how to rename images with seo all-in-one shopify app for Shopify File and Alt Tag Renaming Tutorial in this video we're going to look at the,f

Space Squirrel Ltd.

Updated on Mar 20,2023 for Shopify File and Alt Tag Renaming Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to rename images with seo all-in-one shopify app

Let's move on to the first section of how to rename images with seo all-in-one shopify app

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how to rename images with seo all-in-one shopify app catalogs for Shopify File and Alt Tag Renaming Tutorial

in this video we're going to look at the,file and alt tag renaming function in,crash px for Shopify in order to do that,I've set up a new product in my Shopify,demo store here,it's called small black backpack and,I've already set some of the properties,including the title the description the,product type in this case backpack the,vendor space squirrel and I've also,added an image as you can see here just,going to show you that image on my,desktop this is the actual image I,uploaded and you'll see that the,filename itself is a whole bunch of,random numbers seemingly followed by the,dot jpg extension that's really very,undiscriminating that this function in,crush picks will help us with okay so,I'm just going to go back to my store,I'm also going to show you here the alt,text the alt text is the alternative,text this is used by screen readers and,search engines to better understand the,image in your web page so let's give,this let's call it small black backpack,so the more description we can add to,our product images the better things,like Google and other search engines,will understand them and therefore,hopefully they'll be more discoverable,in things like image searches there's,more and more people out there use image,search to discover new products this is,a really really important thing and easy,in actual fact using crushcakes to do to,your Shopify store so I'm just going to,click done of course Shopify does go,quite a way to helping you describe your,products for search engines the main way,is using the URL and as you can see down,at the bottom of the product listing you,have this thing called the search engine,listing price ethat it's taken the title,from the product that we actually,created and it's put it into the URL,here so actually it's quite descriptive,so when a search engine comes across,this URL it will actually have a really,good idea what that page represents if,you want to be more descriptive you can,actually edit that and go in and,adding new parameters into that URL as,well but we'll just leave it at that,because that seems to do the job just,right for us okay so let me click on the,view so we can see what is happening now,you'll see that we've got the URL small,black backpack and that's going to help,search engines a lot we've also added,our alt text and we've also got our,description and everything else that we,put into the product but the one thing,we haven't got is a very descriptive,filename and actually our alt tag could,actually be helping us a little bit more,it could include other things like the,vendor or the actual product type so,let's go back into the Shopify admin I'm,going to click on apps and open up the,crush pix admin and we're going to focus,on the right-hand side here this image,rename area now what I'd like to point,out a couple of things if you watched,any of other videos you'll have noticed,that we have the automatic flag on for,image compression the image rename,function both for the file name and alt,tag renaming also has this function and,for the purpose of this demo I've left,it off because I want to show you the,actual whole process but when you're set,up your templates and you're in the flow,of adding new products switch these two,on and this will happen automatically,for you so I'm going to click on,settings and I would like to rename the,file name and the alt tag so I'm just,going to click Next now what we have,here is what we call a wizard it's a way,that you can set up your renaming,template and it's basically in two,halves we have define your template and,the added tags so at the moment these,are the tags that will be used to,actually make up our file and alt tag,renaming but I'm just going to click on,the little subtract sign there just take,all these out just to show how this,actually works we do give you a very,usable default there you don't have to,use it of course but it will work for,the majority of people out there but,just for the demo purposes I'm going to,show you how this works so just,scrolling down a bit here I'm just going,to show these little arrows these allow,you to do,see different images from your products,and here's one let's just use this one,this looks like a very well relatively,undiscriminating,so what we're going to do for the ACS,crossfire chain that's a bike chain is,build up a template that's going to give,our file name and our optics more,description so let's start off with the,product type and automatically we can,start seeing that this is a chain so,it's got a lot more description already,then I'm going to add the title then I,am going to add the vendor and the SKU,so as you can see down here now this,file name is actually way more,descriptive than the original one we,have down here and this will also this,format will be used for our alt tags as,well but obviously be much more human,readable this is intended foot for a,file name hence we have all these little,dashes in as well but I'll show you how,that works once we've manually changed,the alt tag as well so that's all safe,so I'm going to go back to the dashboard,and I'm going to go down to the file,this is the image that we added and I'm,going to do a couple of things just by,clicking on that I'm going to actually,add it to the queue for compression and,once that's done I I'm actually going to,click again on the little down arrow,here that reveals some of these quick,actions and I'm going to do two things,each in turn the first one is I'm going,to rename the file name now we get a,dialog box which tells us basically a,warning that we are actually permanently,changing the the file name and just to,beware about what you're doing so we are,fully aware so I'm just going to click,rename file and you'll see that file,name section has turned orange and it's,being renamed and now that we have the,green lozenge that tells us that it has,been renamed and then I'm going to,rename the alt tag this will go through,for the product image itself and change,that text you saw that I entered it,earlier this will now be in the format,of the template that we defined now,that's also been renamed so we're all,done there so let's go back to our,product and let me find that by typing,backpack where is it there it is at the,bottom so firstly we're going to check,that the alt text has been changed and,you see that we have the the vendor,there we have the product type and then,we have the title that looks really,great that's going to add a lot more,description for search engines to,interpret our image and hopefully appear,higher up in any image search results,the other thing we need to do is go back,to our product page I'm just going to,refresh that because obviously we have,changed some of the properties of the,page I either file name then I'm going,to open the image in a new tab and just,to prove that it's worked I'm going to,highlight the section of the URL up here,which is the actual image file name at,the top so basically what we've done,we've added a new product we change the,alt text and then we've gone into Crush,and defined a template that now can be,used on all future file renaming and all,future alt tag renaming and the main,purpose of that was to help discovery in,search engines so that they can,interpret our images and hopefully aid,us to have better search engine results,for our products

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