how do you disable the abandoned cart email in shopify

Shopify Update!! - New Automations for Abandoned Carts & Browse i have fresh news today shopify has


Updated on Mar 01,2023

Shopify Update!! - New Automations for Abandoned Carts & Browse

The above is a brief introduction to how do you disable the abandoned cart email in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do you disable the abandoned cart email in shopify

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how do you disable the abandoned cart email in shopify catalogs

Shopify Update!! - New Automations for Abandoned Carts & Browse

i have fresh news today shopify has just,released two new automations to recover,abandoned cards and abandoned browse,these are completely free to use and,super powerful hey guys it's the ecom,move here and today we're gonna take a,look at these two new automations and,i'm also gonna show you how to further,improve them so you can have the perfect,sales recovery flow quick note at the,time of this recording the abandonment,automations are on early access but if,you don't see them on your shopify store,on the automation section just make sure,that you contact shopify support and ask,if they can give you the early access,because apparently that works alright so,let's get started with this so to access,the automations section you just go to,your shopify backend click on marketing,and then click on automations,now here you're gonna click on create,automations and look these are the early,access automations right here everybody,has access to these ones they welcome,new subscribers first purchase customer,win back and i actually have a video,explaining you how to use those and also,i have a video showing you how to work,with the abandoned checkout but today,we're gonna focus on the abandoned cart,and also the abandoned product browse so,let's start with the abandoned car so we,click on it and you can preview here you,know the automation and this is a base,because we're gonna improve it so let's,just click on use workflow and this is,the flow so it starts with the trigger,the customer left online store okay if,we click on it we can actually see more,details this workflow starts when a,customer has left the online store,right then what happens after this gets,triggered well then it's gonna check if,the abandonment type is equal to card,because you know you have the,abandonment automation for card for,checkout and for browse in this case is,the cart automation,now it's gonna wait for four hours after,the customer left the store then it's,gonna check if the customer hasn't added,another product to the car it's also,gonna check if it hasn't started the,checkout and also it's gonna check that,it hasn't completed an order since the,start of the workflow so since this,workflow started since the trigger,happened in these four hours that it had,to wait it's gonna make sure that the,customer didn't check out or didn't add,more items to the card because if not,you're gonna have so many emails sending,to the same customer if you don't make,this check all right so then also it's,gonna check if the customer hasn't,received another abandoning email in the,last 30 days you know not to overwhelm,this i'm gonna change a lot of stuff,here but i'm just showing the bases,after that it's gonna also check if one,or more products in the cart are in,stock and then after,everything is checked and it has waited,for hours,it's gonna send them this email before,we edit the email i'm gonna make some,changes because i think we can improve,this a little bit so let's go back to,the beginning,the trigger stays like that the customer,has left the online store and then it's,gonna check if the abandonment type is,cart okay and then wait for four hours,no i don't want it to wait four hours,you know when someone abandons the,checkout,you know you have to remind them a lot,sooner so i'm gonna change this so i,click on this,and instead of wait four hours i'm only,gonna wait one hour,reason why i'm changing this for one,hour is not only because it performs,better if you remind them very soon is,because i also wanna send them another,email if they don't complete the,purchase after this first email i'm,gonna send them another email after 24,hours and then another email after three,days you know just to try to recover,that card the next step we're not gonna,change it because,it's important that we check that the,customer hasn't added another product,hasn't started the checkout then the,next check we're actually going to,change it because here the automation is,not gonna send anything if it has,detected that there was another,automation in the past 30 days and i,think that is a very long time this is,like limiting the power that you have to,recover an abandoned cart or an,abandoned checkout or even an abandoned,browse so you could only try that thing,every 30 days and that's just too much,time so i'm gonna change that click on,that and we're gonna check days since,last abandoned email greater than we are,going to,reduce that to only one day all right,yes one day only,okay,now we're gonna check if one or more,products in the car are in stock you can,leave that if you want but i prefer not,to put it because even if someone goes,for one product,and even if it's not available i'm gonna,recommend them other products that are,very similar you know and you might be,able to close the cell that way so i'm,gonna remove that so you click on this,and click on delete,all right,and now you have to attach,you know then,to the next step and the next step is,going to be to send the marketing email,now let's review the marketing email we,click on it,and,click on view email,this is the basic email that shopify you,know suggest you to use but we're gonna,edit it of course so we're gonna click,on edit,and continue,so here we're gonna change the subject,normally when it's a checkout recovery i,put something like action required your,purchase is not complete or something,like that just to you know to get the,attention hey what's going on i didn't,realize i purchased something you know,and then i will tell them hey you need,to complete the checkout but here since,this is a card recovery i'm just gonna,do something simple let's put something,like,hello and then we'll use one of these,magic personalizations first name so,this is going to populate with the first,name of the customer if shopify doesn't,have that information it's just going to,use a default value and we'll put,something like,hello,loader all right yeah like obi-wan,hello there hello there okay and,okay let's click on save then let's put,a comma,space,you left,items in your cart and then let's take a,look at the email so here we're not,gonna change anything because this right,here is gonna populate with whatever,products the customer had in their cart,all right but we're gonna change,something here at the bottom i always,like to add a little image here that,converts pretty well it's gonna be this,image so the customer can envision,themselves already with the package on,their hands and we're also gonna add a,little closing statement here so let's,add an image,and we're gonna add this thing,you know that's just something that you,know some of the values of the brand we,believe that some clothes have the power,to motivate and encourage people,so we want you to be motivated etc etc,another thing that you could also add,here is you know some products that you,can recommend them just click on product,and you know just add a few products,let's just add this one's just as an,example,let's click on add and then you can you,know hide the title the price,and also make it only two columns you,know so it's a little bit bigger and you,just just have a few of them i'm not,gonna do it yet you know but just click,on save and this automation will be,complete so,no we change a few things we change the,time we change the check if instead of,30 days we put one day it still says,here 30 days just because you know,shopify puts that help text but actually,you know if you click on it you can see,that it's only one day all right and,then we change the email but what if we,wanted to expand this folder let's also,send a reminder email after 24 hours if,they don't buy in this same automation,so the next step will be to wait all,right so we're gonna click on output and,then create an action,right the action is gonna be,weight,so we type weight and click on that,now we specify how long do we want it to,wait and we're gonna put 24 hours all,right 24 hours,okay,so wait for 24 hours and then we have to,do a few checks so we click on output,and we are gonna create a condition,check if,all conditions are made and we're gonna,add the criterias now,so we click on criteria and then we,click on abandonment and we're gonna,look for customer has no order since,abandonment we click on that,and that has to be equal to true and,that's just to make sure that the,customer hasn't already ordered in those,24 hours after we send the first,marketing email all right we have to add,another criteria so click on add,criteria we're gonna click on,abandonment again and then we're gonna,look for,last,card abandonment day and this has to be,less than and we're not gonna add a date,okay because we need this to be a,variable so we're gonna click on this,little,symbol right there and we're gonna click,on abandonment,then click on created ads and that lets,us check that the last time that the,card was abandoned was before this,automation started just to make sure,that there's not already a newer,automation in place that is gonna be,sending them emails okay there's another,check that we have to do just to be sure,that we don't over spam the customer so,we're gonna click on add criteria again,then we click on abandonment let's look,for,last checkout abandoned date,and we're gonna make sure that it's less,than,and then we're gonna select a variable,abandonment created at,just to check that there is not another,checkout automation you know an,abandoned checkout this is a cart,abandoned but let's say that the,customer went ahead you know opened that,email and then actually went to the,checkout but then he didn't buy all,right that's still gonna trigger a new,automation a checkout automation we,don't wanna send them emails from the,cart automation,when he's already gonna be receiving the,checkout automation you know so these,checks are important we have to do them,so we don't spam the customer now we're,gonna send them a marketing email so we,press then and then action and then,we're gonna click on send marketing,email not too confusing with send email,because it's completely different i,actually have a video where i explain,the difference between send email and,send marketing email and i also give a,lot of tips so if you're interested go,watch that video after this one but,let's click on send email marketing,email send marketing email and we're,gonna select an email template let's,just choose any of these templates for,example this one,all right duplicate now there is a,limitation and i hope that shopify fixes,this very soon because right now you,remember this is the same email that we,used before and here it will show the,products that the customer had on their,card so right now you cannot add it if i,try to click on add and click on,product,it will not give me the options to show,the products that the customer had in,their cart you know it's just not,available,and shopify does have that information,they just haven't put it here it's still,on early access so that might be,you know one of the reasons so we're,gonna have to do something a little bit,different so i'm gonna remove that i'm,gonna remove this image i'm gonna remove,everything right now you know i'm just,gonna offer them a coupon code you know,to incentivate,and let's click on image,and let's add this image right here 10,percent off let's add a coupon code so,click on discount,let's find a discount for example this,discount right here you know something,like this i'm just doing it pretty fast,so you get the idea so we have the,discount we have the image and we can,put something like hey come back here's,10 percent off whatever you know,something to try to recover that cell,all right this is just so you know,click on save so this will be done but,you could also add another action you,know and put wait for 72 hours and then,add another condition and send another,marketing email and so on but i think,you get the idea of how it works now,let's take a look at the other new,automation the abandoned browse but,before if you're liking this video so,far please give me a like i would really,appreciate it and even subscribe to my,channel if you want to keep up with all,these new releases and all the,e-commerce content that i'm planning to,bring so let's continue,we're back at the automations page and,let's click on abandon product browse,okay so let's use this workflow this is,gonna be very straightforward especially,since you already know how the other one,works,but let's just take a look and change a,few things so the trigger will be,customer left online store and see this,workflow starts when a customer has left,the online store,now it's gonna check if the abandon type,is equal to browse all right let's check,it out,check on the condition abandon type is,equal to browse correct and then it's,gonna wait for two hours let's just,change this right now let's just only,put,one hour,okay yep,and then it's gonna check if the,customer hasn't viewed any more products,and if it hasn't added another product,to the card he's also gonna check if he,hasn't started the checkout and he's,gonna check if he hasn't completed an,order since the start of this workflow,okay if we click on it we can see that,customer has no order since abandonment,is equal to true,last browse abandon date is before when,this workflow was created okay and so on,okay this is very similar to what we,already did then it's gonna check if the,customer hasn't received another,abandonment email in the last 30 days,we're gonna change that we're gonna put,one day,all right,we don't wanna send so many emails to,the same customer every time he checks,out our website but we don't want to,wait 30 days with one day is enough,okay and then we're gonna check if the,products are in stock you can leave that,if you want or not and then we're gonna,send a marketing email,super straightforward just like before,let's check the email,let's edit the email,click on continue see something you like,and then it will show the products that,the customer browse and this is a,special type of section you see here,when you click on the plus you have,abandoned browse okay and when you click,on that it's gonna be you know basically,it will populate with whatever the,customer was browsing and we didn't have,that option let me actually show you,something so,this is the previous automation uh that,we were doing so here on the,send marketing email,here we will have this option because,this was automatically populated by,shopify when we click on the automation,so here if we wanted to add another,section we could choose abandon cart,but,if we go back here and then we look at,the new email that we wanted to send,after the 24 hours and try to add,another section,guess what,there's no abandoned cart option,see that's what i want them to fix asa,pronto all right anyways we were here,you know on the abandoned browse let's,delete that,and well this will be the email i think,it's fine all right so,i think it's looking good so yeah this,automation is pretty straightforward i,don't think we have to change anything,else i think it looks perfect,yes,i hope i was able to give you a better,understanding of how these automations,work thank you so much for watching like,and subscribe and

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