how many coupon codes can i have on shopify

How To Use Shopify Discount Code [2021] hey team stuart here welcome back i hope,everyone is doing w

Stewart Gauld

Updated on Mar 11,2023

How To Use Shopify Discount Code [2021]

The above is a brief introduction to how many coupon codes can i have on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how many coupon codes can i have on shopify

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How To Use Shopify Discount Code [2021]

hey team stuart here welcome back i hope,everyone is doing well,now today we're going to launch into a,brief tutorial and share everything,you need to know about using shopify,discount codes,in 2021 now i often get asked how to,generate shopify discount codes and how,to effectively use these offers,in marketing activities so therefore,today i'm going to break down everything,you need to know,in this tutorial okay now before we get,started consider subscribing if you,haven't done so already or if you're new,to this channel,and that way you'll stay updated with,actionable videos and tutorials,designed to equip you with the skills,knowledge and tools to grow your small,business,online and without the way let's go,ahead and dive into shopify discount,codes,okay so here we are in our shopify store,the first thing you need to do is,log into your shopify dashboard then,simply navigate over to discount and,under discounts we have discount codes,and automatic discounts today we're,going to break down both these discount,types,first we have discount codes these are,discount codes that you can create and,send,to your audience and depending on how,you want to market these discount codes,is completely,up to you however when a customer or a,potential customer,reaches the checkout on your shopify,store those individuals,can apply the voucher here and depending,on how you set up your discount codes,those individuals will see a discounted,price,so to create a unique discount code that,you can use in your promotion,simply come down and click create,discount code then up here you can go,ahead and generate a code or you can,create your own,unique code i recommend creating your,own unique code,depending on the type of promotion you,want to create,for example it could be summertime and i,want to give 30,off so i'm going to go ahead and type in,summer sale,30 so go ahead and create your unique,and creative code,then come down and select the type of,discount that you want to create,for example is it a percentage fixed,amount,free shipping by x and get y so what we,want to do is simply click,percentage because we want to give 30,off when someone uses,this code up here however if you like,you can click,fixed amount free shipping or if someone,buys something,they get something else and then once,you've selected your discount code type,come down,to value now because we selected,percentage,under type what we want to do is enter,in the discount value percentage,for us that is 30 so we're going to come,down and select here and type in,30. now if we scroll down we can select,applies to,all products specific collections or,specific,products we're going to select all,products then down here we have,minimum requirements i can select none,minimum purchase amount and then i can,select a dollar amount,or minimum quantity of items so for,example if i select the minimum quantity,of items i can come down,and type in two and this just means you,can see the preview on the far right,hand side,minimum purchase of two items for this,30,discount to apply however i don't want,any minimum requirement so i'm going to,select,none then if we scroll down further we,have customer eligibility,if you already have customers you can,select a specific group of customers,or specific customers so for example,let's say you had a specific customer,that buys a lot of product from you,monthly,then what you could do is find that,customer from your customers you can,either type an,email or name and then your particular,discount code that you've created,only applies for that particular,customer however for the purpose of this,tutorial we want everyone to be eligible,to use this discount code because we,want to use this code,in our marketing promotions and then,come down to usage limits you can,limit the number of times the discount,code can be used in total,or limit to one use per customer what we,want to do,is a limit to one use per customer,then below usage limits we have active,dates we can go ahead and create a,start date and set an end date however,if you want to activate the code right,away then leave everything as,it is and your discount code will be,activated as soon as we save,these changes then if we scroll down we,have,save discount code now before you go,ahead and save your discount code,navigate up to the right hand side,and make sure that your summary is,correct this is a summary of all the,details you've just entered make sure,your summary is correct and then come,down and click,save discount code when you're ready for,this code to go,live and congratulations just like that,you've created a,discount code for your audience if we,come down to the right hand side you can,see the overall summary,you can see that this code is active and,down here you can see,the amount of times that this code has,been used,now to simply share this code all you,need to do is click,get shareable link and you can share,this code,via email or other social media channels,now what you can also do is come down,here and copy your discount code,then embed and integrate this code into,your marketing materials,for example if you engage in email,marketing what you can do,is add this code into your email,marketing campaigns,or if you advertise on facebook or any,other form of social media,you can talk about your new products,your new sale and add,this discount code for people to use,okay so now if we navigate back,we can see basic information of our,current discount,codes now if we navigate over to,automatic discounts,this is where we can create and activate,automated codes,now these are codes that are,automatically applied to the customer's,cart basically the customer does not,need to create a discount code,like we showed you earlier this is,automatic so what we want to do is go,ahead and create an automatic discount,enter the name of your discount we're,going to go ahead and go 30,off summer sale and then down here we,have discount types again,percentage fixed amount by x get y,we're going to select percentage and,then come down to value,again we're going to add 30 and then,down here select where your discount,applies,does it apply to all products specific,collections,specific products we're going to go,ahead and select,specific collections and then down here,what we would do,is enter in our summer collection,however because this is just a tutorial,we don't actually have any collections,so for the purpose of this tutorial i'm,just going to go ahead and click,all products then if we scroll down to,minimum requirements,we can add a minimum amount in dollars,we can also,add minimum quantity of items and,remember if you select any of these,options you want to disclose that,information,to your audience so i'm going to go,ahead and add,one dollar now all our products are more,than one dollar this just shows,that any amount that is purchased from,our store will receive,the 30 off discount then below minimum,requirements we have active dates,start date and end date if we want to,select an end date,but we want this automatic discount to,be activated as soon as we,publish so i'm going to leave that as it,is then up on the right hand side you,can see your overall summary make sure,this is correct,before you come down and click save,discount and when you're ready to,publish your new automatic discount just,click save discount,and just like that your automatic,discount has been created,so if we navigate back you can see we,have one automatic discount again,similar to what we mentioned with,discount codes you want to,actively promote this 30 of summer sale,now you can also select your discounts,and you can navigate up to,actions and you can delete your discount,if you like,the same goes for discount codes if we,navigate down,to our one discount code and select,actions,we can come down and delete discount,code,disable discount codes or enable,discount codes so for example if we,didn't set a,date to end this campaign to end this,discount code,we can simply disable and enable when we,like,or simply just go ahead and delete your,discount code,you can also see active scheduled,and expired however that is everything,we wanted to cover in today's brief,tutorial,to help you get started with shopify,discount codes,and there we have it guys that is it for,today's brief shopify tutorial for,beginners,now if you have any questions about this,shopify tutorial make sure to pop them,down below,and with that said thank you so much for,watching the shopify tutorial all the,way through to the end,if you got value you enjoyed this video,make sure you leave a like below the,video,and subscribe to the channel and that,way you'll stay updated with new videos,weekly,and i will see you in the next video,take care guys

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