how to add age verification to shopify

How To Add Age Verification To Shopify 2022 hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'll

Marcus Stone

Updated on Feb 01,2023

How To Add Age Verification To Shopify 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to add age verification to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add age verification to shopify

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how to add age verification to shopify catalogs

How To Add Age Verification To Shopify 2022

hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'll show you a simple way,how you can add,age verification to your shopify website,so let's start,the first thing you want to do is just,scroll down below to the description and,click on the link,when you will do it you'll get on this,site called l site lsat is amazing,company with all the widgets,and one of the widgets they make is age,verification so let's click sign up for,free,now we want to sign with the gmail,facebook normal mail is up to you,and when you got it click login,right here you're going to see,applications any search you want to,write youtube,not youtube but age verification sorry,i'm making youtube videos so it's all,messed up in my head right now,so age verification let's create a,widget,now you want to simply like choose which,one you actually want to use like for,wine,default or i know beer i'm going to,choose with default,continue with the template now minimum,age you can go like 21,and now you can remember visitor for 40,days,under each action you are not allowed,where to display yes to know content i'm,over 21 let's change that,i'm under 21 okay,and you can also change the style let's,click save for now,and now when you're gonna start out when,you're gonna have 200 views go to the,light version but if you're gonna have,5050 or 5000 views,you're gonna have basic pro enterprise,version let's copy the code here,and right now and then you got it,you need to go to your shopify website,online store,being themes click on actions now,edit code,let's wait here click on theme liquid,and film liquid you want to press ctrl f,write template,or like find this body class template,and paste the code under it and let's,click save,now what you want to do is just simply,preview the website,and voila here we got the h,verification and this is pretty much it,how we do it,so i'm just going to click i'm over 21,and it's not going to show,for like for the next 30 days but if i,go to incognito mode,oh it's coming soon it's edit mode so if,you would go to edit,or to incognito mode with your website,you would actually see that it's going,to ask you again,because it's like a new video or new,customer,and this is pretty much how you do it i,definitely recommend check all the other,applications in the l-site,because they have also like all pa apps,back here that you can buy,pretty simple pretty easy so thank you,very much,have a great day guys and goodbye see ya

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