how does shopify work uk

What Is Shopify? | How Does It Work? | Explaining For Beginners welcome to the e-business boss Chann

eBusiness Boss

Updated on Jan 29,2023

What Is Shopify? | How Does It Work? | Explaining For Beginners

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What Is Shopify? | How Does It Work? | Explaining For Beginners

welcome to the e-business boss Channel,today I want to answer the question what,is Shopify so this video is going to be,useful for you if you're a beginner and,you're looking for a bit of a Shopify,guide for dummies so this is going to,explain exactly what it is exactly how,it works I'm going to show you some,great examples of Shopify stores that,are doing really really well so if,you're new here and you have been here,before,my name is Nick and this channel is all,about helping you make money online so,we run multiple online businesses we,document a lot of what we're learning on,this channel with the hope that can help,you guys out so if you're interested in,this sort of content make sure you hit,the subscribe button and turn on the,notifications bill that way you'll be,the first to know about useful videos,just like this so what is Shopify so in,simple terms it's an online platform,that allows you to build and manage your,own online store so there are plenty of,options out there when it comes to,building websites but the best thing,about Shopify is how easy and,straightforward it is to use if you,don't really have much coding experience,so if you're a beginner you're,interested in building an e-commerce,store so you want to sell physical,products or possibly services Shopify,can be a really really good option so,like I said this video really is for,beginners if you aren't a little bit,more advanced I'm going to leave a link,in the description below and that's,going to give you some step-by-step,training Shopify offer to help you,actually make your first sale so I'll,make sure I leave that below so why is,Shopify so popular well I think it's,pretty simple they've made it very very,easy for anyone without any coding,experience to go ahead and setup their,own online store so it's a much better,option if you're going to compare,Shopify to a platform like WordPress,where you're going to need much more,expertise and you're going to need the,time to actually teach yourself how to,use it how to build out your own website,of course you've got the budget you can,outsource a lot of that side of things,but yeah Shopify is really really easy,to use and really easy to build your own,shop I still quite quickly so,do you go about setting up your Shopify,store well this video really is here to,explain the basics I have actually,created another video which is literally,a step-by-step tutorial to show you me,building an online Shopify store in,about 10 minutes so if you're interested,in actually a tutorial to help you build,your online store make sure you check,out that video give it a watch because,it shows you step-by-step you literally,watch me build out my own online store,so you can copy it and do the same for,yourself and that way you can build out,your any Shopify store is this,completely free training so yeah if,you're interested in that check out that,video also if you want a little bit more,guidance and a checklist to help you,build out your Shopify store I've,written an article which is a complete,Shopify guide for dummies so it lays out,the process step-by-step it's quite a,long article but it's pretty in-depth so,there's a complete checklist on this,article and it will help guide you,through the process so you don't make,any costly mistakes so make sure you,check that out if you're interested so I,want to show you two Shopify stores,which are already having massive success,and Shopify has actually featured these,stores on their blocks and yeah you can,see just by looking at them how powerful,Shopify is when it comes to building out,your own online store so the first,example is quad lock or quad lock case,calm so this website specializes in,smartphone mountings,so quite a niche subject that you can,see how many different products they,offer inside their site layout and the,design of this tool is really really,well done in my opinion so the second,example I've got to show you is a,website called brilliant Koh so this,website sells bicycles and it's a really,clever layout,I think the header that they've used is,really clever,I think it's quite inviting when you,actually come onto the site may offer,bicycles from ran about three hundred,and fifty dollars and up you'll also see,a tab along the top where they have a,finance option maybe to help people that,don't quite have the money throughout,they don't want their own bike so,they're a very clever to a,forward-thinking company and definitely,a good example of a Shopify store so,I'll make sure I leave links to both of,those websites in the description below,so that you can check them out and,hopefully you start seeing power of,Shopify,if you want to start your own Shopify,store I'm going to leave it a link in,the description below and it's going to,give you a free trial so you can try out,Shopify build out your own store see if,you like the look of it and if you do,you can start selling your products so,that leads me on to the next question,what products can you actually sell on,Shopify so you can pretty much sell,anything you like,so for us we sell our own range of,private label products we have these,manufactured with a partner these are,created and for us they're actually,stored in Amazon's FBA warehouses so,you've got lots of different options,when it comes to fulfillment and I'm,going to talk about that shortly but you,might also want to sell your own,products that you're making at home,maybe you're just making Arts and Crafts,style products that yeah it's a way to,arrange whatever it is you can sell them,as the orders coming on Shopify you can,ship out the orders to your customers a,lot of people also use shop fight as a,drop shipping platform so you can use,and partner with sites like or below now,this is a great site for drop shipping,I'm not really into drop shipping myself,but I actually know this website is,actually owned by Shopify which not a,lot of people know but yeah they can be,a really useful website to use when,you're looking for products to dropship,on on the likes of Shopify so in the,other types of products you can sell on,Shopify our print on demand products so,we're talking about not really things,like t-shirts anything you can think of,you just need to find a partner that can,actually create and print your designs,on the type of products you want to sell,so you can use shop fighters will host,your store and then find a partner,that's actually going to create these,products on demand for you so you've,you're obviously going to have to create,all the designs set up everything with,your partner so that when the orders,come in they have everything ready there,to build out these products and ship,them out to your customers so there's,lots of different websites and tools you,can use to do that,so we've shot why how do you fulfill,your products so this is the shipping,side of things how do you get things set,out so this is really a point where,you're going to have to work out your,shipping costs because profit is,obviously very very important so if,you're selling and creating your own,products then you might well be sending,your part,now from home in which case you can get,a rough idea you've probably got some,experience of shipping your products now,make sure that your cost of shipping,is attractive enough to your customers,but if possible covers your costs if you,haven't got enough profit there on the,unit's themselves so a really clever,tactic is actually offering free,shipping and with your products you,cannot for that if you know there's,enough profit margin to swallow up the,cost of shipping so you can send them,out yourself you can do something that,we do so we use Amazon FBA so we're full,time Amazon sellers here if you've been,up the channel before you'll probably of,watch loads of videos of us talking,about it so we use amazon's FBA network,so it's a network of warehouses,we'll have our products created and,designs we will send our stock to be,held in Amazon FBA warehouses and when,orders coming on Shopify we'll use an,app like Autodesk which will when the,orders received in Shopify it will go to,order desk and order desk we'll send,that to Amazon FBA from there they'll,prep pack and send out the items to our,customers so it's very hands-off we,don't have to do anything on that side,of things we like to outsource that side,of things so we can focus on the growth,side of the business so you could also,use a print-on-demand partner someone,like certainly where they will handle,everything from actually creating the,product itself from your original design,to picking packing and sending out your,customers so that's another option for,fulfillment if you've got your own,products that you've either made or,you're having made and sent to a,warehouse a bit like we do with that was,an FBA you don't have to use Amazon FBA,you could also use a third-party,fulfillment provider another warehouse,there's lots of companies out there,where they can hold your products and,ship the orders out for you as the,orders come in so and once you've sorted,all of these parts of Shopify you're,ready to start making sales so in order,to get sales you're going to need,traffic so I'll just give you a few,useful tips and things to think about,because you can build out your store but,it doesn't mean people are suddenly,gonna arrive there unless they know,about your brand or your products or you,have a very clever way of driving,traffic so when it comes to driving,traffic you've got a few options a very,popular one is paid traffic so you can,do things like run,the cats with clever you know videos or,images that really capture the attention,and offer something of value up front so,what a lot of people will do is run a,Facebook ad with maybe a free ebook or,some free training and on the back of,that training they'll actually sell the,physical product that they want to sell,maybe through an email follow-up,campaign so that's a very clever form of,marketing so paid traffic Google Ads,Facebook Ads Instagram ads lots of,people use the platforms where the most,of people's attention is social media,the places like Reddit,really you need to start thinking about,where your customers are actually,hanging out so you can use Facebook,groups to great effect now I don't mean,say for example you're selling fishing,rods so I don't mean enter all the,Facebook groups for fishing and start,trying to sell people your products,because you're just going to get kicked,out of the group but you could go in,there start building relationships with,people giving them an actual useful,information and help them and on the,back of that off these relationships you,can then start to promote your products,softly over time read it's the same you,can find subreddits get involved in your,community and this will be also really,useful for product research and feedback,on maybe how you can improve your,products so build the relationship give,value and then your products will sell,themselves so SEO search engine,optimization is another form of free,traffic I say free but usually you're,going to need quite a bit of work,upfront so on Shopify you can add say a,blog you have that feature to do that,you don't with all website builders like,this but sure if I give you that option,and what you can do with your blog is,fill it with useful articles say a,thousand to 2,000 words that answer the,questions your customers might be asking,so find the pain points around your,products right down the useful free,articles up into your blog,make sure it's all optimized for SEO,purposes and over time Google will,notice your website and start to rank,your articles for organic keywords this,is another way of bringing in traffic a,little bit more advanced but definitely,a good way so the main emphasis I would,stated driving traffic is provide value,so don't just,hard sell you need to whichever one of,these methods you use provides some free,value for the customer build trust,between you in your brand so I hope you,found that useful and I hope I have,explained what Shopify is I hope you've,got some more useful information if you,do want to start your own Shopify store,I've well recommend checking out the,tutorial I've put together to show you,how to do it and like I say you can use,the free trial below in the description,to get a free trial for Shopify so I'll,leave all of that below guys I hope you,found this useful if you have please,smash the like button and if you're,interested in these types of videos so,you ought to learn more make sure you,subscribe to the channel,turn on the notification spell then,you'll be the first to know about useful,videos just like this thanks for tuning,in guys there be more from us here at,business prosperity

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