberlo in 2023 (For Beginners)

The above is a brief introduction to how to be successful with shopify oberlo

Let's move on to the first section of how to be successful with shopify oberlo

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how to be successful with shopify oberlo catalogs

How To Make Money With Oberlo in 2023 (For Beginners)

hey guys mike bastille here and in this,video we're talking about how to make,money with oberlo and more importantly,how beginners are earning 100,to 700 a day in passive income more than,after the intro,hey guys mike lucille here welcome to,this video before we actually gonna,remind you that several spots have,opened up for this week's free workshop,where it's the fastest and easiest way,to make money online,sign up for it in the link below we,literally have a 62 year old woman go,from zero to 160 grand in 90 days so,check it out now,alright guys so i first heard about,oberlo back when i first started shopify,drop shipping back in 2015,and beforehand i was doing a bunch of,these like other business ideas that,wasn't giving me the freedom that i,wanted,i wanted to make more money i wanted to,help my mom and dad i wanted to travel,around the world i just wanted to feel,more freedom of money instead of being,kind of like a slave to my finances,so of course shopify dropshipping was,the way right but one of the biggest,things that i had at the time was when i,started getting winning products,how could i actually fulfill it very,very fast and that's essentially what,oberlo did for me you know we were kind,of like,one of the initial users back when not a,lot of people using oberlo,and just like that while using the,software and the service before,of course i went to the next level which,i'll explain what i did after,when we stopped using oberlo was it,allowed us to go from zero,to 1.5 million dollars in sales my first,12 months of course,results not typical but i'll allow you,exactly what i learned from that,experience,so that you don't have to make the exact,same steps the first thing that i,realized is,ultimately oberlo essentially is just,like the fulfillment app,that allows you to order products from,the suppliers so that you don't have to,spend all of your time kind of like,putting in the payment,information and the contact information,from the sale essentially what this is,is when you make a sale on your shopify,platform,you literally click on a button and it,automatically buys the product,from like aliexpress puts the customer's,information,in and then ships it out to that,customer and then automatically updates,the tracking information on your shopify,platform now think about how huge that,is because i mean when i was getting,like,two sales a day it was okay like i could,literally come in here,buy it from aliexpress ship it to them,wait a couple days,upload the tracking to shopify when,you're literally getting hundreds,of sales a day like what i did when i,was selling grill mats,it's not feasible to do all those,yourself like i literally had to hire,a bunch of team members from the,philippines to literally go and just,order a bunch of grill mats,sending into these customers and waiting,a couple days and uploading the tracking,into shopify,it was a nightmare oberlo literally,solved that problem for me but remember,the biggest goal though,before you could really take the most,advantage from oberlo is finding a,winning product,if you don't have a winning product if,you don't have a consumer amount of,sales,oberlo is not necessarily needed until,you get to that point and i'm going to,show you exactly how,right the first step is all finding a,winning product right so for example how,i find a winning product if i just type,an,example right i'll just put cat i'm,going to sort everything by orders on,aliexpress,because what that does for me is it,tells me what all the popular orders are,right now,that are actually making sales right now,and as you can see i see a bunch of,things that are doing really really well,the next step that i got to figure out,before i could figure out about,fulfilling the products,is how can i get in front of the people,that are going to want to buy it back in,2015 it was just all facebook got this,facebook that facebook got this,i believe now in today's day and age,that form of marketing that worked back,well in 2015,is dead and you need to be more creative,when it comes to getting in front of the,right people,so what i like doing is actually,utilizing youtube right like if i just,type in for example cat,tips one of the most interesting things,that i had noticed,that i've yet seen anybody take,advantage of it to the fullest is the,fact that this girl,only has 4 000 subscribers she has 605,000 views this girl has 757 000 views,only 16 000 subscribers,this guy only has 33 000 subscribers 3.5,million views as you can see there's a,lot of people that are looking at these,cat videos,but very few subscribers meaning there's,a lot of these,these people these creators that aren't,making any money,so what you could essentially do is,partner with them and say hey you know i,want to actually,uh have you make a video about this i,love your video about that other video,that you did with cats,every single time you make a sale with,this i'll give you a promo code from my,shopify store,if ever you got to say i'll literally,give you 20 to 50 percent of all my,profits,why would you do that well think about,this it's no risk to you all you really,got to do is,spend i don't know like 39 cents six,dollars send them product to go ahead,and review and if you get a bunch of,sales guess what that's like free,marketing that you did not have to do,like when i was doing facebook ads it,was hard man because i was literally,spending five,ten twenty dollars a day crossing my,fingers,hoping that i was gonna make money and,if the product was a dud,i wouldn't have known that here i don't,i actually know that the product's not a,dud,because i sorted by orders and 26 000,people have already bought this,so it's already proven to work you start,getting these people to start you know,promoting your products,right make a deal with them give them 20,to 50 of your profits because you're not,having to spend anything out of your own,pocket,you're only paying them after you've,already made a sale now comes the oberlo,thing,we're like okay now i have to fulfill,these products so of course you can,literally hire somebody from the,philippines and just go through all of,it just literally click through,um using the oberlo app and,automatically order all these products,directly to,the shopify customer of course it will,update and the tracking as well so you,don't have to do that,but what i did is a little bit more,advanced after that because of course,once you're,doing like i don't know 50 sales a day,or even 100 sales a day,what i like presley doing at that point,was actually stopped using oberlo and,going straight to the supplier,you know i ended up finding a really,good us supplier that literally lived,down the street from me that also sold,grill mats at the time,and what i would do instead of using,oberlo because we used it a lot until we,figured out this method,and that is every single day we would,just export all of our orders,via csv okay it's kind of like an excel,sheet where it's like okay there's their,name is where you ship,this is how much they paid i literally,gave that to my supplier,they literally did everything else they,connected it with like ship station and,whatnot which was their service that i,didn't have to pay for,and that was the thing that they would,automatically update my tracking,which it ended up being a lot cheaper,saving me more money,and it allowed me to have lesser of a,bigger team so that i can focus more on,creating more profit for myself but of,course that can get pretty complicated,as a beginner so if you want a faster,and easier way to make money online as,you can see,from what we did selling other people's,products that we don't have to create we,don't have to manage we don't even have,to do the,returns or customer service you could,see in the past seven days we pulled in,7k,net and then in the past 14 days we,pulled in about 20k net check it on the,free workshop below,and of course subscribe and check out my,podcast with all these,multi-millionaires that literally live,here in bali,and make a bunch of money online that,literally started off with nothing check,it out in the second link below,that being said love you guys see you,guys later,you

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