how to add facebook link to shopify website

How to Connect Your Shopify Store to Facebook - Updated 2023 for you who didn't know,shopify is a su


Updated on Feb 10,2023

How to Connect Your Shopify Store to Facebook - Updated 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how to add facebook link to shopify website

Let's move on to the first section of how to add facebook link to shopify website

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how to add facebook link to shopify website catalogs

How to Connect Your Shopify Store to Facebook - Updated 2023

for you who didn't know,shopify is a subscription,subscription-based software that allows,anyone to set up an online store,and sell their products shopify offers,many features,and tools as well as it includes all,basic ecommerce features,such as analytics marketing tool,shopping cart reports and mobile,access one of this feature that shopify,is capable,is connecting your store to facebook,in connecting your account to facebook,you will be able to increase brand,awareness,using typical social indicators,not only that you can also increase your,sales for your products will reflect on,facebook and just to let you know,78 of american consumers say that,they've discovered products on facebook,you are also able to create an online,store with fewer resources,and doesn't consume a lot of your time,now that you already know the perks in,connecting your shopify store to,facebook,we will walk you through and how to set,it up,to start off log into your facebook,account,and shopify admin,let's start the setup on your shopify,admin,we'll be adding the facebook and the,sales channel,click the plus button on the sales,channel,and look for the facebook on the list,and click the green plus button beside,it,on the next page you'll be asked to,confirm the sales channel integration,scroll down to the bottom and click the,updated sales channel button,what we need to do next is set up your,facebook integration,on the facebook shop click the start,setup,connect your facebook account just click,the connect account,a pop-up will show up that will ask you,to enter your facebook password,enter it and click continue at the,bottom,you'll be able to ask to verify the,integration,make sure that you're logged in to the,correct account then,allow shopify to manage your facebook,ads,next is the connector facebook business,manager,after you have connected your facebook,account it will detect,if you have a business account if you,haven't had a facebook business manager,account,you can visit,just make sure that you're logged in to,your personal account and just go,through the process,once you have created your facebook,business manager account,it will show up on the list on the,business manager section,just click connect on the correct,account,next is to connect your facebook page,the pages that you have created on your,facebook personal account will show up,on the list,just click connect to the correct page,enable the data sharing by turning on,the switch and,choose maximum as your data sharing,level,right below it click connect to the,correct facebook ads,id,next is to set up your facebook shop,using a commerce account on facebook,first that you need to do is to set up,your facebook shop,go back to your facebook page,click the more drop down and select,shop on the next page,click the go to commerce manager button,set up your shop just follow through the,setup wizard,click next on the first part which is,get started,choose the checkout method since you,want them to be directed to your website,choose the website option and click next,choose sales channel select the facebook,page and where you want to show your,products,and click next then enter your business,email address,next is add products,you actually don't need to add anything,here since it'll be synced to your,shopify store,just click next and the last one,is the preview,just agree to the seller agreement and,click finish,setup,since you just had this integration it,will go through an approval process on,facebook,go back to your shopify admin and finish,the setup,you should see a notice that it's,complete but don't get frustrated if,your products won't show up yet you'll,also notice that the shop,tab on your facebook page has,disappeared,the integration may be on the review,process of facebook,it may take three to five business days,based on our experience,once it has been approved you can just,go directly to your facebook page,or you can go to the facebook channel,then click,customize shop,on the catalog you should see that the,items on your facebook catalog,reflects the products on your shopify,store,now that you have connected your shopify,catalog to your facebook,your customers will be directed to your,shopify store once they,purchase your product on facebook,do you like this content if you do don't,forget to like this video,click the subscribe button and ring that,notification bell,so you will get notified in our next,video,you

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