how to add author to shopify blog

Author Signature: Install and Setup for your Shopify Blog hi it's Russell from low fruit solutions,h

Low Fruit Solutions

Updated on Jan 30,2023

Author Signature: Install and Setup for your Shopify Blog

The above is a brief introduction to how to add author to shopify blog

Let's move on to the first section of how to add author to shopify blog

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how to add author to shopify blog catalogs

Author Signature: Install and Setup for your Shopify Blog

hi it's Russell from low fruit solutions,here today I'm going to be talking about,a new app that we've released for,Shopify called author signature or if,the signature provides the ability to,have a customized signature and social,links for your blog authors why is this,important,signatures are extensions of our persona,our persona is what makes us both human,and authentic your readers are more,likely to trust and engage with you if,you are authentic as an example if I,have a pet store that sells veterinary,products and I have articles on my store,that talk about for instance treatment,for fleas with dogs it's more likely,that my readers will believe me and,actually the products that I'm,recommending if I have an authority in,that space eg that I am a veterinary,doctor or I have significant historical,background as opposed to none and the,signatures allow you to outline what,that is and let's also be honest having,a cool signature on your blog just looks,really stylish and a lot better than,without now the added bonus of author,signature it is it allows you to have,multiple guest authors right without,being constrained by the Shopify account,system so you saving money as well as,well as being able to just like to say,it taking contributions from all over,the place and give credit where credit,is due by providing backlinks to those,particular authors to their own you know,potentially website email systems and,etc so let's have a look and see what a,blog article without a signature looks,like so I'm on the musing the debut,theme here and it is a free theme out of,Shopify and it's going to click on a,blog article here one of written before,and you can see it's a pretty minimal,article it's a it doesn't have too much,going on in it what we have is just a,little bit of you know towards the,author here telling you that it was,written by low for its solutions but,that's it right there's no there's,nothing else to it so now let's have a,look at the app and how easy it is,to add a signature so first of all,here's I'm just got the number of tabs,already set up so what we have here is,just the the standard app page I'm going,to not worry too much about what's setup,here just yet,we'll come back to it but I will mention,that when you install the app it'll load,all the existing blog authors into the,lists already so you actually see them,in the drop-down I only have the one,author here and so that you can then,begin adding their details but just to,show you how quickly this this all works,I'm just going to click on the setup tab,here and I'm just going to copy this,little line of code you can read all the,instructions at your leisure,this is how simple it is it's a single,code line and code line of code,installation I have another tab here,just for expediency and this is the the,themes page within my admin dashboard,I'm just see the debut I'm just gonna,click actions edit code right now for,all the themes you're going to want to,edit the article the liquid but for new,themes you have they'll be in sections,how do you know if you need to edit in,the section well if you go into article,that liquid and it has a reference it,says section in this case section,article - template it's telling me that,the actual control or etc belongs in,underneath sections and in article -,template so I'm just going to go there,and what I'm looking for is the article,content area where you want to put your,signature if you'll go back to the blog,article is we really want to put it,between where the content sits and where,the social links are right so it sits,nicely here so when I go back to the,code and look at that what you'll see is,here is the section series include,social sharing and here is the article,content so I can put it straight,underneath or straight underneath the,article that content in this case,because I wanted to sit with the article,body I'm just going to put it here and,I'm gonna click Save,and we go back to my blog and I'm gonna,hit refresh and there I have a signature,already now that's what it's done is its,read the existing it's read the app,configuration out read that the the,existing author and then it's applied,all the details that we've added in the,app so we're gonna go back to that and,talk about these details now so on the,authors tab what we have for every,author in this case I said anyone there,the ability to add a bio this is your,backstory your ability to give a little,bit of background about yourself,qualifications or even just some funny,anecdotes write anything that again,provides that human allure that,authenticity that allows people to,engage with you and believe what you say,and we have the ability to add a profile,image now this is an image of your,choosing that'll either you know create,like a effectively a profile image or,background image depending on the layout,you choose and we then have all the,major social links here email Facebook,Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest snapchat,Twitter website YouTube it'll show for,whichever ones that you filled in a,valid value right an icon will be,represented so if you only put Facebook,and then you'd only see the Facebook,icon and you'll see that in a little,minute and then the big part comes,around styling now really styling here,we have so many options available to us,now the the combinations are near,endless on what you choose firstly we,have what we call templates these are,predefined layouts available to you to,quickly change the look and feel of your,signature without changing any of the,color schemes so at the moment the,default is horizontal box which is if,you look at this it's just a rounded,corner box with the author name bio and,then social links below,it's a read left to right nothing very,you know intriguing about it but you,know it looks okay we could choose,another option let's choose one I quite,like horizontal sites social as an,example just click Save,go back refresh and then we and there we,go,now our little links are in the side and,we've got our author name a detail to,the right another example another very,straightforward example if you wanted to,just use an image only right so the one,that means is just use the the profile,image here this is a good option if you,already have an existing for instance,image file like signature file where,you've got like a cursive representation,of your name instead of adding it to,every blog that you've got you would,just put it into your profile settings,here and then it would then show on,every article for that particular author,so you can see in my profile image is,just this and it's not a name in it per,se it's just a picture of an apple I'll,show you how that looks in if we use,something quite you know again quite,clean and straightforward which is a,vertical line in image very cool just,means everything's top top to bottom,centered so it's a very very clean,looking signature as an example you can,see very simple to move between these,different styles and then if you get,into the color scheming right so we can,change the outline thickness I'm gonna,make this a slightly thicker outline I'm,gonna change it to a dotted line I'm,gonna change my outline color to match,you know maybe match something in my,theme in this case I'm gonna make it,kind of like a red option just as an,example I want to change the author name,these are inherited from your theme,setting so I want to give the author,name and larger and look you want to,change it to H - hit it - I want to,change the bio color again this is just,a purely a demonstration of of really,the level of customization which is,available to you which is you know quite,a huge amount really you can the the,this the the options are nearly endless,and I'm gonna change my icon shape,two medium two square I'm gonna change,the icon size to medium a bit bigger and,in this case I'm gonna change the color,scheme from color to dark right just as,a quick example and hit save and refresh,and there you go very very very very,quickly very simple way to customize,just your signature according to how you,want it to look and feel and fit in,within your theme now and I've only made,their change in one place and that,change will be replicated across all the,articles that this author has and now,how do we use this for guest author,collaboration very simple right what we,would do is we would create a new author,in this case I'm gonna go guest author,just go add new already author here,remember existing authors that you,already have will in the be in the list,already right so you only need to do,this if this author does not have an,account or any blog articles so I'm just,gonna go add there we go now we're,creating a little bio I'm a guest author,not gonna worry about image I'm just,gonna put a some random links in here,just so that we can see what happens if,you only put a few in,guests gonna have a website which is,gonna be guest calm as an example we,could choose an individual layout so you,can actually style your authors,completely differently if you wish or,you just make them look the same it's,it's entirely up to you in this case I'm,just going to leave it as the horizontal,box as now by default settings I'm just,going to hit save alright update was,successful now I'm going to add that,author to the that article that I just,had so I'm going to change it right so,if we look at the that this this article,we can see that you know the author name,is up here that was a signature reflects,that name down here and if we went to,the actual blog which shows you know,your your,view of your all the articles we would,actually see that you know it's,currently you know as it should be by,low freed solutions right so I'm just,going to go back in there when I go back,to the app so first it's just a refresh,if you load the app it you won't need to,do the refresh it with no straightaway,so that,guess author is now on the drop down and,it just choose guest author click Save,update successful go back to the the,blog article hit refresh and there we go,you can see the author name has changed,over here and we didn't have to change,any code to do that and there we go the,author signature has also changed and,wherever you add guest author to to,whatever article you you add it it'll,now reflect the same signature and also,change if we go back to the the blog,what we'll see is it it now shows that,the author name in the correct location,and all with one line of code that's how,straightforward using author signature,is it's a great way to manage all your,all your collaboration and for many if,you have many contributors it's a great,way to to show off who you are to create,that authentic layer of trust around,your articles and ultimately make it,more engaging to your readers and make,your blog just a whole lot better,looking so that's me,Russell from leverage solutions I hope,you enjoyed this if your any questions,please post below in or you know contact,us via our website thanks very much for,watching

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