how to add shopper approved code in shopify

Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Simple Tutorial in this video I'm going to walk you,th

Clicks Geek

Updated on Mar 12,2023

Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Simple Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to add shopper approved code in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add shopper approved code in shopify

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Google Merchant Center Shopify Verification - Simple Tutorial

in this video I'm going to walk you,through how to verify your Google,merchant center account on your website,hey guys it's Dustin with clicks geek,here before we get started if you can,please click the thumbs up below I would,greatly appreciate that also if you're,new to the Channel Please Subscribe for,more great content like this okay so on,the last video we signed up for our,Google March Center account now we're at,the transition of setting up and,validating the rest of the merchant,center,so we're going to continue,and then we're just going to take us to,the next area here,and then from here we are going to add,the rest of our business details we're,using Shopify so we're going to verify,and claim our Shopify website and I'm,going to show you exactly how to do that,where to drop the code okay so the next,thing we're going to do is we're going,to add some business details very,straightforward here I'm just going to,drop a few tests,addresses in here,okay,and then once you've done that you're,going to want to click save here,and then phone verification I'm just,going to drop my number in there really,quick save my number,and then I will verify my number here,really quick,okay so once you receive that code you,will just drop it in here,okay,drop your code in that was text to you,and then you click finish and it will,verify your number here,okay,so business details have been added,the next thing I'm going to do is I'm,going to verify and claim my website,which is my Shopify store so I click,continue,and then what I'm going to do is I am,going to grab this piece of code here,this meta date name so I'm going to copy,click this and it's going to copy,and then I will navigate over to my,Shopify store,okay now that I'm here okay now that I'm,here I'm just going to click online,store,and then I will click this drop down,under actions and then I'll click edit,code,and then over here on the left hand side,it'll say theme.liquid I click that and,then what I want to do is I want to,search for the end head tag we're going,to place it just before the end head tag,so let's do that so I'll just click into,the code here,and then I will click open up my find my,search feature here,okay and then I'll go,less than forward slash head,greater than,and then search and then there we go,and then I will,actually I'm just going to replace this,because we already had a one in there so,I'm gonna drop that in there it just,goes as you can see here it just goes,right before this end is closed of the,head tag and then here's your body tag,where it starts right there so we're,just going to place it right there,and then click save,and then we're going to navigate back,over to Google Merchant Center,okay and then what we're going to do is,we are going to say verify website,and then congratulations you have,verified your website the next thing,we're going to do is we want to claim,the website so,there we go,it's gonna move over to here and it's,going to say that we have claimed and we,have verified the website,and that is how you verify and claim a,Shopify website for Google Merchant,Center that's all I have for this video,today if you're interested in having our,company manage your eCommerce campaigns,please reach out to us by using the,application link that's just down in the,description below this video we look,forward to hearing from you soon please,be sure to stay tuned for the next video,we're going to set up the shipping we're,going to set up the tax for the campaign,and we're gonna add our first product so,that you can set up your Google shopping,ad,foreign

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