how does does kylie jenner pays shopify

Shopify Is Kylie Cosmetics' Software Secret Kylie Jenner reportedly spun her fame,Instagram account


Updated on Mar 18,2023

Shopify Is Kylie Cosmetics' Software Secret

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Shopify Is Kylie Cosmetics' Software Secret

Kylie Jenner reportedly spun her fame,Instagram account and a minor cosmetic,alteration into a nearly billion dollar,business in just two years,most other aspiring entrepreneurs lack,those resources but they can get their,hands on one critical component of,Kylie's success to run her online,cosmetics store,Kylie uses the e-commerce platform,Shopify it's helped catapult her brand,to a nearly 800 million dollar valuation,in just two years according to forbes,that sets kylie on a path to dethrone,Mark Zuckerberg as the youngest,self-made billionaire and she's not,Shopify his only high-profile client the,platform also boasts Kanye West's Oreo,Budweiser and Nestle as clients as of,2017 Shopify has about six hundred and,nine thousand clients around the globe,from billion-dollar moguls all the way,down to individual sellers of temporary,tattoos popcorn and personalized,stationery so what exactly does shop if,I do imagine you want to open an online,store selling graphic t-shirts you know,all about designing cool tees but you,don't know anything about coding,websites using servers tracking and,advertising to customers or anything,else just t-shirts,that's where Shopify comes in for a,monthly fee Shopify takes over the,technical side of launching and,operating an online business it allows,merchants to easily set up and design,online stores as well as link to social,media sites and online marketplaces like,Amazon,it also has features to track customer,data run email marketing campaigns and,manage inventory Shopify does all that,so you can focus on the t-shirts and we,felt one of the major barriers to build,becoming a new entrepreneur was having,to set up your own servers and having to,figure out security and having to figure,out all this other stuff that comes,along with with starting a business,which may not be as sexy as fun but are,deeply important and so what we've done,is we've taken all that off the table,and and said let us do we can do it,better,Shopify learned how to do all this,because back in 2004 it started as an,online snowboard store in Ottawa Canada,and at the time there was really,only two ways to sell a product online,either you had to spend a million,dollars and have some big enterprise,software company build you an online,store or you were forced to use a,marketplace and although the marketplace,version was was affordable it didn't,really allow you to build your own brand,and so we decided to write our own piece,of software to sell these snowboards,that store called snow devil sold some,snowboards but they got a lot more,interest in the software they used to,build their site we were just hearing,from people all over the world asking us,that they can use our software because,they themselves had a product that they,wanted to get into the heads of,consumers so snow devil hung up their,snowboards literally they're in CEO,Tobias luca's office and became what it,is today,Shopify a full-service ecommerce,platform Shopify represents one kind of,e-commerce platform a,software-as-a-service,or SAS platform there's another kind,called open-source platform software as,a service platforms handle everything on,the back end you choose what you want,your store to look like from one of,their pre-existing templates and they'll,do it off supply their own materials and,build your shop from floor to ceiling,metaphorically speaking open-source,platforms on the other hand act more as,a launching pad they'll provide you the,space to open your shop but everything,else is up to you,one of Shopify's biggest rivals Magento,primarily takes this approach its,clients include giants like coca-cola,Christian Louboutin and rosetta stone,retailers who choose an open-source,platform for their online stores can,change whatever they want about their,store aesthetically or functionally,whenever they want SAS users however,have to rely on the software company for,design templates and new extensions to,keep up with changing consumer trends or,hire a third-party developer to add the,needed code to their site we don't want,your website to look like your,competitors you want to really,differentiate on what that experiences,and open-source has the advantage of not,limiting your creativity and allowing,you to really express what your brand is,to your customer in a way that's,different from the competition and,really resonates with that that core,customer that differentiation is a key,advantage to open-source platforms go to,a few of the websites of Shopify as most,famous clients and you'll find that,shopping for Tesla's looks eerily,similar to shopping for watches or,workout clothes or makeup from the,kardashian-jenner clan that control,however can be more costly in the long,run Magento starting fee can run,anywhere from $0 to more than a million,depending on the businesses needs,Magento users shoulder the cost of web,design and development which starts at,about ten thousand dollars as well as,maintenance and expansion fees as their,business grows,this makes SAS platforms like Shopify,more appealing to some businesses take,Kylie cosmetics because Shopify handles,the backend,Kylie's company employs only five,part-time and seven full-time employees,none of whom work in web development,instead Kylie cosmetics pays Shopify a,yearly fee of 480 thousand dollars and,0.15 percent of all sales Kylie,reportedly sold three hundred and thirty,million dollars worth of makeup in 2017,meaning she paid an estimated nine,hundred and seventy five thousand,dollars to Shopify or about 0.3 percent,of her total sales but Shopify isn't,just for Instagram stars with famous,families Shopify's gross merchant volume,or how much their retailers sell on the,platform every year has grown from 7.7,billion in 2015 to 26.3 billion in 2017,about half of those sales come from,smaller businesses piloff bartok is,talked about because of her branded her,celebrity but we see people that six,months ago started a little business,than a coffee shop and today are doing,10 20 30 40 million dollars of sales,that's what Drew Griffin Saul and Paul,Goodman who founded their company pura,vida' bracelets in 2011 pura vida',started on Magento but switched to,Shopify a year later yeah this was our,first job out of college we didn't,really know you know how to build a,website how to create an e-commerce,store so I think just a basic search,online,I'm curious to Magento and it was a,disaster pretty difficult to use for,like a first time user pura-vida has had,an average growth rate of one thousand,four hundred and forty seven percent,since switching to Shopify five years,ago and that kind of growth isn't unique,sales of the men's shorts brands,Chubby's in the first half of 2018 were,40 times the sales of the same period in,2012 and movement watches scaled to,sixty million dollars in annual sales in,just three years,Shopify says these numbers reflect more,than just a desire for profit it's part,of its mission we are creating new,entrepreneurs in some cases with people,that never thought they could be,entrepreneurs because they didn't know,how to know how or the experience of the,money I think this idea of creating more,entrepreneurs around the world is a good,thing and that that's our mission still,in 2017,Shopify generated about 670 million,dollars in revenue and with the,e-commerce industry expected to grow to,a value of four trillion dollars by 2020,Shopify itself stands to win

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