how to set up shopify paypal without ein

How to Make PAYPAL BUSINESS ACCOUNT for Freelancers, Dropshipping, Shopify, Twitch etc! 2023 hey guy


Updated on Feb 26,2023

How to Make PAYPAL BUSINESS ACCOUNT for Freelancers, Dropshipping, Shopify, Twitch etc! 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up shopify paypal without ein

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up shopify paypal without ein

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How to Make PAYPAL BUSINESS ACCOUNT for Freelancers, Dropshipping, Shopify, Twitch etc! 2023

hey guys welcome back to our channel in,sodia,today in this video i will tell you how,you can make,paypal business account many of you were,asking for this video,so here it is and please don't forget to,subscribe,open paypal website the link in the,description,and here you will see two accounts that,is,individual account option and business,account option here,you can see you will be getting free,return shipping,and you can shop with paypal and many,more options by production etc,and in business account you will be,getting,b2b payments and there are many other,benefits of it,and you can see you can add paypal,to your website and for freelancer this,is,very good you can get your payment,through this if you are a freelancer and,many more you just click on these links,and,read about this but for this you have to,do,kyc that is identity verification,here you can just click on the sign up,or this sign up for free button,and once you click on that you will be,redirected to this page,here just select business account and,click on next,here you can see on website selling,goods or services on marketplace or,freelance,platform choose accordingly let me,choose this one,and you can select your monthly,sales volume i will select this,less than inr 5 lakhs and,here select both inr and foreign,currency,and after that click on just next,and it will load it will take some time,and here you can see here you have to,enter your email,so let me enter my email,and after entering your email just click,on submit button,here choose your password let me choose,mine,and just click on this submit button,here select the option which describe,your business,let me select individual and,here you can select your product or,services keyword,here you can see there are many digital,marketing,direct marketing and this one there are,many,options which you can choose,regarding your field or whatever you are,doing,let me choose my option,that is here it is digital good,media digital goods media and purpose,code you can,select any purpose code which is,suitable for your,business that is you can search in,google about your purpose code let me,select,this one advertising and market research,and,let me enter my personal pan account,and here you you can choose your,cc statement name that is what,it will show on your customer card,statements,uh let me select in sodia,this is my youtube channel name so this,is good,and after that just click on this,if you have url you can paste it over,here or just,click on submit now you have to tell,about,yourself about your first name last name,date of birth,and about your address and phone number,etc let me,fill this quickly,it will take some time you have to fill,your,information and here you can select your,number,and just click on agree and continue,now just select this one click on this,and go to email click on this button,and here get started now if you,get the email just click on that get,started now,and just fill your password and,confirm your email let me fill it,and now it is showing your email address,have been confirmed,and now just click on link up bank,account,and after that you will see this kind of,interface,you select your ifsc code and your,account number,and after that you will be linking your,bank account to this paypal account,let me fill it quickly,it will take some time,now after filling your details click on,link your bank account,and here you will see this page click on,this request deposits,and paypal will deposit too small amount,to your bank and you have to verify it,now here you can see you can now receive,international payments now it's time to,identify,documents for verification to start,accepting local payments,so for that click on this upload your,identity documents link,and here you will see this page click on,this,or before that please read this,carefully,and after that click on agree and get,started,after that you will see this kind of,interface,here you have to provide your proof,of identity let me fill it quickly,it will take some time,once you completed this it will be,taking,two to four days for the verifications,of your documents and etc,what you have given to paypal and after,that you,will be able to get payment,so that's it hope you like this video if,you like this video,please do thumbs up and subscribe to our,channel and don't forget to hit the,notification bell,see you

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