how to add structured data to shopify

How to Install Structured Data on Shopify Store (2019) hey folks it's Karen again with platter,and I


Updated on Mar 07,2023

How to Install Structured Data on Shopify Store (2019)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add structured data to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add structured data to shopify

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how to add structured data to shopify catalogs

How to Install Structured Data on Shopify Store (2019)

hey folks it's Karen again with platter,and I am not alone today with me I have,our fantastic WordPress expert and our,Potter's web development director Jason,Hartley goes by Jay Ray's if I am,calling him by that nickname it's not,some random person it is him and he's,got a beard Jay you want to say hello,hello hi I'm Jerry and I have a beard,well a massive question that I,constantly get asked is how we submit,structured data on a Shopify stores,right so that's one of the challenges,especially because if you're on a,Shopify install on your main domain you,don't have the luxury of having those,WordPress plugins that do it,automatically some theme files do you,have it but it does not have it most of,the theme files don't have it on the,homepage of your Shopify store so we're,gonna walk you through exactly how I'm,going to do that on this call so I'm,gonna start first if you guys see my,screen with the reason right structured,data is a big deal we talk about this,all the time the last you know 10,updates from Google have been mostly,about structured data or the the Google,search console and we've been stressing,the importance of both of those things,at kata for quite some time but,structured data is this right if you're,if you're setting it up correctly Google,is you're telling Google what you want,to show when you do show up natively in,SERP all right so these are all up there,called Rich Snippets and they come in,various forms right they come in of,course the Google Shopping they come in,the knowledge panel over here,they also come towards the bottom when,you're when when they're showing,additional products and as well as,location if you do have a physical,location and video if you have video,right all kinds of great ways you can,show up organically through serve and if,you're doing it right your Shopify store,can help to get these things showing up,organically which is always you know,that end goal so we're gonna show you,how you do it first I'm using one of my,client sites as an example doctor sees,calm this is when we first realized for,for the purposes of this video we,realize,we don't have any structured data,submitted this is what it was before we,submitted it so Jay ray and I went,through an exercise and really it's him,and doing most of the legwork I'm just,taking the credit for it but we wouldn't,do and we actually ended up adding all,of these things manually so we're going,to show you how to do that on today's,call but also the important elements,that you want to have in structured data,because it can easily go down a rabbit,hole of all the various sets of,information that you can have so a,couple of things that we wanted to add,on to the homepage of this summit is to,Google first I wanted to make sure that,a product was a feature as part of the,part of the structured data pieces next,a webpage object as well as,organizations so after we submitted it,this is what it looks like and what,Jamie is gonna help walk you through to,submit for yourself as well so again I'm,using the structured data testing tool,dr. Steve Kahn same website we tested,again after submitting it and now I have,all the pertinent information that you,should be submitting for the homepage to,Google right,so not only a webpage website in an,organization and I have a product in,here just a note I know that I have,three warnings here on the product but,these products are those warnings are,simply that system warning to make sure,that hey is this intended and in our,case these warnings are intended so I'm,going to leave them alone but for the,most part you see us if you go through,and actually go and you can test any,structured data piece yourself just by,going into this tool I can I can see any,of my competitors and the structured,data pieces that they have submitted to,Google as well as them in a little tip,if you want to write some compelling,descriptions and possibly some pricing,you can check it out from there,but yeah these are these are the pieces,of information that we thought was most,important for this product on the,homepage so I'm gonna switch it over to,Jay ray as he's gonna walk you through,how he went from this to this so Jay,would come on take it away all right so,this first part web page is just a,general you know object saying that hey,it's a web page and if you expand it,it just you're gonna put kind of like,your typical SEO meta description title,description and then publisher you're,gonna want to put organization unless,it's a personal site or something like,that but typically it's going to be an,organization in that name the,organization just goes further into it,you put your logo which has specific,parameters it needs to be no wider than,600 pixels and no taller than 60 so it's,really a low-res logo I don't know why,it's that small but that's what they,want your your URL and the same as are,all your social media links right there,so you can tell Google ok this is where,I'm at here on the web and just to show,you an example of what that looks like,when you look at here's a great example,of if after you submit this and Google,decides to show you up like so this is a,really great example of what how these,pieces of information are going to show,it's gonna show up as your company in,the knowledge panel when people are,googling you so again we've submitted,the description that we want to show,rather than relying on Google to pull it,dynamically based upon the homepage,elements now we're able to tell Google,exactly what to show it within knowledge,panel as well so though I just I just,know something that we should probably,add Jai raise our is our customer,service line for doctor seats but yeah,have those seasons of information handy,sorry go ahead - and so then you've got,website which this one is specifically,suggesting to Google say hey this is,where you can search on our site so,whenever you get a result in Google,it'll have that search bar and with,Shopify it's kind of tricky because it,can be dependent on your theme so I had,to do some digging around to find that,because a lot of times they'll use,what's called Ajax just to load it all,within the same page without refreshing,and then some things have an actual,search page this one luckily had both so,I found it and it's usually slash,slash search question mark you equals,whatever and stuff like that so that's,typically how it works it is important,to note that there are Shopify's themes,that do submit specific types of,structured data to Google like for,example on the theme that we're using,for this client on dr. seeds all the,products are listed and submitted to,Google on structured data but,specifically on the product pages only,alright so I'm talking specifically,about the homepage right how do you do,it manually so we're gonna go into that,so J if you want to walk us through okay,so how we added it to the homepage is,you're gonna go down to online store,themes and then click the customize,button and that's going to bring up your,themes customizer and this is different,for everything so it's not going to be,exactly the same but they typically have,these modules on the left side and,hopefully they include a custom HTML,module so if you see down here under,take a chill pill that's the product,that we were that we have on the,homepage under custom HTML I left,subheading and heading blank just so no,one can see it unless you look at the,source code and then I added the JSON,object for the schema markup right there,and then if you back out there at the,very bottom I have another custom HTML,module it's where I added the rest for,just the homepage with organization the,search box and web page that's how,you're able to go from this to this and,this makes me happy I just wanted to,note a couple of other things if your,theme files on Shopify do not have any,automatic submission of structured data,to Google you can do it manually and,it's it's just a little annoying but,it's not terribly difficult if you,google right over here I have it on this,tab if you google structured data markup,helper you come into a page that looks,like this,right and you can go through and this is,where I actually,went through and let's go into an actual,product let's say we wanted to get some,structure data on this product submitted,we're going to copy this link pop it,into here select products start tagging,and this is specific specifically for,Rich Snippets to show up like this and,within the knowledge panel and the other,of the other snippets that you see a,towards the bottom of the syrup so from,here you can then start highlighting,what it is that you want in this case is,it's the name of the products right and,again you see it right over here you can,exit out if you don't like that you can,also edit it if you wanted it as well,the reviews get a little funky right you,want to make sure to choose that it is,it is the reviewer not the not the,rating value but the reviewer oh wait,there is it's going to be aggregate,rating aggregate rating one more one,more there we go and we're looking for,yeah I do have a note though you did,highlight five reviews and it'll,probably hopefully it tells you the,errors but like both on that count it,needs to just be five with the price no,currency symbol because then there is a,currency parameter that you add within,that it says USD or whatever you awesome,thank you for that that's not just keep,it very simple when it when it comes to,numbers they just want the number and,stuff like that nice and then you can,highlight all of this to get your,description of the products um so anyway,after you're done marking up the,elements of this page including if you,scroll down below the the reviews that,you want highlighted to which is a nice,site you can create these HTML it spits,out the actual files that AHA you can,see we used when Jerry was submitting,this manually through the Shopify,customized name oh one note that that,Jay ray did have earlier for me that I,don't think we mentioned,when you are doing this manually just,make sure to use custom files and not or,not don't edit the theme but you're,going through online store through,themes of this customize button is that,correct J yes I mean if you are a,developer you can edit the team files,and add some micro data and stuff like,that but for the layman just go click,customize and leave it at them awesome,and by the way this this structured data,markup tool it helps you with all kinds,of things not the home page side the,home page that you do have to do that,manually through the method we just,showed you but if you did have an,article that you wanted let's say some,more structured data on that you would,pop this in here pop your URL in here,and submit it exactly that same way so,that's how you can do it manually folks,enjoy

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