how to add volume discounts on shopify

How to SELL MORE Products with Shopify Volume Discounts! in this video i'm going to show you how,to

Ecom Geeks

Updated on Mar 02,2023

How to SELL MORE Products with Shopify Volume Discounts!

The above is a brief introduction to how to add volume discounts on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add volume discounts on shopify

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how to add volume discounts on shopify catalogs

How to SELL MORE Products with Shopify Volume Discounts!

in this video i'm going to show you how,to sell more products and boost your,revenue by offering volume discounts to,your customers you can get this set up,in about 10 minutes we're using a free,app and there is no coding required,anyone can do this let's get started,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video if you,sell any type of product with different,color variations or styles or types or,even products where they may want one,for themselves and one for a friend you,should definitely set up volume,discounts for your store and start,taking advantage of the extra sales you,could be having the way it works is when,a customer visits your product page,you'll have an offer displayed it could,be a percentage off or a dollar amount,when the customer meets the criteria for,the volume discount their discount is,automatically applied at the checkout,now let's set it up from your shopify,dashboard install the app bundler,product bundles,once your app is installed click create,bundle,volume discount now there are a lot of,great options and customizations you can,do if you want i'm going to keep it,pretty simple in this tutorial but the,options are there if you need them,also anything with a green lock means,it's a premium feature which is a part,of their paid plan not to worry though,you will be able to do everything i'm,showing you here today on the free plan,alone the product i want to create a,volume discount for is this one here,as you can see i have lots of different,designs to choose from so it's very,likely that the person ordering these,would like to have a few different ones,the discount that i'm going to offer for,this one is buy three get one free for,anyone thinking that offering these,types of discounts will kill your,profits the original price of this,product is around three dollars i've,marked it up to 9.99 so even with the,offer of buy three get one free i'm,still making around 20 and the price of,the product that i'm giving away is only,valued at three dollars it's much more,likely that a customer will purchase,multiples if there's a discount so it's,better to sell three at twenty dollars,than just to make a single sale all,right so for the name i'm going to call,this buy three get one free,we are going to leave the title and,description as is for now scroll down to,the volume discount section,change the quantity to three,change the discount from percentage to,your currency,and then for the discount change it to,the price of the product for me it's,9.99,then scroll down and we are going to,select apply only to specific products,you could choose apply this discount to,all products in the shop if that's what,you wanted click select products,then use the search bar to find the,product you want to offer the discount,for,it will automatically select all the,variants available for the product but,if you don't want to make a certain,variant part of the offer you can,unselect it,this is optional but i'm going to select,automatically add new product variants,this way if i add any more variants in,the future i don't have to come back and,manually add them to the volume discount,offer,the last thing you need to do for now is,scroll down and click save bundle we,will need to make some tweaks later but,for now we're going to add this to our,theme so that you can see how it looks,and make your adjustments from there,click online store,click customize on your theme,and then from the drop down select,products,default product,this is going to allow us to add the,volume discount to all of our product,pages if there's no discount available,for the product nothing will show,all right so under product information,click add block,and then under apps select the volume,discount element,after that drag it up to wherever you,want it to appear on your product page,unfortunately we don't get a visual here,of what it looks like and that is,because i haven't set a discount for,this particular product but you will see,it in a moment the last thing i want you,to do is click theme settings,select app embeds,and then make sure the switch is turned,on for this app,all right save your work and then let's,take a look at our product so here's,what it looks like by default you are,likely going to want to make changes to,your text so that is what we're going to,do next,how you edit this is completely up to,you but here are the main areas you want,to look at,if you don't want a title or description,and just want to leave this part you can,erase the text and leave it blank,the other text you might want to change,is down here in these two places,they have code in these brackets you can,choose to change the text around it or,erase it and change it completely it's,up to you,here's what i've done for mine i've,erased my title and description and here,are my other settings,before we finish off there are a few,things you should be aware of with this,app,first the discount isn't calculated,until your customer reaches the checkout,that means when they view their cart it,won't show the discount this may cause,confusion and they may decide to take,items out of their cart,the paid version of the app does allow,the customer to see the discount at the,cart level so it can be fixed you just,need to pay their monthly fee the other,thing is that the discount is taken,evenly out of every product so for this,example we are advertising buy three get,one free you would expect to see a 9.99,discount but instead that discount is,broken down and applied evenly to each,product in the cart there's also an,important note when you are creating,percentage discounts so let's cover that,really quickly if you were doing a buy,one get one fifty percent off you,wouldn't put the discount percentage as,50 because the app applies that 50 off,to both products which means they would,get a free product instead what you want,to do is enter 25 then when the app,applies it to both products your total,is now 50 percent so whatever you desire,your total discount to be you will have,to divide it by the number of products,and then enter that amount not the total,desired amount does that make sense if,not just let me know in the comments,what you're trying to achieve and i will,do my best to help if you like this,video do me a favor and give it a thumbs,up or leave me a comment down below and,if you haven't already make sure to,subscribe we post a lot of time,sensitive content such as winning,products on this channel so make sure,you have notifications turn on so that,you can be one of the first to market,when we post those videos

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