how to add print on demand to shopify


Income stream surfers

Updated on Feb 22,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to add print on demand to shopify

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hey guys what is going on this is going,to be quite a long video I'm going to,assume I should really be streaming,right now but I don't really fancy it so,instead I'm just going to release a long,form video we're going to be working on,my Shopify store I showed you how to,make a free partner account which you,can then make a developer store and we,can start uploading products and what,we're going to actually try and do here,is use,printful's internal design maker so I'm,going to go down here and click on,design maker,I'm going to hope this is something,quick I think the first thing I'm going,to do is just focus on something quick,and simple like t-shirts and one thing I,do want to mention before I actually get,started with this is just ridiculously,long this this process is so long guys,so if you try and do too many things at,once you're gonna really start to get,confused so I'm just going to do simple,white t-shirts and simple black t-shirts,with a white design and a black design,and yeah that's basically the idea right,here,okay so it looks like this one here has,got a pretty good rating it's 14 it's,made in the UK and I think we're,actually gonna focus in the UK so,okay so that is black and we're gonna,hit white as well is there a way to,we don't really want this to be here,that's where we want it to be perfect,DTG printing perfect,we're just going to click add text here,and we're going to see what happens when,we find a keyword you guys should know,how I find keywords by now it's the,exact process I've been showing in all,my latest videos definitely check out my,latest videos I'm not going to go,through how to set this up in this video,just because I've shown how to do it so,many times just please feel free to,watch one of my like literally the video,I released before this video if you,don't know how to set up Google adword,Keyword Planner then that is your friend,so what are we going to be doing here,this looks pretty good to be honest with,you,I think I just want some blank text,basically some nice readable something,like that might actually be quite good,okay so we're probably just going to do,this one by one honestly,Let's uh change this text,okay so it's pretty intuitive honestly,so you're just right here I'm gonna,actually use that keyword so catch,flights not feelings,and I want to see how many searches that,has first of all,seems to have a lot of searches,I mean yeah I guess we could just go and,we could just roll with that,I'm gonna try and remove some of the,words catch not feelings and see if,there's any,um,troll ones here that we can include it,doesn't look like it,let's try keyword for this,catch not feelings,I've got yeah prepositions,oh God,so what we're going to do is for every,single one we're going to check how many,all in title,um,flights not feelings I'm gonna get some,idea of the competition here 11,000 results,749 results,it's not even that bad,let's see how many sales some of these,uh have if we can,see if this has any sales,um,yeah it's not really a good way to see,I don't really like the keyword it's,just done to death so let's just start,with something else,so,let's just run with that word though I,like that word so we'll do catch it,catch up with Jesus I like it let's just,do it,I don't like this fun this fun doesn't,work for this at all,how do I remove delete,for the hot text this is I like this I,actually really like this uh this design,software,this is good this is just one layer as,well please just be nah why is it always,too late that's so annoying,wait you can just add these as well wow,this is really cool honestly,I would like it if it was all on one,line though it's kind of annoying that's,always on two lines,so yeah obviously we're just perfecting,the the,process right now why the half an hour,changes toes,okay so I think what we're gonna have to,do is we're gonna have to put it on one,line to be honest with you so I'm just,going to pick one of these fonts uh,let's go with I like this font,so we're gonna just delete the word,consistency and then we're just gonna,delete the word consistency thank you,and then we're just going to put the,keywords here,ah it's too big let me see a little bit,smaller,oh no she can change the you can change,the color on each one that's good that's,really good,that's perfect it's just so intuitive to,make uh really really quick designs I,can't change the color apparently,okay so I just got something I was happy,with and skip to the next part but yeah,this is the outline and then I'm going,to click on black and I'm going to click,on color and it comes up on the side,here we're going to put a white here and,now we have two different kind of,designs I hate I hate that why why would,you not let me do that,my like what's the point,I guess I could go red,because it looks fine on both,yeah,maybe gray okay Gray I like gray yeah,gray looks good on both that's fine I'll,just go with that,maybe give this a bit of an outline,um,I'll give you a y outline,no,you can read it that's fine you can read,it maybe let's use a lighter gray,why is it like glitching out I hate that,stop with the outline I don't want to,outline and I'll change the color okay,that looks fine,is this readable hmm,let's go in the middle then that's fine,whatever is readable that's fine,okay nice,it's pretty good it's pretty intuitive I,do need to get used to it though uh,because I've never really used this,before but let's say this to templates,and then let's go to templates wherever,the hell that is,go to dashboard templates,had to store,really amazing t-shirts,okay so we actually need some we can,probably put this on different colors to,be honest it'll look fine on Gray uh red,yeah we can stick some other colors on,maybe that color,I don't know I don't know which ones,these so you're not gonna need to read,it so I'm not gonna go too crazy with it,but,it's not going to let me download these,but I think that's a problem really,it's a little bit slow I will say that,now this process is going to take a long,time just from waiting basically,these are fine These are nice mock-ups,it looks good it looks fine,the beautiful thing about this is I,could literally just do this over a year,and just keep adding stuff and not pay,for anything and then after a year I,would have so many designs and then you,just release them all,oh why is it not here,whatever that's fine honestly,okay so why is that the main Market,Village exactly the only one that,doesn't have the,picture on it oh because I clicked it,that would make sense,uh let's go with I think it looks nice,like that honestly or just like that oh,actually like that yeah that looks nice,let's go with that,Okay so,we're gonna be using my logic of exact,phrase match so catch up with Jesus,um,funny,uh black and white,I think it's important to write a,description for everything and I'm just,gonna,I'm going to use Jasper just because I,really just can't be bothered so if you,want to use Jasper you can you can get,it for uh you can get a free trial of,Jasper I don't really like talking about,paid tools to be honest with you uh,generally speaking I'm not really a fan,of talking why Jasper is down,okay so never mind about Jasper I guess,I'll just have to I'll just have to,write I have to go back to my roots of,writing and get some descriptions out,there I guess it's useful for people who,want to know how to do this kind of,thing I will say that's not that,important so like the standard,description is fine playful description,oh,nice on Trend description,that's sick that's so cool that's such a,good feature honestly,is it made in the UK now,for some reason I thought was made in,the UK,um,this 100 organic without cotton darling,stays true to Taiwan,um,catch up with Jesus,let's just quickly run that keyword just,in case I'm missing,this is going to give me like loads of,weird like,catch up with,you,oh my God oh my God this is really good,wow,there's some really good keywords,I'm not expecting that,um nice,black or white gray text,whatever honestly these descriptions are,good enough I'm not going to waste time,doing this and but I am going to add all,of these I'm going to add that as well,Imperial what does the UK use what,measurement,s,pretty sure we use,Imperial I don't even know what we use,anymore metric,Imperial measures are still in use,oh yeah what,for clothes,for women's clothes in the UK,I mean that's not really very helpful is,it,arguments have birth that's fine,okay tags tags is the important one here,so uh funny Jesus,the reason these are important is,because uh I'm gonna be making,collections at some point,and this is how I'm going to be doing it,okay so you need to make sure that you,cover all your bases here catch up with,Jesus,um,yeah this is this is where it gets this,is where you need to do a lot of,research to understand everything that,you're like every Niche that you're,eventually Landing in this is why it,might be better to do and to do what I'm,doing but just do a niche store because,then you already know the niche you,don't have to do Niche research every,single time which I'm gonna have to do,here,um,there we go this is this is what I need,this is exactly what I need,perfect,this is just how I'm gonna do it,okay so I need to keep these somewhere,as well I recommend that you guys do,everything I'm doing here I'm doing,everything very very very carefully okay,so you have to understand this is a very,complicated process if you if you make,any mistakes along the way because you,think oh I'm not going to do that,because it's not necessary whatever it,might be,you might miss something that's super,super important,so one of these things is going to be,um,collection tags,you need to keep a note of your tags,okay and you need to expand on these,niches as well which is probably exactly,what I'm going to do so that we have at,least 10 designs for each of these,niches,oh like yeah I'm probably gonna use the,same tags for all of these basically it,doesn't really matter if it's the same,collection it's still under the SEO page,at the end of the day so we'll start,with catch up with Jesus and I'll do,nine more designs in this Niche and,that's probably just going to be the end,for now,uh I could actually create the,collection already which would save me,some time because,but why is this not appearing,no it's fine I'll make the collection,after it doesn't matter it's fine it's,just as easy it doesn't really make a,difference,okay so that will do that's our first,one let's go to pricing this is going to,be difficult for me I'm not really going,to be able to give you any decent advice,here I'm just going to put a price that,I think people will,um pay,basically I want to make at least five,pounds per t-shirts let's try 20 pounds,and see where that hits,it's a little bit High I think that's a,little bit high for a t-shirt,five pound fifty Seven I do want to,cover my returns I don't know I think,five pound per t-shirt profit is about,where it should be let's let's try,doing that,yeah I feel much more comfortable with,656 and this is a much better price so,let's just submit that to the store,and yeah that's it we have our second,product so if I click on product here,any second now this other one should,appear,any second now please say I did it to,the right store,no,okay there we go thank God,okay so I really really like this as the,main,um image here let's have a look at the,product page just to see what we're,dealing with,but you can see already that the Shopify,printful integration works very very,well it's very very quick does that look,kind of weird and gray I don't really,care honestly it's gray now,this is quite a cool design,I already have some designs here like I,may I may as well add these at some,point,I may as well just add these honestly,I'll probably do that at some point but,yeah for now let's focus on what we're,doing so let's view this product here,and we'll have a little look,it looks fine,um where are the other images here,oh I only did the image I selected oh,that's so annoying really though,nah for real,that's kind of annoying I'm gonna have,to quickly go back and rectify that,mistake that that's just my mistake,obviously um I didn't realize,so let's just try and add to the store,again,it's probably gonna say it's already in,there,it doesn't say that you see to mock-ups,okay I've only got it on black and white,but I just want to really quickly get,this to see what's going on here,all my cups,yeah I want all my clips,so I clicked this so what did this give,me,how do I just select them all,is there really only one product image,here let's do,um,oh okay so obviously just clicking here,was the answer I should have known that,immediately I want to add a few uh so we,want this one,I don't know we want just a load of,images to work with but I definitely,want one of these ones to be my main,image,am I gonna have to do this every time,I'll just save what I want,the main mock-up I want to be this one,but does it still have these ones so,annoying dude,okay let's try this again oh that's,annoying,it's fine,I need to change the name of the store,as well it's still just really amazing,t-shirts,already worth copying that didn't really,add anything,sorry about this guys I did say this is,going to be a longer video so,oh nice it oh that's perfect,oh that's really useful actually good,job,proceeds pricing,do what was it 1899,why would it not have that saved that's,kind of annoying,there are so many few like little things,that they could change that would not,take that long,okay let's see what happens here I'm,gonna guess it's gonna add a new product,in which case I'll delete this old,product,okay now it's got no pictures,I'm so confused,okay that's the one that's on red,Etc which for some reason just didn't,give me pictures there we go we've got,pictures we're fine nice so so let's,just quickly take another look here by,clicking preview I want to see the,variation yeah it does have variations,perfect nice this is great this is,exactly what we're looking for it's got,all the sizes,and yeah,we could already start selling basically,but we're not we're going to keep going,in this Niche and see what else we can,find in this Niche which we already,found some before,what did I search,Ed a second ago to find this,I searched the keyword again,what was The Cure,uh catch up with Jesus right,good job with Jesus,in here,catch up with Jesus is ketchup copyright,probably,is the word,hmm yeah looks like it probably is,ah maybe it's not,I don't really want to risk it to be,honest I don't want anyone to copy me,and then make the risk and then like,have problems so,yeah let's just stay away stay away from,it catch up with Jesus Let Us Praise Him,and relish you,interesting keyword I wonder how many,results this has on Redbubble I'm just,curious 10 results,that's so risky man,oh this is the whole keyword,this guy's Brave man yeah,yeah this uh is probably never gonna,sell because it's not even a keyword but,yeah there we go,so let's create a new product template,can I just duplicate my old product,template that's the real question,yeah,can I duplicate it please,thank you,okay let's edit this template,we've already got everything in place we,just need to what I'm going to do is I'm,going to correct this design because it,wasn't actually the whole keyword,this is the whole keyword,I'm still going to keep the other one,because like you never know what people,are going to buy honestly I've done that,loads of times,I'm not going to use ketchup even though,it's much funnier,I would love to use it but yeah,part of your design is outside yes I,know,okay so yeah I'm not gonna bore you with,the kind of design part of this but,because I mean this tool is really easy,to use anyone can use this honestly,but yeah this is now the completed,design it has everything I need and,we're going to hit continue again,as you can see guys we're already let me,just see how long this process has taken,so far,uh we are 23 minutes into this video and,I've only uploaded one and a half,designs,so yeah you can see that if you do want,to do this there's a reason that,Redbubble is,so popular it's just it's so much less,work than this,but if you're really serious about,selling T-shirts online this is,definitely the best way to do it and,yeah it just takes time basically,so we're gonna hit the keyword so we're,gonna have to type it catch up with,Jesus let's just praise and relish him,copy that,get rid of the word copy always always,get rid of the word copy I hate that,okay save product template and then,we're gonna hit add to store again I'm,actually going to make this the last,design I know I said I was going to do,10. I'm already I'm already at my wit's,end because this is just so slow and,yeah this is probably a lot of benefit,doing this automatically to be honest,with you if you're really serious about,this you can maybe pay for flying upload,for a month and upload 10 000 designs in,that time,I don't know it's up to you guys,honestly but I,I probably only recommend doing this if,you enjoy it and if you don't enjoy it,then maybe it's not it's just not right,for you basically I don't know,because this is pretty pretty slow it's,pretty slow,but if you get a kick out of it and you,want to make some money in the future by,putting in two to three four months of,work,doing this then yeah I can see the value,in that for sure I can definitely see,the value in that,okay let's proceed to the most important,part we're gonna hit the keyword there,we're going to put on Trend that's just,going to be what we're going to be doing,I'm going to be working on this store in,the background guys whether I will ever,release it I have no idea but if you do,want to see more videos like this please,leave a comment and yeah I don't know,let me know,these videos are not doing very well to,be honest with you let me just go back,to details I forgot to do tags these,videos comparatively aren't doing as,well as my other videos so in fact it's,useless using the word t-shirt here,because you can just make a collection,uh that uses the word t-shirt in the,title as well it doesn't have to be in,the tags so you don't really have to,worry about putting the word t-shirt,they're thinking about it's kind of,pointless I wish they would save my,pricing and just,for the same thing it's kind of annoying,that you have to write 18.99 each time,but yeah there we go so the final thing,I'm going to do in this video is I'm,going to make a collection to tie all,this together real quick so we're going,to create a collection and we're going,to call it,uh what was this that was here cheesy,Christian joke t-shirts is what we're,going to call it cheesy,funny,Christian,also guys I'm not I'm I'm this is,nothing against Christians or anything,like that I'm making this video it just,happens to be the first keyword that I,found,just yeah don't flame me please it's,just an example it just happens to be,about cheeses,um uh you don't really need to put a,description again like we're beyond that,point in terms of SEO it it can be nice,to put in a description but,if you've got enough if you've got,enough product on a collection page if,you've got 10 products or 15 or 20,products on each collection page you,don't really need to waste time putting,a description you don't really need to,waste time putting a Collection image,all you really need to do is make sure,that the URL looks good and you have a,meta description so actually yeah I,would say it's worth sorry to just go,back on what I said but it's worth,writing a description only because,of the meta description okay,only because of the meta description so,you do need some content here so,um let's say you want it to be unique,every time as well so hilarious,uh collection of funny Christian,t-shirts so,tan,in Chi and sarcastic,shirts,free shipping on all orders over,hundred dollars that's quite a lot,I don't know let's say 50 because then,they'll have to order two t-shirts in,order to get uh get free shipping which,I think is fair honestly it's like a,trade-off,um I'm always thinking about you know,I'm you have to think about these things,from a business perspective if you just,say free shipping all across the world,you might have problems if you sell,suddenly a load of t-shirts in another,country but if you make sure that you,cover your shipping costs with your,profit by making sure everyone has to,order two T-shirts,you should be fine if you want to be,very very safe let's do three t-shirts,um,and then hi,quality organic cotton graphic t-shirts,for,uh you,know okay,I'm just using that's just an SEO word,guys this is just an SEO or please don't,flame me thank you,um I only care about SEO that's all I,care about uh product tag is equal to,okay and you can see,they're all here so we're gonna hit,cheesy Christian and because this is,cheesy funny Christian t-shirt category,and then obviously when you make another,one you will use another tag and even if,it's the same products who gives it who,gives a crap honestly it's still a,different page so let me just show you,what I mean by that I'm gonna go down,product tag is equal to Let's do,um,yeah sure why not so funny,Easter,Christian t-shirt then you would write,another you would write another meta,description I'm not going to do that,right now because I just can not be,bothered and then you hit save again and,then guess what you've got two unique,organic SEO pages in like a very very,short amount of time that have products,on,why that's right why are there three of,them oh yeah I uploaded that other,product okay that's it guys that's gonna,be this installment of how to kind of,make your own Shopify store let me know,what you guys think let me know what you,guys want to see next let me yeah let me,know if you're watching this far I,highly doubt anyone is going to watch 33,minutes of me rambling about Shopify but,I hope this was helpful for some people,thank you for watching I'll see you,really really soon some more content and,peace out

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