how to change announcement bar on shopify

Shopify Basics: How to add or change Announcement Bar text (2020) hello everybody my name is Ian Lam

Lean Media

Updated on Feb 20,2023

Shopify Basics: How to add or change Announcement Bar text (2020)

The above is a brief introduction to how to change announcement bar on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change announcement bar on shopify

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how to change announcement bar on shopify catalogs

Shopify Basics: How to add or change Announcement Bar text (2020)

hello everybody my name is Ian Lamont,today be talking about customizing your,Shopify website to have a little message,running across the top which explains,something that people can take advantage,of and I'll show you what I mean I have,my Shopify website I sell stuff related,to genealogy and dogs and at the top of,the page you'll see this little banner,free ground shipping for us orders over,$10 and this is a message that I put up,there and actually I could put any,message up there if I wanted to and,sometimes I do that like I'll I'll say,something like oh I'm going to a,genealogy conference in March and I'll,put in meet Jeannie neat easy Jeannie at,the roots tech genealogy conference in,Salt Lake City on February 29th through,March the second ok I can put that text,up there and you may be wondering well,how can I customize that I'm gonna show,you how to do it ok by the way this may,only work for certain types of Shopify,themes I'm using one of the free themes,and it's once you know where to find it,it's easy to set up and let's do it,right now so here's my here's my Shopify,interface and what you want to do is you,want to click on online store and you,have a bunch of different options here,and it used to drive me crazy I was,clicking around navigation to try to,figure out where it was or preferences,where I could put in that little message,I finally found it it's actually buried,in the live theme customize click on,that and then you'll come to this page,here and it kind of shows you the the,way your your Shopify site is set up you,want header header is the stuff at the,very top of the page including the,search bar so I'm showing the search bar,your logo the logo with maybe some menu,options and whatnot scroll down until,you come to announcement bar if this is,not checked up its if this is not,checked checked off you won't see,anything in fact let's take a look at,that so I'm going to reload the,Paige and look that announcement is gone,okay but I do want to add something so,right now it says free ground shipping,for us orders over $10 by the way you,have to set up the free shipping in,another part of Shopify I'm not doing,that right now I'm just letting people,know that it exists here's another,example I'll do this right now I just,created a promotion,okay and it's called the it's called a,Phoebe 20 it's a discount code so I can,say something like use discount code F,EB 20 to get 20% off your next order,okay so I just added that there I click,Save all right let's take a look at the,website the live website that's one of,the great things about Shopify you can,make a change and it goes through right,away,so here's that discount code okay,it looks a little bit weird because it's,breaking the two lines so maybe what I,might want to do is make that a little,bit shorter somehow but you get the idea,you can use the announcement bar to add,text or add news about where you're you,know where where you're going to be,maybe participating in some live event,or free shipping above a certain level,we're but remember just saying use,discount code Fe be 20 to get 20% off I,have to actually create the discount,code in another part of Shopify and in,fact I'll show you where it is it's in,the discounts area so before you create,your announcement make sure that you,create the discount code which I already,did and then test it to make sure that,it works on your website for more,information on how to get the most out,of Shopify or other types of online,selling services that you may operate,including Amazon seller central Amazon,KDP even WordPress WooCommerce go to my,website Lea media org I have a blog,which has lots of tips right there also,if you click on video I have,my it goes to my YouTube video channel,and some other videos that I provided on,my website my name is Ian Lamont thank,you so much for watching

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