how to add a guarantee on shopify

Customize Guarantee Section On Shopify Home Page (Full Shopify Tutorial) please like and subscribe f

Customize Guarantee Section On Shopify Home Page (Full Shopify Tutorial)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a guarantee on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a guarantee on shopify

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Customize Guarantee Section On Shopify Home Page (Full Shopify Tutorial)

please like and subscribe for more,tutorial for beginners new videos every,day,in this lesson we will just,build the rest of our home page so,keeping these two options,blank for now i just,showed you already how this newsletter,part works,so it's now time to gain some trust with,your customer,so it's time to move on to our guarantee,section,so why this guarantee section is really,really important,because,the major fact is that whenever we visit,any site or whenever we go to a decent,place,we always look for trust,and trust is one of the main issues that,will allow your customers to buy so this,guarantee section is really really,important so all you need to do is you,need to put up three guarantee issues,that will make your customers more,believable and,make your customers to be more like,secured in your website so,you can put three guarantees like,uh we work 24 by seven,we deliver your we have fast delivery,shipping and you can always give,something like your ssl proofed,our services are secured and something,like that,so these icons will allow your client to,have more,support and more trust so whenever one,of your customers see these,they will think that,okay this website is something good so,you may find that funny but this is the,true fact that we always search for,trust,so,let me give you a,prior example whenever you go to a,shopping when whenever you go to some,decent website what do you look at first,you look that if the website is like,trendy or if the website is like have a,good design so why do we always look for,that it's only because of our trust,issues,so moving forward let's just move on to,find our icons,so all you need to do is from here click,under your guarantee bar,and you can see that we have three of,our our guarantee parts written here so,let's move on to our first guarantee,so here the icon is it says of loyalty,but and it says our guarantee so let's,just give it a heading of,fast shipping,okay so,let's just view all the available icons,and,downwards let's say share your,guarantees with your customers so let's,say we,deliver,by,seven days,once,our,orders are placed,are,placed,so,this will make some customers think that,okay,since this website give me in seven days,let's just,order from here and you can also put a,button here so i would like to keep only,the logo so let's go to this google,fonts here to find if any useful logos,are available,to see,uh let's give it a delivery option right,so let's see for logos here,so,there are lots and lots of logos,so let's say,delivery,so you can see that,we have a option uh we have a icon of,delivery so let me just click on that,and just let's save it in the png form,in our website and just open that up,so we got,two,well pictures,so,let me just get back and,i'll just unzip those parts,so i'll just head to my downloads,and you can see that i have my folder,here so let's just unzip it here,so where is the,let's say x rack here and,okay so we have our files ready so i'm,taking so now visiting my website again,let's just select that image,and,let's go there,and we have our 2x here and let's just,upload that part here,so,just choose that,oops,okay so it's being replaced with your,fast shipping icon,and you can see that this icon is really,suitable so,that's it for the first one,so now moving on,to our next guarantee it could be that,we have safe returns,so,let's say,sorry,save,returns,save returns,so let's see if we have any,icons related to returns,so we didn't get any icon related to,returns so if we don't get any icon,related to that part we can just,give a different icon,so this one is one of the support,uh parts so i'm just taking this icon,for the moment and i'm just saving this,png file here,so,right,like before i'm just gonna oh i have,just downloaded my file and next term is,to just unzip it so before that i want,to download all of my icons and so that,it will be,more time consuming for me,so after our safe returns i want to give,the icon of,24x7 customer support so,i will just search here for customer,support,so let's see customer,and support,oops,so you can see that a support agent,line is here so i'm just going to,download this one as well,so let me just extract those files again,and let's just head back to our website,all right so i have also extracted both,of my files so let's now return and,complete this word as before so the,image part is,i'll upload the image,and,so i'm just gonna upload it to save,readers so which is this one,and,you can see that it's uploaded and the,thing is you can just change your icon,name here,and let's just give our,share your valuables,okay,okay so,save returns,we,we ensure,safe returns,of your product,or you can write some matching messages,that you want,so,now let's just move on to a third icon,and just insert something for that one,so,so this icon i would like to call like,24 by 7,costumer,support,so let's just give it a text like you,can call us anytime,can call,and we will,be,happy,to help,sorry about this spelling mistake,so,oops i haven't,yet uploaded my the picture,so this one will be the logo for our,customer support,so just let's just give it some time to,upload so you can see that it has been,uploaded and we have successfully,gave our like loyalty badges are,to our website,so the our safety precautions are taken,so i'm just saving that,does,it,looks a bit good and you can always,change these colors in the settings,but i'm just keeping it black for the,moment but you can just change anything,if you want i have already shown you,how to change the colors of this and the,settings to change them,so,i'll see you in the next lesson,you

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