how to add button to image in shopify supply theme

Shopify Supply Theme Review: Is it the best Shopify free theme? so supply could be the easiest shopi

PageFly Shopify Page Builder App

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Shopify Supply Theme Review: Is it the best Shopify free theme?

The above is a brief introduction to how to add button to image in shopify supply theme

Let's move on to the first section of how to add button to image in shopify supply theme

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how to add button to image in shopify supply theme catalogs

Shopify Supply Theme Review: Is it the best Shopify free theme?

so supply could be the easiest shopify,theme for,any beginners however is that for,everyone,i think that some people might love it,but some people,might not be the fan of it,hi welcome to the new series of shopify,theme review,by pageflight team i'm jun and if you,already subscribed to page for our,youtube channel,perhaps you may know about some of our,videos about shopify theme reviews like,prestige,motion or minimal theme etc with a new,series we'll be continuing,to give you our thoughts towards many,popular shopify themes,but there will be many giveaways events,as well,so make sure to subscribe to our youtube,channel follow us on facebook and,twitter to get the latest updates on the,following events,now as you can see here i guess you all,know in today's video we're gonna walk,you through all features,of the supply theme one of the most,popular free themes on the shopify theme,store,if you want to try the theme with a demo,store you can check out the shopify 14,day free trial,link in the description box below and we,also have a detailed review article,about supply,theme so if you are interested in,reading,you can check it out there too okay,enough for talking i think it's time to,start with the supply theme review,right now home page,here we are in the shopify editor board,i've already installed the supply theme,to create a demo store here,if you don't want to use the default,theme color of the supply theme,you can go to the general theme settings,and,change the color palette like i did here,and it's better to set up typography,card,social media and so on first before,actually,building your store okay now,get back to the home page i really have,to say that,supply theme represents the true meaning,of supply,because it's built for stores with large,catalogs,and yes large inventories stores,the haters looks very basic where you,can add,logo there 400 pixel wide is recommended,because,you don't want a 2-bit logo it will,stretch out the height of the header and,people will hardly see the content below,and there's a product search bar and,card here,and it looks like a fundamental,e-commerce marketplace,a navigation as you can see there's many,links with drop-down menus,items this helps you organize your menu,bar when you have a great number of,products,and collections one of the main features,of,supply theme is featured collections on,the home page,this is why i said supply is choose like,a,theme for suppliers very straightforward,you can display,more than 50 products on the homepage,and up to six,collections under each collection you,can add,maximums of five rows and five products,per row,and yes your store will be like a small,version of a marketplace like etsy,one tip for product images the,recommended size,is 10 24 by 10 24 pixels,you should prepare it before adding your,product images if you want,the sections look coordinated like this,the price you can show the saved amounts,or compared price to let people know,about the discounts they can have,also you can see the collection list,here and,put them under the slideshow this helps,customers choose which collections,they are interested in faster mentioning,the slideshow,it is the main features of the theme as,well,you can add stunning hero banners here,and set the,running time of the slice,a minus point of supply theme is it,doesn't support text or cta buttons on,the image slide,so you want to have text on the,slideshow the best solution is to design,images with text beforehand and for the,banners with text the ideals transition,time for each slide is about 10 to 12,seconds,if you want to add more content on the,home page,you can add more sections like image,with text,rich text video or map,but our advice is you shouldn't add too,much content,if you decide to show many products on,the homepage because it will affect the,loading speed a lot,and for the footer here you can add,quick links to,more information pages like contact,shipping refund policies and so on and,also the newsletter sign up part like,this,okay so that is the features of the home,page of,supply team,product page,here is the product page features that,you can see,in the editor board with this supply,theme,you can enable image zoom effect to let,customers inspect products more closely,when they hover the mouse on the images,you can show quantity selector here,remaining quantity message,and you should show saved amount or,compare,a price here as well and related,products here is a good,thing for upselling,the dynamic checkout button here if you,set up paypal,or apple pay payment options,it will have the typical checkout button,that you may have seen on many online,shops,and here the product reviews if you,install,the product reviews app from shopify is,a free app,people can add their reviews on your,product pages,when you install the app it would be,some code editing involved,but trust me just follow their tutorial,is super easy let me show you how,okay so after installing the product,reviews app,you see the instruction like this all,you have to do,is copy this code snippet here and,put it in the sections product template,dot liquid and where you will put it,here between the product description and,show share button line code,now you copy it,go to the online store then theme,actions and edit code,now find the sections then product,template dot liquid,then to find the line between the two,code line,you click on any code in the board here,then you in the keyword,press command f,then you search for product description,you will see here the code line product,description and,show share button i already pasted the,code here,but the point is you paste the code,between the two line here,and then just save it,back to the product page you can see if,you can add review here,i think the supply theme let you show,many content on the product page however,one thing i don't really like about the,product page is,if you look at the product images the,variant images,of the product is under the main image,so they are not above the fold you know,people have to scroll down to see the,variant images,personally i'd like to have the varying,images on the left,or the right of the main image so that,people can have a sneak peek,of the products in many angles right,above the fold,and that's better for user experience,but all in all the product page looks,very clean and,easy to follow because of a theme layout,collection page for the collection page,the key feature you should pay attention,is the collection,filtering in the sidebar it's like a,mini menu bar here to find your products,by groups or tags the text when you add,new products in the product sections,about group filtering shopify already,has a very detailed,tutorial for it i'll put a link in the,description box below,so you can check out there here you can,have some options with the price,and even show the review stars if you,install the product reviews app,from shopify well i think the sidebar,menu here is great to help people find,the product they want,more quickly if you use sorting out,products by tags,make sure you do keyword research like,what keyword people often search,to find your products it's better for,seo,our verdict well,we love the supply theme at a certain,level,it's very clean simple and easy to use,and,because it's designed by shopify you,have full support documents for it,and can even chat which supports advisor,24,7 but you can only have the basic,performance improvement,if you want more advanced modification,you can reach out to,shopify experts which will cost you some,expenses,but another way you can do is to go to,shopify community,and search for supply theme there are,tons of discussions about it,you may find some people that have the,same problems as yours,for example i actually sometimes don't,like the layout of the supply theme that,much,i want my slideshow to be full with,other content parts to be forward,but to do that you have to edit the code,so i wandered,through the shopify community and,searched for it and,i saw some people that had the same,problems and yes,there are many solutions from superfly,experts or gurus and you can,actually learn a lot from them but,that's just when you're comfortable with,editing the code yourself,if not you must find agencies or,technical,team to help you with the customization,so supply could be the easiest shopify,theme for,any beginners however is that for,everyone,i think that some people might love it,but some people,might not be the fan of it especially,for those who love,dynamic theme with more features and,cool layout but if you love the,simpleness,and need a theme that can support your,large inventory stores,supply is the fading option,so that's it that's our review of the,shopify supply,theme if you like it you can leave a,thumbs up or comment down,below and remember to subscribe to our,page for our youtube channel,click on the bell icon to get,notification of the latest shopify theme,review videos,in the future thank you for watching and,see you next time

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