how e built a 250 shopify

E-commerce Strategy Shopify 2021 | Gated Launches | How We Made 250k In 24 Hrs Without Facebook Ads

Jordan West - Ecommerce Entrepreneur

Updated on Mar 04,2023

E-commerce Strategy Shopify 2021 | Gated Launches | How We Made 250k In 24 Hrs Without Facebook Ads

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E-commerce Strategy Shopify 2021 | Gated Launches | How We Made 250k In 24 Hrs Without Facebook Ads

hey guys jordan west e-commerce,entrepreneur here i own multiple brands,as well as an agency and today i'm going,to be walking you through,the gated launch strategy,i'm going to give you a little hint in,24 hours we did 250,000 of sales using this,strategy i'm gonna be walking you,through you know a to z,or z of this entire strategy,i hope you guys are ready for this one,hey guys if you are trying to scale your,ecommerce store i highly suggest that,you,like subscribe and turn notifications on,to this channel all right guys i'm going,to walk you through just the,overarching um sort of idea behind gated,launches,um and sort of what they look like so,first we're going to start with um,a dashboard of what a gated launch,exactly looked like here,um so you can see uh this was yesterday,we did about 134k,um in that day i'll show you guys a,couple of interesting things here with,that though,you know we did 86 000 in that first,hour uh,and then 23 000 after uh 10 000 after,that,four thousand after that so the gated,portion of it is really what i believe,is is pushing a lot of this um a lot of,this business and that's why i love,gated launches so much,so i'm gonna like i said i'm gonna do,like a high level sort of,walkthrough of what a gated launch,exactly looks like all of the tools that,you have to have in place,um to be able to run these so i do not,recommend running,gated launches through email i don't,think that um,that that's gated enough um i feel like,um your email list is just you know your,kind of general sales list,your your gated launches need to be to,your vip so i'm going to show you a,couple of different things here so first,of all this is our vip,group here you can see 7.9 000 i think,we're almost at,8 000 members so it's not massive some,of the things that we're doing here,though is is letting them know,that they're going to be getting this,hour early access here right,that's a huge a huge part of this for,them to be a part of this group,and you can see like just this post,alone within the vip group you know at,77 comments,we're showing them some of the potential,colors that they could be getting um 3.2,000 post reach,um here's some more uh access some more,info about early access um and really,letting them know that like hey you are,special for being a part of this group,make sure to come back,check this group out um because that's a,really big,um part of of of what you get here right,um don't worry about that sneak peek,there,it's a little bit more wondrous weekend,um here's some more questions that we're,asking within the group,and here's another kindred surprise,preview so that was the big thing,yesterday right,we were actually trying to get people to,download the app but um we were having,some app issues because we wanted to to,try and get a huge,amount of people over onto the app um,just because it's another great,potential own sales channel send my own,sales channels,um so you can see here as well we're,letting them know hey just you guys know,you know set your,alarms we're going to be um giving you,early access again about 3.1 000 people,reached on that,a bunch of comments um so that's kind of,how we get people,um excited within the vip group,as far as getting people into the vip,group i'm gonna show you one,particular way and i'm actually sent,into my mindful marketing one,here not uh my uh little unlively one,but uh on the on the little lively side,every single,customer who makes an order um we're,actually sending them a video,uh so we're sending them a personalized,video saying like hey thank you so much,um for uh purchasing um if you'd like,some more information go over to the,little vip page where you can ask,questions and you can see we have like,between 10 and 20 posts a day of people,asking different questions about the,product,um how you know they can wear something,together,it's just getting a lot of really good,discussion going we're pushing people,into that group letting them know like,hey you will get early access,and potentially some better sales um to,be in that group so that's one,um way that we're really pushing people,into the vip group another way is just,through organic social as well,so we're getting people um letting them,know like hey you will be getting early,access,people know that we sell out generally,of this stuff you'll be getting early,access,join our facebook vip group you know we,do like a swipe up to join on instagram,we'll maybe um give a link on facebook,as well and get people to join the group,so,um you know 8 000 people in this group i,think is actually amazing i'm,considering that these people are,really really uh engaged,uh now another part of this is,postscript so without postscript,i don't think and without sms i don't,think that that it would be possible for,us to you know,post black friday have you know 135k,sales day uh that's not even a sale,right it's just a new release,of this bundled product that we do so,you can see um i have it as the first,send i probably won't do any more sends,because i think we've almost sold out of,those,we can see that you know 60 almost 67,000 attributed,um and 526 conversions uh attributed to,this,uh quite a conversion rate if you ask me,sorry about all these slack,notifications i am not going to redo,this video,um so uh yeah so you can see like,you know postscript i think is really,the key um to the vip group and letting,people know that your sms list is your,vip,group as well right that they're getting,vip notifications you can see our list,isn't that big,7 375 people it's not big,matches almost perfectly with our vip,group as well on facebook,so uh one more little piece to that,though to get people,into this group uh into the sms group is,we actually we're actually,always running ads to that so i'll just,show you a little bit behind,our ad account here um you could see for,november till now 10.85 row s whether i,believe that or not,um we have spent almost 20k and i think,that's more just,not spending that much because of some,inventory issues we've been having so,i'm just so you guys uh all can see that,there,um so this is one um,evergreen campaign that i love to run i,just run it as a landing page view,campaign um you could run it as a,conversion campaign,and just have a certain page on your,website after they sign up,for postscript uh that redirect being,your conversion i don't mind just,running this as a landing page view,campaign,sorry so many notifications um so i'm,just running this to,to warm uh to our warm audience trying,to get them to sign up we can see,726 um landing page views um this last,month that's a bunch of new people that,are joining this sms list and,um right now we're just letting them,know the big thing is be the first to,know um,so i love i love that where it's really,a really simple simple campaign and,we're just getting them onto the vip,list that way,through retargeting so there's one thing,at our agency too that we we,love to do right is get people over into,our own lists,another semi-owned list that we have as,well as our recart list i'm i'm probably,not going to get into that,um so yeah so that's that's really how,we're able to,um run these gated launches and then,what we do practically at the time is,i'll show you the the,text that we were sending to people the,sms,is i always let them know that this is a,vip,notification right so if it's a vip sale,we say vip,sale notification we just want to let,them know that like hey you're special,for staying on this list like you can,see,our um what's our unsubscriber 8.8,nothing,absolutely nothing um for for you know,what i think,a normalist would be 0.8 is like,nothing i'm totally fine with um you,know a few people unsubscribing what is,that,maybe 40 people um considering like,these are very invasive messages um and,then what we do is we actually give them,early bird access so here we went early,bird one,was the password so we said either the,app because we can't password protect,our app,people could just as soon as the app uh,the products were live,on the app they could right away if they,refresh their screen then they could see,after that um sorry besides the app um,we also had early access on the website,so on the website um we were getting,people to,put their password in as earlybird one,um and then they would actually get,access to the website and you can see,um you know this does not hinder if,anything um you know having that,password actually,makes people take action the next time,because they're using,you know psychology they're they're,taking this little micro,commitment and then moving over um so,totally totally worthwhile you can see,um you know even with like we don't have,massive massive lists um and you can see,um you know this is a 90 return customer,rate obviously people know about the,sale already this is not something,that's,or this uh these bundles this is not,something that's going to get a ton of,first time customers with the 49,first-time customers,that's great that they purchased for the,first time but i love to see this,this because we're not spending any,money on ads right now,right and yet getting you know 135k in,sales or ish,um almost up to that level so um really,really cool stuff you can see as well,almost 12,conversion rate or 11.5 conversion rate,uh which is awesome,so uh yeah hopefully uh this is helpful,i just wanted to give you guys a really,big overview of what a gated launch,looks like there is so much strategy,that goes into this beforehand,um you know this is uh really a big part,of what we're doing um,at the agency as well um to help clients,so,uh hopefully this was helpful and um and,again,uh you know anybody watching this video,please feel free to reach out if you,have questions,wait before you go in the description,we've got some incredible,e-commerce only resources for you to,help scale your store,from wherever you are into the mid seven,figure eight figure,maybe even mid eight figure range this,year so look in the description below,for some incredible,free resources that we've given to you,guys and we really want to see,you guys succeed

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