how do i have shopify send fedex shipping notifications?

How to Setup Shopify Purchase, Shipping and Delivery Text Alerts what's up guys bobby here from slic


Updated on Mar 16,2023

How to Setup Shopify Purchase, Shipping and Delivery Text Alerts

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how do i have shopify send fedex shipping notifications? catalogs

How to Setup Shopify Purchase, Shipping and Delivery Text Alerts

what's up guys bobby here from slicktext,and today i'm going to show you how to,set up,purchase delivery and shipping text,messages for your shopify store,let's check it out,now considering that you've already,integrated your shopify store we're,gonna head over to the text words page,and you should have one text word that,you have that collects numbers and sends,abandoned carts stuff of that nature,we're gonna go into the options and,settings over to shopify,and we're gonna go down to the customer,order messaging,now right now you see that i have two,abandoned cart messages there's a,separate tutorial on that one,and i'm gonna show you the uh the rest,the other three here today in this,tutorial we're gonna focus on the,purchase one,and then you'll get the idea with,shipping and delivery confirmations,all right so you're gonna click on add a,new message,and i've created a nice little template,here that you guys can copy,all right so i personalize it with their,first name,so hey bobby thanks for your purchase,that still text you rock we'll update,you as soon as your order is shipped,all right so kind of cool now once you,have your message template in there,that's really all you need as far as a,message,once you have that done uh of course we,want to figure out,well how long after their purchase do we,want them to receive this,all right so i selected one minute after,their purchase,all right hopefully that makes sense of,course you could delay this you could,say,well hey send them a message a day after,their purchase,so we're gonna do one minute after we're,gonna skip all the advanced stuff,okay we're just gonna save this message,now let's see how it works,let's head on over to our shopify store,and let's go ahead and check out,all right now remember considering they,have elected to receive text messages,from you,and provided their mobile number they,will go ahead and receive this message,all right so there's my phone i'm going,to leave it up on the screen while i,finish the checkout process,okay my order is now complete we're,going to wait just a minute here to,receive that confirmation text that the,purchase was successful,and there it is thanks for your purchase,that slick text you rock,all right guys so now let's just review,what we just did and show you how you,can apply this to,delivery and shipping notifications as,well,so back inside our sliptext account,let's go back to our,abandoned cart messages let's go back to,our shopify customer order messaging,and just like we created an order,purchase message here you guys can also,create,messages that go out after their item,has shipped or after it has been,delivered,real quick let me show you a template,for each one here's one for,item shipped i kind of like this,template here,order delivered here's a great template,that you guys can use,all right so that's how you guys set up,the purchase shipping and delivery,confirmation text messages,with our shopify integration if you guys,have any questions don't hesitate to,reach out to us 1-800-688-6290,or email us info at thanks,for watching guys we'll catch you again,soon

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