show a specific number of blogs in shopify

Shopify Blog Management Tutorial Hey, everybody. This is Ori from Astral Web and I'm going to show y

Astral Web Inc.

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Shopify Blog Management Tutorial

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show a specific number of blogs in shopify catalogs

Shopify Blog Management Tutorial

Hey, everybody. This is Ori from Astral Web and I'm going to show you how to use the blogging system,,the blog post system in Shopify back-end.,And before I actually explain to you how it works in the back-end, just want to what is a blog,first of all? So a blog is content, it's information that the business is sharing,with the world, with their customers, with potential customers in order,to provide information, a lot of times get new traffic, do it for marketing, share business news,,share company news, share industry-specific information and then many other things.,So a lot of times a company wants to share information to connect with the customer more.,And for a blog itself, it's just information.,So every business wants to share different information.,Some businesses want to share about their internal company operations, some want to share about their new,product releases, things like that.,So the first thing you need to do before you actually start using the back-end right here is to figure,out what kind of information you want to share.,So, for example, the Shopify blog, what they share to their customers,,they share things like business ideas, and grow your sales, and product updates,,and founder stories, things like that.,These are the big, big topics.,So if you want to do that, so first of all, you've got to figure out what you want to write.,So let's say, for example, I want to create these kind of topics.,These are the main topics.,Think about them as sub-blogs or major, major topics.,So, for example, Business Ideas.,So what do I do first before I write an article?,I go to Online Stores and I click on Blog posts.,And here you can see every single article, every single post you've made.,But what you want to do is instead of just writing an article, first, you want to manage your blog.,So you manage your big topics.,They can be completely different topics, they can be sub-topics, etc.,So what do I do?,I click on Add Blog, first of all.,And I can actually go here and let's say the first one I want to have the Business Idea, right?,Now, it doesn't have to follow this Shopify structure, but this is one way to do it.,There's many ways to do it. A lot of times, actual businesses, they only have one blog.,They just call it Blog and that's it. They don't have all these sub-ideas.,They have ways to connect them like tags, for example, but they actually, you know,,organize them in different ways.,So, for example, you see Announcements is a different way.,Here it is. So Announcements, Entrepreneurship, etc.,So this is kind of big ideas.,There could also be small ideas.,And there's many ways to do it and I'll show you a case...there are two ones.,One is the actual blogs, the other one is tags, okay?,So let's create that one.,Let's just call it, for example, About The Company, okay?,Let's have a blog About The Company and then the next one is the Feedburner URL.,So if don't have to actually specify this, but if you have your customers subscribed,via RSS feeders, these kind of software that easily pull the latest articles, the latest blogs there,,you can specify it. If you're not sure, just keep it at none, okay?,You can always change that.,Other than that, you have your SEO listing so the homepage of that blog, that specific blog or sub-blog.,You can edit the title.,Of course, you want to do this for SEOs.,So, for example, About The Company, you know, My Company's Blog, okay?,And then the meta description.,You know, "We share latest company information with the world.",And typically you want to have one to two sentences and the maximum is 320 characters, okay?,And then the URL itself.,So your domain/ blog/whatever it might be.,So let's just call it, for example, my-company.,The last part is do you want on this blog to allow customers or visitors to your site to comment and,review you, okay? Do you want to do this?,So if you don't want to accept comments, you keep it on disabled.,If you want the comments to come in but you want to review every one of them for spam and things like that,,you know, bad words, spam, etc., you do that.,And if you want them to automatically get approved, you can do that.,Typically, if you don't need, obviously, do nothing.,But, especially when you're in a new blog, make sure you actually moderate them because there's a,lot of bots, and programs, and spammy stuff.,So I'm going to actually show you this.,Obviously, comments are disabled, this one.,And then this will automatically post them.,So I'm going to show you an example, okay?,So About The Company. So now I saved it.,And now if I go to Manage blogs, now I have three, for example.,I have one called News.,I don't allow any comments on it.,One called Company, actually I made this before so I'm going to delete this, okay?,And then so I have About The Company and I have News. Let's say I have two.,You know, this one, for example, has also let's say Grow Your Sales.,So I can make that or not.,But I think you understand the concept. Okay.,So now that I created those, what I'm going to do is actually create blog posts.,So, first of all, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to create a blog post and I'm going to call it,,you know, "Our company just opened.",So the title of the article, okay?,And I'm going to actually create the content.,So, you know, now let's say, "2020 and we started our new business.",And you're actually going to write the actual content.,So what is the content?,For example, if you're on let's say this site, this is the title, right?,And the content, there's the image, and all the text, and if you have videos, and embeds,,and things like that. That's the whole concept, right?,And what would I do?,I would go here and start typing it in, right?,So, you know, "2020 and we started business..." etc., etc.,Now I start writing just a ton of things, right?,A ton of things until I finish.,And, of course, just like pages, you can bold things, you can add links and add tables.,So let's show you an example.,Let's add a table, and let's add a few rows, and let's add some columns, things like that.,So, again, you can have many, many different things.,So you can embed videos right here.,Just put the actual embed from YouTube, for example.,You can actually have indents, and bullet points, and colors, and these kind of things, right?,So once you actually do that, you're going to go to the excerpt.,And I'll show you in a second what that means.,So excerpt, you're going to create a very, very short summary that actually goes on the main page.,So typically it's some kind of teaser, some basic information that gets the customer,,the visitor, to click to move on.,So let's say, for example, this is my etc., so I'm going to just type in this and I'll show you,what's actually happening.,And then your SEO information, of course, your URL, your meta description, and your page title, okay? Etc.,And then also you want to specify if you want it to be hidden so not show at all,,if you want it to be visible immediately which obviously you want to publish your article when,it's ready, or if you want it to be visible based on a certain start date, for example,,midnight tomorrow night.,I can specify tomorrow night at 11:45 p.m.,just for an example, right before midnight, okay?,And here's where you're going to put a featured image which you typically want.,Let's just say, for example, I have a logo, okay?,And you're going to specify who is the author.,Now if I only have one author, this is my name.,So I'll show you how to edit the name and then which blog does it belong to.,If you remember, we have two.,So I'm going to specify About The Company and tags.,This is a way for customers to see....organize the articles and for customers to see that the articles,that are similar in topic, okay?,So what is a similar in topic, for example, so a podcast would be, for example,,a tag that's similar.,So it's in the Shopify blog but the actual tag will be Podcasts.,So you can click on this and see all the other articles that are also podcasts.,Okay. So let's just say this is just general, okay?,So I can say this is general news, okay?,So I'm going to click on Save. Okay.,So now if I go back to Blog posts and I go to my blog, you'll be able to go here About The Company and you'll,be able to go to View, okay?,So here this is About The Company.,I have no articles.,So let's figure out why we have no articles.,We're going to go back to Blog posts, and Our company just opened,,and what I didn't do is I didn't put it... I put it basically visible tomorrow night.,So, obviously, you can't see it.,So I'm going to make it visible here. Come save.,So I'm going to refresh.,Okay. So now I have a article.,Now you can also see that the tag, for example, general.,People can see all the articles general but, obviously, I only have one article.,So in the article, this is the actual blog homepage, let's call it.,So I have the blog home and I have article one, and then later on I would have article two,,three, four, five.,So if you see here, this is the name of the article.,I can click on it.,This is the main image itself, right?,Right here, the featured image.,And the article is very long, supposedly, right?,So I would have a lot of article but the excerpt is only showing "2020 and we.",So only on the actual blog page, the excerpt is shown.,Only if you click on it as a customer, you'll be able to see the entire article, right?,Okay, great. Now, if you remember about comments, customer can go to the site and write a comment.,For example, my name is Ori, and here's my email, okay?,And then, "this article has nothing inside.",Obviously, it's a very dull article, "please fix it.",Okay. So if I click on Post, it won't be automatically posted here, right?,It will get sent for approval.,So how do you see that?,You can go back to Blog posts and you can see there's a one comment that requires moderation.,I can also click here and see that.,Here I can see all of my comments.,So what do I do?,I can go and I can see it's not approved right now.,I can approve it or, let's go here, click on All, I can see all of my...okay?,Or I can mark it as spam, or I can delete it, or I can checkbox and select any of the possible,actions I can make, okay?,So if I go back to the article, I go below, there is one comment that is live.,Here it is. And that's it. Very simple.,Here's the comment itself, okay?,So let me go back and go to the comments.,Let me make another blog post. Okay.,So I'm going to call it my 2nd article, "this is a test," and the excerpt would just,,for example, be called "this." Okay.,And I'm going to specify, connect it to the About The Company, put some tags, yes or no.,I can select from the existing tags or make my own new ones.,So new. Click on new. Upload image or not.,I can make it visible and we're good to go, okay?,So now if I refresh my page now, I have my second article.,Here is the excerpt.,I can click on it and etc.,So that's basically the concept.,That's everything you have here.,Okay. If you have any questions, let me know.,Obviously, you can create many blogs.,You can organize in different ways.,You can use tags.,Let's actually show you one more thing about tags.,Let's say, for example, I'm going to make a third article, "3rd article, test.",The excerpt is going to be, "test.",And I'm going to do About The Company.,And I'm going to tag it with general as well, okay?,And I'm going to make it visible, of course.,Now if you go back to the My Company blog, here's that main URL, you can see three articles.,Now this article is not connected not tagged with anyone.,This is tagged with general. This is tagged with general.,So if I click here, I can see article one and three, for example, right?,And you can also view the tags here.,So that's basically it.,So every theme, obviously, would have a different layout.,Things would look differently but that depends on your actual theme itself.,Other than that, the name of the article, of the author right here,,is going to be decided by the user who wrote it.,If you go here and click on my profile, if you actually change the user,,you change the user name right here, the first name and last name,,it would actually take a few minutes and then it would be live and change it here.,So I hope this makes sense.,If you have any questions, any detail, coding, non-coding, how to set up,,what's the best way to use blogs and tags, other things, let me know.,I'm happy to answer any questions.,Appreciate your time.,Hope you enjoyed this video.,Thank you.

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