how to edit opening soon page shopify

How To Set Up A Coming Soon Shopify Page hey guys welcome back to my channel and,in today's video i

Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Feb 07,2023

How To Set Up A Coming Soon Shopify Page

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit opening soon page shopify

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How To Set Up A Coming Soon Shopify Page

hey guys welcome back to my channel and,in today's video i am going to show you,how to create a comments on page that,will draw attention and attract um,customers in your store and this will,also helps you to start building your,marketing,and prepare you to launch your business,so let's just get started so basically,before i start showing you how to create,a comments on page these are the most,important you need to know that should,be included on your comments on page,um first you need to explain what it is,that is coming soon um also you should,talk about your product a little bit,about your company,um also let your customer know when and,uh when you're launching your site um,include a line of communication through,email or social media etc these will,allow you,and helps you to get connected with your,customers um also a really good tip is,that include your social media,um sharing button so this will this is,actually for people to spread the word,about your brand so let's get started,um first,make sure you are on the online store,click online store and on the theme,section click here customize and this,will take you on the,customization page so from here on the,home page click this arrow down,and scroll all the way down and click,others,so from here,from here click password,and you can see here you have a title,already uh this is like a demo,um from shopify it says opening soon so,you can basically start editing this,page so we can start editing this page,by going on this section over here and,start editing everything,um so let's click there so this is the,uh password header you can actually,add your logo image so i am going to,select logo and i am going to put the,logo on my of my business and you can do,the same thing and then click select and,my logo will be right up here,and you can change the size of the logo,if you want it to be,a little bit bigger bigger or just a,medium size you can actually do that,so and then let's go back,um and now let's click here,and edit the openings on the section so,when we click there we go we are going,to edit um the heading so instead of,rubbing opening soon let's start,um,let's put um,coming soon,okay,and you can pick the size of the header,if you want it to be small,um large or medium so that is up to you,i think i'm gonna put large yeah i'm,gonna,i'm going to put large okay,but you can pick the size you want,uh so now i just um we just edited the,header,now this will be this,section where you're going to tell your,customer,um you can tell your customer here like,what it is that is coming soon,you can include also your information um,that you need your customers to know you,can tell them about your brand and stuff,like that you can also um let's go back,let's go back here you can also add um,first we have an email at least section,here where they can,after telling them about the product,um,you can tell them to subscribe down here,and they can put their email so this is,good it's just there as a template from,shopify,but you can also add different sections,so pretty much this is how it is gonna,look like like coming soon and you can,tell them here about what it is that is,coming soon and you can tell them also,like be the first one to know about when,we launch,uh blah blah blah you can get maybe like,a 20 percent off or like 10 of,and leave us a in your email address,over here so we can send you a coupon,code and you can be the first one to,know when we launch our store this will,helps you a lot to get connected with,your customers to build um your email,listing and things like that so what we,are going to do now let's go back uh you,can also add different section you can,add section by clicking add section so,uh pretty much don't add like so many,things and you can add like few things,um the lace the coming soon looks is,better,don't add so many things to uh,make things um not looking um neat and,good,so basically you can add a video that,maybe showcase what you are all about or,also maybe showing your product that,will be available during your lunching,day,and,things like that,so on the ad section here scroll all the,way down and click video so let's add a,video so we can add a video on our about,us page and on this video you can,explain about your store or what you can,showcase also your product,um and we can basically um,let's go back we can basically drag,the video uh to the place that you want,it to be so you see these um,six dots you can actually drag the video,up here so basically your kaiser will,see the video and then the comments and,page will come up here or if you don't,want your video to be up there,you can uh do the same thing,by taking these six dots and drag it all,the way down so you can pick the section,that you want uh this video to be,and so your customer will be able to see,about your product and you can also tell,them like coming soon and tell them a,bit of the description and the email,they can sign up and this should be good,to go,um you can also change the image your,background image right over here so by,clicking the image behind you,behind the coming zone page um and then,click select image and you can put the,image that you want so you can put maybe,a little like your logo one of your,products,um anything that you think will be great,for your comments on page you can do,that so i'm going to select that and i,am going to click save,and if i go back,you can see this is now my comments on,page will be looking like i have an,image behind here,and this is the video that will be,showcasing my um,my,my products you can also click the video,let me show you,so you can also click the video when you,click the video you can select the cover,so it's good to have a cover,this will helps you a lot to make,everything like,things like,more neat and professional and good so,just gonna go back so when your,customers visited the link of your store,they'll be able to see the link of the,video with the cover here so they will,click that and the video will show them,about the product and when they scroll,all the way down they'll see they're,coming soon and the information that you,want them to know about it,um and things like that so after you,edited and add everything,you can click save here,and now our comments on page has been,created so basically you can add as many,section as you want but i will recommend,you not to add like so many section but,have like only few section because the,less you have contents on your i'm,coming coming soon page the better will,be don't have like so much that your,customer won't be able to read or,follow along on everything so i hope you,liked today's video,if you do please give me a big thumbs up,subscribe on my channel for more video,like this and i'll see you guys on the,next video

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