how to be a shopify guru

Why 99% Of Shopify Dropshipping Gurus Are FAKE! (Dropshipping Exposed) hey how's it going everyone m

Ecommerce With Michael

Updated on Feb 17,2023

Why 99% Of Shopify Dropshipping Gurus Are FAKE! (Dropshipping Exposed)

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Why 99% Of Shopify Dropshipping Gurus Are FAKE! (Dropshipping Exposed)

hey how's it going everyone my name is,michael,and today we're going to talk about why,99,of these shopify drop shipping gurus are,fake,now this isn't my typical videos i make,but i wanted to make this because it's,an important topic to talk about,because so many people watch these gurus,and think they can get rich,like them but the sad reality is most,people won't,i do make videos on store and conversion,rate optimization,which a lot of people don't know,or they don't watch these videos about,so if you want to know how to increase,your conversion rates how to get more,sales without spending more money on ads,and how to actually create a high,converting store then i would suggest to,subscribe to my channel,now you might be asking why are they,fake well here's why,so many of them like to sell the,lifestyle of becoming successful and,rich in ecommerce to drop shipping,that you don't need to work a 9 to 5 job,but in reality,95 to 99 percent of the people who get,into drop shipping,fail most of these group channels,only focus on finding winning products,or facebook ads,and not the store side of things to,actually create a high converting store,you don't need to become a facebook ads,expert to get sales or to scale,so if you've been running ads for a,while then chances are,you're actually decent at ads most of,them they make their money from selling,courses and,and mentorships not drop shipping itself,they also never talk about or very,little about store optimization,and how to actually get more sales,without spending more money on ads,that's what we all want to do and lastly,they show their followers how to create,typical aliexpress dropship stores that,bring no value to customers,and yes they might give some good value,here and there but i'm not gonna lie,i bought a course a few years ago from,someone and when sales were down,turned out i lost a thousand dollars and,my store looked like the typical,aliexpress garbage store,now that i think about now here's two,examples from guru showing off how easy,it is,and that you can be easily making,thousands of dollars and showing the,lifestyle,it's not that easy people,you can see well as drop shipping okay,that's good,all right fine trending products that,will cost that's good,running facebook ads this is so easy,getting social proof okay,okay sell the product for a higher cost,that's what every business tries to do,and bam yeah i can make four hundred and,fifty thousand dollars that see,that easy and now we got another one,finding training winning products,build a store build a store,run some facebook ads and that can be,easily making three hundred thousand,dollars in eight months,and work whatever i mean come on people,this is garbage,and here's a person you might have seen,before trying to sell people a pre-built,shopify store,for 17 dollars i think do you do you,really think you can succeed with a 17,store come on and of course he's showing,off the lifestyle at a rented,house in in the hollywood hills i mean i,can rent the same house on airbnb,and do the same thing it's not that hard,now here's a popular,ecom king so many people love him but,i'm not sure why,pretty much all of his videos are about,winning products and facebook ads,i'm not seeing any content on the main,reason why people fail in drop shipping,which is the source side of things like,i said you don't have to become a,facebook ads expert to get sales,and another thing is pretty much any,product can be a winning product,but that's for another video here's,another popular guru,vrm ecom same problem like most of these,most of these crews,they only talk about facebook ads and,winning products,you can see that they have that he has a,first successful,shopify store but if you actually watch,the video,he makes the store look like the typical,dropship store which is not,good in his latest video he talks about,the top five problems that cause,storage to fail so let's check it out,in the video he talks about weak,products about ads,shipping and maybe supplier issues which,is important,but and he also talks about getting,giving up,nothing about store optimization or,making a high converting store which is,key,and then finally finally we have ac,hampton,people love him because he's friendly,but the same exact story like before,his content is only about facebook ads,and winning products,most people are already good at getting,traffic to their store but not,converting customers to purchase,on the store itself,actually i actually looked at some of,the comments sections in his videos,and saw this lady ask him a great,question that she's getting traffic but,no sales,of course he replied but didn't even,take five to ten minutes of his day,to see the store and give her some tips,he just,redirects her to message him and maybe,sell her,his courser mentorship and the funny,thing is i joined his facebook group to,see if i can help people,like i do in a lot of these groups but,it came to me,that people aren't getting the actual,help they need for example,here's another person from his group,saying he's getting traction to his,store,but seeing a lot of abandoned checkouts,he even links to his store which is good,but i looked at the comments to see no,actual real advice or,suggestions to stop the abandoned,checkouts so you can see i,also commented redirect into one of my,videos because i saw he was missing a,lot of key information on his product,pages,that can cause abandoned car and,checkout issues,and here's another so-called drop,shipping guru that he reviewed,his subscriber stores which is nice but,he only bases the stores off,for simple things not the buying process,to actually get the sales,but he just says the logo the colors,images,description and reviews and then you,start to wonder why so many people fail,at drop shipping,because all these gurus teaches nonsense,to to people,i actually was talking to someone,yesterday that was having a lot of,abandoned carts and gave them a lot of,suggestions for the product page,because it was a total mess so i asked,him if he watched any video on how to,set up a product page,and he told me ecom ecom kong,he even admitted that he didn't realize,that econ kong,gave him so many errors after my review,and here's another convo i had with,someone saying they got,f'ed by a fake gurus and they listened,to their advice,now you see his he said his sales,exploded after taking my advice and,should,suggestions that you can see at the top,so what now well i would take what these,channels,say and think about if it actually makes,sense,you can watch my videos on soaring,conversion rate optimization which i,gave a lot of,free value and i'm not selling anything,to people,and you can still make money from drop,shipping in 2021,but it's not that easy how how it used,to be,and that's pretty much it for this video,if you want me need to make,more of uh videos on store,optimization and how to make more sales,without spending more money,please like and subscribe it really,helps the channel to grow,so more people can get recommended to,them thank you for watching

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