how to add admin to shopify

Shopify Admin Tutorial 2022 hey everyone it's brandon with electric,marketing and today i'm going to

Brandon Amoroso

Updated on Jan 17,2023

Shopify Admin Tutorial 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to add admin to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add admin to shopify

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how to add admin to shopify catalogs

Shopify Admin Tutorial 2022

hey everyone it's brandon with electric,marketing and today i'm going to be,showing you through the entire shopify,dashboard,all of the items in the left-hand,menu navigation here and,why you'll need to be able to utilize,each one or how you'll be able to,utilize them,so to start,we'll start with home,this is where you're going to see just a,high level overview of your store and,everything that's going on for that,particular day so you can see total,sales total sessions,and then you can also come over here and,change like which channel you want to,look at so,whether it's through facebook whether,it's through tick tock or you want to,look at all channels and you can change,the date range as well,it'll also give you some top products,total sales breakdown total sales by,channels,and,that's really it there's not a whole lot,going on on the home page there's a,bunch of other like sort of brief,overviews here that are just pulling in,reports from other other sections but,it's not very relevant in terms of being,able to deeply dive into any of these,particular,metrics,now,if you head over to,the analytics tab and we're going to,jump around a little bit here because,the home and the analytics tab are the,most closely tied this is where you can,start to break down,your analytics,and change the date range and do,comparisons as well so let's say i want,to look at year to date,and we're going to compare it to the,previous period,you can see total sales,and obviously a little bit down,comparing them to black friday cyber,monday,and you can also take a look at your,online store sessions returning customer,rate and there's a whole bunch of other,information that um,shopify will drop down here in your,dashboard now each one of these are,actually reports so if you want to dig,deeper into any of them just click on,view report and that'll take you into,the reporting section that you have over,here and this is where you can drive,more deeply into any of those but,there's also a host of other,out of the box reports that shopify,creates for you that you can dive into,so let's say you want to look at sales,by product variance you for example,we can pull this up,and say we want to see what's been the,most popular this year,i'm going to apply and we'll see it is,the,special limited reserve blend,that has a quantity of about 1400 how,many sales discounts returns net sales,and we can view product performance this,way,i'm not going to dive into each one here,but,it'll go through sales acquisition your,profit margin,user behavior on site customer behavior,you can even pull some finance reporting,inventory and this is where you'll get,all of your centralized shopify reports,now the live view this is not something,that we will utilize uh frequently but,it is just cool to take a look at and,see who is currently interacting with,the site where they located and getting,an understanding of just at a high level,a different visualization of the same,data that we were just referencing,now let's hop back up into orders here,so orders is going to have,every order,including the,customer information what was ordered,and also what sort of shopify tags were,associated with that order so you can,see here this was an otp and a,subscription first order,what was ordered and then at some point,once the tracking information gets added,by 3pl you'll be able to view that,information in here as well,you can also leave comments so if you're,coming in here and you i want to say,i refunded this because it was an error,i can comment that i can add other,people on the team that are in the,shopify account,so there is a little bit of a customer,service aspect to it,you're going to see,a refund edit order and more actions in,the top right corner here you'll notice,there's a couple of random apps here so,some of the apps that we work with have,plugins for the order page so if i want,to export this order with easy exporter,i would come here and do that as well,and this is also where you'll see your,customer notes but,i'm not going to dig too deeply into,this other than this is where all your,orders come and you can create filters,as well so as you get deeper into,shopify tags which basically allows you,to identify certain orders based on,attributes of that customer so like i,know these are all subscription first,orders right here i could come in here,and say,i want to only see orders that are,tagged with,subscription,first order,now that'll go ahead and filter for all,those,and then what i'm also going to do here,is i'm going to save this as a view so,it'll save up there so i'm going to say,first time subscription orders,i'm going to save that view so now if i,ever go up here and click on first time,subscription orders it'll automatically,filter for that criteria,and if you want,you can adjust the columns as well and,the sort,but this is essentially,your ordered dashboard,drafts is typically if you're placing,custom orders for a particular customer,or if there's like some sort of a,corporate order that comes in,these typically are not utilized a lot,by our merchants,just because they're primarily direct to,consumer,e-commerce brands and not necessarily,doing a whole lot of b2b transactions,and if they are there's a wholesale,sales channel that they'll use and will,not create like open invoices that will,be sent out,here's where you'll see your abandoned,checkouts,we don't use this at all actually,because of the fact that we use clavio,for all of our email marketing efforts,so all abandoned checkouts are going to,be sent via plavia which is why you see,not sent next to,every single abandoned checkout here,if you don't use clavio or mailchimp or,nominee send or something like that then,that's when you could potentially,utilize shopify's native abandoned,checkout functionality which is which is,this so you'd see whether it was sent,and whether or not it was recovered,so definitely a great thing to start,with but ultimately you're going to want,to get set up with an email marketing,tool,next we'll dig into products so,i'm not going to cover when you're using,a separate system to manage your,inventory,that is,a little bit more advanced and doesn't,necessarily impact anybody that's using,the native shopify functionality here so,this particular store is not using an,erp like netsuite,they manage their inventory within,shopify so,all of your products are going to be,within here you have what's called,active,status,as well as draft,and so if i were to click on this you'll,see i can change the product status to,draft if i wanted to which would remove,it from the store but not delete it,entirely,and this is where you can see,the type as well so amore anniversary,bundle,this is,bundling,type which,relates to a collection on site so,that's where,the products start to get important are,these types and different tags that you,can add to them so that your collections,on the website will mirror what you're,seeing in the back end and there's no,disconnect between oh you need to add a,product to the shopify back end and then,you need a developer to add it to the,store that's not how it works,with your theme you just add a product,and it'll automatically show up in the,different collections and on-site,wherever you deem necessary,so in terms of,the actual product itself you can see,the sales channels and apps on the right,hand side here this is where you can,manage anywhere you want to sell the,product so this particular one is not,available on the mobile app for example,but it is on tick tock pinterest,facebook the buy button and the online,store,and you can see all these sales channels,here there's any sales channels you want,to add you just click the plus button,and there's a whole host of other sales,channels that you can add your products,to i strongly recommend checking these,out and potentially looking at,alternative distribution channels for,your product,this is the most important the product,organization,so,this is where you can choose type,we've selected t and infusions this is,where you can put a custom type which we,put as bundle now the vendor,and then collections as well so,and then also tags so we tag this,product as t specialty t herbal tea,green tea and the reason why we do that,and i'm going to jump around a bit here,is if i go into collections and i want,to look at the t,the herbal tea collection,you're going to notice these are,automatically created collections,essentially what it's just looking for,is hey if there's a product that has a,tag equal to herbal tea,included in this collection,automatically so this takes out all the,manual work that,historically has been required to,manage uh online merchandising for a,website so by setting product rules,through the tags or by setting tags on,the products you're able to have,collections that will just automatically,pull that tag or type or whatever it may,be so that you don't have to,manually manage your collection pages,which is which is really powerful,so you can see here all the different,tags and then,as you notice here it says auto,collection so t herbal tea all in,bundles and kits,this product was added to it because it,met the criteria for each of these,collections that we've set up,now this is also where you'll add your,options so,for this particular product we have a,choose your bundle types you can either,choose one with herbal teas and the,squeezer or just the herbal teas,now,let's go to a different product that has,a little bit more variation,so here we'll see you can choose between,regular or decaf and whole bean or,ground and then each of the variants,will show up below here so regular,ground regular whole bean each one will,have their own skew and you can also,edit each one individually so,you put the tax code the cost per item,what's the sku,contract quantity,what is the warehouse that it's shipping,from how much does it weigh what's the,country of origin,all of that can be managed at a variance,level,now,what do i mean by variance so you have a,top level skew product which is the,delicata coffee blend in this case,these three are variants of this,particular product,the product id which you'll hear,referenced a lot,and is useful in integrations is this,right here in the url this,474-685-1090512,this is used in a lot of integrations,like clayview if you ever want to pass a,product through via url this is shot by,shopify's unique identifier for this top,level product,now each one of these variants though is,going to have a variant id so this,variance 327 a lot of times when you're,working with clavio or another,integration this is what the system is,looking for the variant id,and,interestingly enough if you have a sku,that doesn't have any variance,so for example,i hope that one has a variant let's find,one that doesn't have a variant like the,12 cup,brentwood coffee maker,this doesn't have a variance you can see,there's no options down here,but,each product technically has a variant,id,and that's usually what the system is,going to be asking for,so there's a lot of ways that you can do,this i typically will just put in,um,view source which is just two fingers,click,and then view page source,and this has to be done in chrome and,then i just command f for variant and,you'll find the url structure here so,this,332175 this is the variant id for this,product even though it technically,doesn't have any options,so that's just one important thing to,note,and last but not least,this is where,you'll do your search engine listing,preview you can edit the website seo,this is what will show up if i were to,look up,uh you say,native deodorant,this is,right here the meta title and the meta,description so,coming back over to here meta title meta,description you can also change the url,handle if you want typically i just have,this match whatever the page title is,going to be,and again tags these are your friends,use use tags and be specific with them,but make sure that your collections for,the most part are not manual that,they're automated based off of looking,at what a product is tagged with so in,this case coffee and accessories,that's everything as it relates to the,product functionality you can look at,different vendors you can filter by tag,with status and there's a bunch of other,filters that you can do but for the most,part this is where your inventory will,live,there's another inventory tab here,underneath products,there's really,i don't find a whole lot of use with,this as you can view available inventory,within the products but if you want a,high level look at like what's available,what isn't this is somewhere you could,come in and look,there's also this transfers tab,where you can view and receive incoming,inventory from your suppliers,so you could select an origin select a,destination,typically we don't use this,functionality,then again this is your collection so,let's go through the act of creating a,collection,i'm going to call this the test,collection,then you can put a description as well,this is typically will show up at the,top of the collection page though it,depends on how your developer has built,your website or the theme that you're,using so let's call this test as well,you can choose whether the collection,type is manual or automated so for,manual collections,you are literally just going to put,piece by piece products into this,collection,now automated is my preference and,typically what i will use so you can,automate based on product title type,vendor tag price compare price weight,inventory stock or the variant title,now i typically use product tags you can,also do product type as well and you can,select whether this product must match,every condition you add here,or just one of them so if i were to say,product tag is equal to,special kit ground and product type is,equal to accessories,and say all conditions must be met that,means only products that,satisfy both of these requirements will,show up if i change it to any condition,it's going to add products that,match all of them,or match only one,which that is the biggest difference,between matching any condition versus,all conditions,you can also add a collection image on,this side and you can say whether or not,this collection will be available on,certain sales channels,and then same as the product page you,have your search engine listing preview,at the bottom here so the meta title and,the meta description,last but not least under products is,gift cards more often than not we are,utilizing a third party tool called,,and there's a couple of other options as,well which i'll link below but,shopify's native gift card functionality,is not very robust um,in fact you're not actually able to send,it to somebody you are purchasing it,yourself and then it's on you to,distribute it to that customer or sorry,not that customer but to the end,recipient so it's not a very friendly,user experience and which is typically,why we use a third party for that but,this is where you'll see all of those,gift cards generated and so we use a app,that's why you see all these 10 ones,that have been generated and are,disabled,so now that we've covered home orders,and products let's jump into customers,so with customers,this is essentially your crm your,database of everybody who's transacted,with your site as well as people that,have created an account and not,purchased,and so,here we can go ahead and filter just,like we did in the orders interface,where i came in here and said okay i'm,going to do first time subscription,orders only tagged with subscription,first order i can come into,customers and do the same thing so if i,want to see everybody who has more than,four more than four orders i go ahead,and do that and it's 2 641 customers,have ordered at least four times,if i want to see anybody who has an,active account do the exact same thing,and this is again based off of the tag,or the customer account status and so,let's say i want to create another one,here,we're going to look for only people,subscribed to email,tagged with,let's say,active subscriber,oops,tagged with after subscriber customer,account status is,invited to create account,and let's say,number of orders is more than three,so that just brought us down quite a bit,to 103 customers so these are 103,customers who are subscribed to email,marketing,our active subscription customers,they were invited to create an account,on the website but they have not,and they've placed more than three,orders with us now if i want to save,this i can do that again and,whatever i want to name it and it'll,save in the top,i'm not going to save this one though,so you can do different customer cohorts,like this in your shopify dashboard and,you can export them if you'd like,now underneath finances you'll see,what is an overview tab so this will,give you your month to date,finances this is a new store that we,just set up that don't really have any,traffic on it yet so there's not a ton,going on here but this will give you,just a high level overview of your,finances and you can choose the date,range and again,the structure and sort of layout of each,one of these tabs is pretty familiar as,you can see with the date picker any of,the filtering that you can do so it's,pretty consistent across support,this is,shopify's new like shopify balance,account essentially what this allows you,to do is,um,it's kind of like a card for your,business,so you see here it's like a visa credit,card,and it allows you to,basically separate your business from,your personal expenses,and then there's some cash back rewards,that you get as well,next is billing,so billing is where,merchants will,select how,they pay their shopify bills so,usually it's via credit card,and then you can also see your,subscriptions so most stores will have a,fair amount of shopify apps so if you,click view all subscriptions here that,will show you,all of your app subscriptions,you can also see your bills,so current billing cycle,what your app fees what are your recent,bills so for this one we actually,purchased a theme for this particular,client,and then a statement of charges as well,and last but not least is the payouts,tab,so this is where you'll see,your payouts and by date,now that we've covered finances let's,jump into marketing as we've already,gone over analytics so marketing is,essentially where you can create,campaigns for particular apps,now to be honest,we don't ever use this tool at electric,um we're building the campaigns within,the platforms themselves,but if you want to get set up with like,a simple facebook ad pinterest ads,snapchat ad if you want to push out a,shopify email do a social post,this is where you can do that um,now we're not actually going to do this,but this is a pretty intuitive,step-by-step process for doing any of,this,then there's campaigns so you can create,a campaign as well this is the exact,same thing that we just covered,and last but not least is automations so,you can create automations here so if i,wanted to say okay let's do a cool,shopping campaign or let's do an email,this is where you can start to get some,marketing automations to show up,from your apps but again,we don't really use this tool primarily,focused on,building the campaigns and the,automations within the marketing tools,themselves because they always go deeper,than what you're going to get via this,interface,next is discounts so,here we'll cover the discount,functionality of shopify,so if i want to create a discount code i,have four options i can do percentage i,can do fixed amount i can do free,shipping or i can do buy something get,something we'll start off with,percentage this is the most,straightforward,there's one nuance we're gonna have a,bunch of merchants that are still on the,classic recharge checkout you're not,going to see this one-time purchase,subscription or both in fact you're,actually going to have to create the,discount code the discount code within,recharge,as well as shopify if you wanted to,apply to both subscription and one-shot,orders,the reason for that is,pre-october,there were stores utilizing recharge for,subscriptions and all the checkouts went,through a,separate checkout portal,not the shopify checkout portal so,that's why there's these two separate,systems that hold discount codes future,state every net news store and,migrations are happening this year as,well,that is on the unified checkout every,transaction will go through the shopify,checkout,so,there's the old state which is,there's a recharge checkout for,subscription products and then there's a,shopify checkout for one-shot products,there's the,current state which is unified checkout,a lot of merchants are still on this,split checkout so you'll have to create,discount codes in shopify as well as,recharge but any net new merchant is,going to be on this unified experience,now that we've covered that let's dive,into the actual functionality so,percentage 20 off say we want to apply,to both types of products,then we can choose what does this,discount code apply to,so,maybe it's just a standard welcome offer,we'll do all products,or we want to do it to a specific,collection so here we can say okay it's,only for the sachets,or we can do specific products so we,only want it available for this,particular skew,we can set minimum requirements as well,so,20,20 off is only gonna work if you spend,at least 25,or the 25 off is only going to work if,you add 100 items to,your order,that obviously is an extreme example and,i would not recommend it,you can even make it for specific,customers so let's say i want to only,use customers who are,returning i can add that but where this,gets really cool is,if you remember the tags i was creating,in the saved views for our customers,in the,shopify plus store,then you'll remember that you can,actually go ahead,and let me pull up this other example,here,you can go ahead and select that as the,group so,maybe i want,let's go to discounts here we're going,to create discount code maybe i only,want this to apply to,my customers who are,active subscribers and have four plus,orders or less to say,four orders or more,so now this offer,is only going to work for people who,have four or more orders with the store,or if you want to get very specific and,you want to create i don't know maybe,it's a one-off issue that you had of a,customer you want to give them a special,code you can do the same thing here and,just add a particular customer,last is usage limits so you can say i,want to limit this,to only being used 25 times,in total so first 25 customers who use,it they get it that's it,alternatively you can say i want to,limit this to one use per customer,which is what you see here underneath,the usage limits and you can also set a,start date and an end date so if i want,to schedule it out in advance i'm going,to say this is going to start the 23rd,it's going to end the 28th,great you can save that discount code,and now it'll be 20 off all products,from february 23rd to 28th only one use,per customer,and i could say okay it's only going to,be good for this particular person,now,let's look at fixed amount,so for this one it's more of the same,as opposed to percentage though it's,just a fixed amount so you have all the,exact same options it's just taking a,dollar amount off instead of a,percentage off nothing else is different,here,the only difference is,for recurring payments for subscriptions,when you choose this multiple option at,the top here for both or subscription,you can say,this is only for the first payment,this is only for,payments two and three,or you can say this is for every payment,so,what that looks like is if it's limiting,the discount to only the first payment,it's only good for first time,subscription orders if you limit it to,multiple recurring payments i could say,okay this is good for the first three,orders or this is good for the first two,and then the last option is all of them,so let's say i want 20 off to apply to,every subscription order forever for,that customer,when they use this code that'll go ahead,and take effect,now this one is free shipping free,shipping you can choose which country,and again purchase rates you can also,exclude shipping rates over a certain,amount so let's say somebody's shipping,is going to be more than 25,maybe we don't want to offer them free,shipping,and then everything else is still the,exact same as the other ones,now the buy ex get y is where things get,a little bit different,you can choose a minimum quantity of,items or a minimum purchase amount and,then you also can say what are the,products or collections that the,customer needs to buy from in order to,get something so let's say,i need somebody to purchase i want to do,a bogo that'll be the easiest example,bogo out of the sachet collection,so if you,buy one item from the sachet collection,you are going to get,one,and we'll choose a product here you're,gonna get one,of these,products for free,so if you buy something from the sashay,collection,you'll get this item for free we could,say if you buy five things from the,sachet collection you get this item for,free or we can even say you get three of,them,you buy two you get three and then you,can also do percentages so you can do a,buy one get one fifty percent off as,well,now,the only issue that we have with these,is that,you need to manually add each product to,the cart so it's not like it happens,automatically,if i want to do,oh you can buy one get one for free,the customer experience isn't the best,because you have to not go to the sashay,select collection add a product and then,you got to navigate to this product page,and also add it to your cart it's not,like it's going to do it automatically,now we will typically work around that,with rebuy so rebuy is a,app on shopify that has a bunch of tools,but for the purposes of this we're going,to focus on their smart cart,functionality,now on amoro right now we are running,spend 35 or more and get a free scoop in,your order,so if i go ahead and add,more than 35 dollars to my cart,automatically free gift silver plated,coffee scoop a much better experience,for the customer than having to go to,the actual product page add it to the,cart,in order for the code to register so in,this use case we'll typically go ahead,and utilize a third-party tool and not,actually use,the native shopify functionality,now let's hop into apps this is going to,be,where you spend most of your time in,shopify this is the hub where all of,your third-party tools integrate and,connect with your ecommerce storefront,this is frankly,the,most powerful aspect of shopify is the,ability to,get up and running very quickly with net,new marketing tools that work within,this ecosystem,but be careful,you don't want to add too many apps,40 is even pushing it,20 to 30 is usually in the healthier,range and if you can,you're looking at like 10 to 12 as the,ideal scenario the big reason for that,is more apps equals slower site,for the most part a lot of these apps,will carry heavy javascript loads with,them though it has gotten better with,shopify 2.0 and they will slow down your,site,so if you ever install an app and,uninstall it make sure it make sure it,automatically uninstalls itself from,your theme code otherwise you could have,apps that you've deleted that you're no,longer using that are slowing down your,site and reducing performance,the only other thing to call out in this,app section is if you want to find more,apps you can click on customize your,store it'll take you to the shopify app,marketplace and then you can look for,different,tools that may be useful for you so,let's say i want to do,i don't know,the qr code,there's a qr tool that'll,work within shopify,or if i want to do,upsells,there's a thousand upsell apps that work,with shopify that you can utilize,and then if you click on any of the apps,you can go ahead and see,there's sometimes an explainer video,there's examples there's reviews there's,pricing and this will go ahead and let,you understand,whether or not this tool may or may not,work for you,now that we've covered all the top left,navigation items let's dive into,everything underneath sales channels,here,we'll start with themes,themes is where you're going to manage,your store depending on your setup,you will either,buy a theme off the shopify website,install it and manage it yourself,alternatively you might have a,development agency who builds in github,and pushes the code to shopify from,their github repository,neither of the two are either better or,worse it really just depends on the,stage of your business is typically,where you decide whether or not you want,to go with a custom build or if you want,to use shopify,now,if you go ahead and,actions this is where you can edit code,duplicate the theme you can view it you,can edit languages,we don't typically utilize this at all,because we're building in github and so,the automatic integration just allows us,to push code from there,if i want to go in and customize the,store as a marketer that's where i'll go,ahead and click customize and then i'm,brought to this drag and drop interface,where i can see all these different,modules on the left hand side here and i,can go ahead and add a section if i want,to to the site or i can turn one off so,if i toggle this off it'll remove it,from the site,now i'm not actually going to,not do any of this because it wouldn't,mess up the website but this is,shopify's drag and drop editor that you,can utilize all of your themes are going,to come with various sections,you can see here that we've built out a,bunch of custom sections that can be,utilized on any page most of your themes,will have a standard set and then you,can always develop on top of it if you,want to,this is how you'll build your homepage,your product page your collection page,everything that goes on on your website,unless you're using a development team,to give you an online speed score,we don't pay attention to the speed,score at all it's never high we'll,typically use gt metrics page speed,from google and other tools that allow,us to get an understanding of where we,can improve the site performance,and then your theme library is where all,of your old themes will live so if you,ever need to revert to,an older theme,next is blog post so here's where we can,see all the blog posts that are live on,the site as well as any comments that,require moderation,if you want to post a blog go ahead and,add a blog post,put in your title,add a featured image,make an expert an excerpt which will,appear on the blog listing page,and then also your search engine listing,preview and then what this will look,like,is on the website,it will just automatically go into your,blog,so you can see what is robusta coffee,here,and then the comments section so you,simply just drop it into shopify cms,here and it'll show up on site,the only other thing to note here is,that you can have multiple blogs so if i,click on manage blogs you can see we,just have one it's called the bean but,if i ever wanted to have multiple,now we call it,the t,then that's where you go ahead and add,it and if you have separate blog,templates for each one you can choose,which theme template to associate it,with,next we'll go into pages more of the,same here,so,any page that you have you can go ahead,and add,code or copy to it,and then you just go ahead and publish,it out and it'll show up on the site,so,there's not a whole lot here other than,for both products pages blog posts and,collections you're always going to see,this theme template here,and this is where if you have a custom,template built by your developer or you,went ahead and built a custom template,in the drag and drop editor in the,customizer,you can go ahead and select okay for the,seasonal selection page i need it to,work with this template because this,template has the type of content that is,needed for this page,so that way not all of your pages have,to look the same and use the default,page template,next is navigation,so,this is where you'll go ahead and,actually add what is going to show up,on the website when you hover over the,navigation so for example you can see we,have a very robust shop menu here,and if i were to go ahead and pull up,the shop menu you'll see coffee,roast and type,if i go over here you'll see coffee,roast and type,so this directly relates to what you're,putting in the back of the shopify so,roast light medium dark espresso,roast light medium dark espresso,these are parent sort of navigation,menus so you can do these sub sections,you can go three layers deep you can't,go underneath the light but you can go,one two and three,this just allows for nice navigation,and an easier customer experience,you can see there's a bunch of other,navigation menus so we have a different,one for mobile we have a different,subscriptions menu,and we can do filters as well,so this allows you to essentially filter,your collection pages if i were to go to,espresso,i can filter by,roast,i can filter by whether it's caffeinated,or not i can filter by the type maybe i,only want to see flavored that's,caffeinated and then this will pull in,all the products that match these,particular attributes,next we'll go ahead into domains,this is pretty straightforward you have,a primary domain your shopify manage,domain which is always at,url and then you have any third-party,domains that you're connected with as,well,last but not least in this section is,preferences so this is where you'll set,your,homepage title and meta description,as well as your social sharing image so,if i were to share this on facebook it's,going to show the immoral logo this is,where you'll also connect your google,analytics account you just add the ua,here and then you can select use,enhanced e-commerce which allows you to,get,product and like revenue data into,google analytics,if you want you can connect your,facebook pixel with a facebook app we,find this way to be pretty buggy so,typically we're manually installing the,facebook app,also customer privacy whether you need,to follow gdpr or ccpa guidelines,if you're ever not like,not launched yet you want to have a,password for your store go ahead and,enable the password protection section,here,and then also you can choose whether or,not you want to use google recaptcha on,contact and comment forms as well as the,login create account and password,recovery pages,that is essentially it in terms of the,core shopify functionality,you typically will have sales channels,other sales channels under here as well,so things like a buy button a buy button,essentially allows you to,create a,piece of code that you can put into a,non-shopify website let's say you have,like a wordpress blog and you want to,make it shoppable you can create a buy,button and embed that into your,wordpress blog post and if somebody,clicks on it it's going to take them to,the shopify experience add the product,to cart and allow them to go ahead and,check out,now the absolute last thing that you,need to know about the portal is,settings,typically,you won't need to be in here very often,but this is where you set up the,framework of everything so you have your,basic information your address contact,info,and then your plan,what is your plan with shopify,in this case it's going to be shopify,plus,your users in permissioning access so,this is where you'll say,oh i want to go ahead and invite more,people,um that are staff or collaborators like,other agencies,you'll also go ahead and decide which,payments you want to allow on your store,so in this store we're using shopify,payments,as well as amazon pay,but we're able to choose alternative,payment methods or we can add manual,payment methods as well,for the most part we're using shopify,payments for all of our merchants as it,has the most payment gateway options as,opposed like like apple pay google pay,facebook pay,shop pay which is a huge benefit as well,so all that lives within here,next you have checkout styling options,so you can customize your checkout by,uploading your store logo changing,colors and fonts anything like that you,can also choose whether customer,accounts are required optional or,disabled at checkout,as well as whether they can check out,using either their phone number or email,or if they can only check out using,their email,and then just some basic form options so,full name do we require last name only,or first and last company name we make,this optional here,address line 2 shipping address phone,number,there's also a tipping component so if,you want to allow customers to tip,order processing so,use the shipping address as the billing,address by default which has that,checked off we also have address auto,completion on,and then we can say after an order has,been paid,only automatically fulfill the gift,cards of the order leave everything else,as is but if we want to we could have,everything be fulfilled right away,for email marketing and sms marketing,this is where you can pass that,marketing consent so,we have both email marketing and sms,marketing consent getting passed through,at checkout,we have abandoned checkout email sent,turned off because we use clavio for,this account,for the post purchase page we can choose,which app,is prioritized for that uh the reason,why we have rebuy selected here is,because we have a post purchase checkout,upsell that shows immediately so right,after you check out there's a page that,pops up that says add this product to,your order to your existing order for 30,off for a limited time only,and then you can also add additional,scripts and tracking to your post,purchase page to your order status page,and you can manage your checkout,language in here as well,next we're going to dive into the,shipping and delivery section of shopify,settings,so this is your delivery methods for,checkout,this is where you'll set your shipping,rates so if i want to go ahead and,manage rates here you can select which,products go into here,as well as where you're shipping from,and what the rates are so we have 5.95,shipping from zero to thirty eight,ninety five shipping from thirty to,fifty ninety nine and free shipping,sixty dollars and up,and we are only doing domestic united,states here we could create shipping,zones for other countries if we shipped,outside of the country but for this,particular client we only ship in the,united states,now you can do custom shipping rates as,well so you can see here for cold group,we have a custom shipping rate so we've,added this product here and we're saying,we're only charging 295 for shipping,if it's under five dollars,if it's five dollars or more it's free,for this particular product,so you can do custom shipping rates,based off products,in order to help manage that there's,also a ton of shipping apps that allow,you to extend the functionality of,shopify's shipping,tool because it's not,super robust,this is also where you'll have shipping,labels too if you go if you are manually,fulfilling,almost all of our partners will use,three pls though and have them handle,fulfillment,and this is also where you can add a,carrier account or custom order,fulfillment tool,next is taxes so,you see this here you're using an,external tax service that's because,we're using avalara for this brand,basically any shopify plus client,will be utilizing,avalara for their taxes because it is,the,primary integration for,tax and shopify plus,now if you're not on shopify plus you'll,have to manage your tax regions manually,in here,so for the united states,we can say all right here's our sales,tax ids and these different states these,are the tax overrides that we want to,set and also where we're collecting,sales tax so we're collecting sales tax,in 12 states in the u.s,you can also manage your tax calculation,so are all prices include tax,include our exclude tax based on your,customer's country,charge tax on sipping rates and charge,of app on digital goods,you can see here we're connected to,avalara so we don't utilize any of these,functionalities,next is locations this is typically just,where you stock your inventory so if you,have a 3pl partner it'll just be the 3pl,if you had multiple warehouses you could,put them all in here,in this case we only have one,next is gift cards we don't typically,utilize this feature but this allows you,to set whether your gift cards expire or,never expire,and then also if your customers,can have it show up in their apple,wallet this shopify markets is a new,tool that is not available yet,but,is in beta and essentially after going,to the demo with them it's going to,allow you to sell worldwide from a,single shopify store so it's not a,replacement yet for a completely net new,shopify instance like a,,but it is going to allow merchants to,have a broader reach internationally,next is sales channels so this is where,you can see your sales channels and also,add more if you want,and if i click on manage sales channels,here,you can also visit the shopify app store,again which has additional sales,channels,next is domains,which we've already covered previously,notifications,this is your order confirmation order,invoice,out for delivery delivered you can see,all these are unchecked because,typically we're using melomo,and all transactional emails come out of,clavio instead there's a couple of,reasons for that which i'll save for,another time but for the most part it's,just a better customer experience drives,a lot more revenue and you're able to,personalize the transactional,communications based off the data that,you have on a customer in clavia whereas,this order confirm same for everybody no,matter what if you're using the standard,shopify one,this next tab is meta fields so,this particular store is on shop regular,shopify like shopify 1.0 before shopify,2.0 but this is where you can add,product meta fields and definitions and,this allows you to extend the,extend the data on your store so one,example would be,okay for each product we have a meta,field that shows,let's say a meta field that shows the,dollar amount per fluid ounce this would,be somewhere you could add in that meta,field and that would map to every,product,this next tab is files if you ever want,to host files on shopify whether it's,like a pdf or if you're adding an image,it's automatically going to get loaded,in here,languages so,the theme language is in english you can,add translated languages if you want,and then your policies so this is the,absolute last thing in the shopify,dashboard is policies so refund policy,privacy policy,terms of service,and your shipping policy,all live within here,that is essentially the shopify,dashboard in a nutshell you've got your,home it gives you an overview of,everything orders shows your orders,products it's all the products on your,storefront customers all the customers,as well as people that have created an,account but have not purchased yet for,your shopify store,finances money coming in money going out,analytics diving into your sales volume,sales by sku,basically,any data that shopify has visualizations,that you can do month over month,period over period comparisons and start,to dive into your short stores,performance,the marketing tab which we typically,don't use because we aren't building,campaigns within shopify we're building,them within the platform itself whether,it's a facebook,or,email marketing tool,next is discounts so percentage off,dollar off buy something get something,and free shipping all that is built,within here,apps that's where all your third-party,tools are going to connect and integrate,with shopify,and then your sales channels so,underneath online store you have a bunch,of options,that you need to be able to be familiar,with for editing whether it's changing,your theme,adding in blog posts adding in new pages,changing navigation or updating your,preferences that all lives within here,and your other sales channels you'll see,here as well,and last but not least settings which we,just covered which basically lays out,all the basics and framework of your,shopify storefront,that is it,as always don't hesitate to reach out,you can leave a comment below and i'll,get back to you alternatively you can,find us at, that's electric,with the queue at the end of electric or,you can follow me on linkedin whatever's,easiest for you i hope everybody found,this video useful and,best of luck with creating your shopify,stores

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