how do i call shopify

How To Start A Phone Case Business With | Shopify and Printful 2020 what's going on guys it's me mel

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Updated on Feb 08,2023

How To Start A Phone Case Business With | Shopify and Printful 2020

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How To Start A Phone Case Business With | Shopify and Printful 2020

what's going on guys it's me melvin with,new era gears and in this video i'm,gonna show you,how to start a phone case business with,shopify and printful,okay guys so stay tuned let's get,straight into it,all right guys i'm gonna assume you guys,have a shopify store and if you don't,you get a 14 day free trial,i made one here for the sake of this,video,first thing i want you guys to do is go,down once you're on the screen once you,sign up,put all your information in you'll come,to the screen,and go to apps these are the two apps i,want you to,you download those guys we're gonna go,straight into this okay you can always,reference back to this video,um take notes okay guys,and in the comment section right let's,go because i'm gonna give you guys some,some straight content here,value content at that okay guys so click,on print on demand printful,that's what you got this what i want you,guys to do okay guys go to products,add product,and this is where you could choose your,products okay i mean this video is how,to start a phone case business but you,can do that uh,how to start a t-shirt business how to,start a hat business,i mean we got multiple options here,got toads laptops we're going to do,phone cases,in this video for the sake of this video,i'm gonna do uh,iphone case and you can literally repeat,the process,for sans some cases okay guys,so look at that got another option here,it's a new option biodegradable phone,case,that wasn't there okay,we're gonna click on this one guys this,clear,phone case not only am i gonna show you,guys how to start the phone case,business okay with shopify,but i'm also gonna we're gonna do some,designing as well,it's gonna be real cool you guys are,gonna like it,so after you click on it okay,you want to go to product info pricing,and guidelines all right,once you click on that,where it says print file templates click,on that look at that guys,all sizes all iphone sizes,the print file 2.93 by 6.1,i'm going to give you guys an idea on,how you can do your business uh,you guys can brainstorm you guys,probably have something in mind,but the 2.93 by 6.1 okay,so we're going to go to adobe,illustrator,we're going to go to create new,2.93 by 6.1,this is where you put uh in inches okay,and then hit create,all right guys so now that it's brought,up with the dimensions you put,you go to rectangle tool click on that,you left click on the top left hand,corner,okay and then you drag it across,see that blue line just go yep,right there to the black just drag it,all the way down uh,all over the place here all right,and then the same with the sides here,okay,and i gotta go here to the top,guys this is gonna be real cool no not a,good idea,let me give you guys here,guys what i want you guys to do is in,the comment section hit let's go,let's go let's go,here and right here on the color codes,and then bam look at that lime green so,guys what i just did right there is i,put in a hex code,that hex code is for lime green so you,can go on google,and you can put red hex code,yellow blue okay guys let's put in the,red hex code so you can see that,there you go guys this is the red but,i'm gonna go with,the lime green here,okay so now what i'm gonna do is,guys the phone cases we're gonna be,designing right here right here in front,it's gonna be custom face cases okay,real cool boom just drag and drop,guys you guys can get this done,literally at uh fiverr, look around look at this guys,custom faces i will turn your photo,into a cartoon portrait look at that,ten dollars there should be some here,for five let's see,look at that avatar portrait five,dollars,you message the seller you let them know,what you want you just send them a,picture of yourself or,the customer and they'll have it done,for you in 24 hours,and then you get that and then you can,do this process that we're doing on,adobe illustrator,so then after you upload,this photo on here it's going to be,oversized,so what you're going to want to do is,hit the selection tool okay,hold shift left click,and drag down okay,just arrow down same thing,okay shift,left click size down,let's drag it over here,let's center it over here so i'm gonna,size it down some more,hold shift on the corner,left click um,look at that guys,okay so got the face there let's see,what else okay,i think i got his name on here but look,at this guys you guys can,type up a name let's say,let me just put that there,my son's name is not jose,same thing hold shift,size it down okay,shift left click size down,and this is what you guys can do with,your customer okay and we're going to,get into details on,where the customer can put this,information in and how they can upload,we can get,all into that in a second just showing,you guys how you guys are going to,do this designing so that way we can,upload this,on to our shopify store okay,so there's that,let's say i'm satisfied with that okay,what i'm gonna do now is,the file export,export as,okay what you're gonna do here is you're,gonna click on where it says use our,board,click on that and hit export,okay and then your resolution,hi 300 ppi okay guys,at all times transparent hit okay,i already have one okay whatever replays,here you go back here,okay,so we're gonna upload,all right guys so,sorry about that my computer was acting,up,so i had to edit that real fast so,you know you export you'll go to your,downloads,okay so here let's just go back show you,guys,so after you do that process on adobe,illustrator,with the image okay with the name or,however you want to do it okay guys,you go to job design go to upload,click click on upload it'll bring up,your files,and you go from there okay guys you just,pick your file,the artboard that you downloaded so you,hit choose,and look what it's gonna do voila,it's like magic see that look at that,look how unique that is your customers,are gonna be like oh wow,you know they're gonna be amazed and you,could just,throw ads out there like crazy,and you'll be getting customers left and,right so let's say you're satisfied with,this okay,and you can see on the bottom the,different models okay the,11 pro promax six six s,seven eight let's see okay let's say,you're happy with all that,and sometimes guys you know since that,file the 2.93 by 6.1,it's for all sizes,but you know you can see here the head,is closer to where the camera is at,but for the most part looks nice okay,but it'll have like um like if it's,too close to it you can see it here and,then all you got to do is just click on,it,on that specific model and um,and you can check it out okay guys but,you can always,add these options next where i'm sure,where i'm gonna show you how to,where they can upload the picture and,put in the name,don't have all these options to pick,from these cases,but this is just the example that you're,gonna have on your website,okay guys so when you're designing it,for the customer,you're gonna design it for a specific,model okay,so that way you you know exactly how,it's gonna look well,for this example looks real nice so,we're gonna proceed to media okay,and then you just gotta pick your mock,up this is the mock-up you're gonna have,on your store,i like to choose,as my main mock-up image one that's on,the phone not not this one up here let,me see,no i like this one so proceed to details,so this is where you can enter into,details okay and you can go and,add on to your description you know for,seo purposes,um i'll leave it like this for the sake,of this video but i will add,custom,face,iphone case okay and you'll do the same,thing,custom face so after you after i i'm,done with this one okay i'll do another,one,for samsung you know custom face samsung,case,and down here,you want to put in some tags okay guys,so,design,iphone case,iphone cases,then bam okay and let's see here's,all the way down choose collection,right now we haven't set none of that,stuff up the store is fresh,so you can just leave it as home page,and then you proceed to pricing so for a,product like this guys,look at that,this is printful's price okay this is,your price this is what you'll be paying,okay so if you sell this case for 15.50,you know it's your profit would be 4.55,so what i like to do to cover shipping,and all that stuff,i will do this case can go,not that high,27 okay,you don't want to go too high guys i,mean you can go 30 dollars,okay you go 30 but,we'll go 27,all right you know what you're gonna do,here submit to store,bam,so then after you do that go to products,go down to where it says collections,okay,and hit create collection,we're gonna make a collection okay it's,gonna be,iphone iphone cases,okay,hit save,so we're gonna do,manual,okay so then we're gonna go,back to collections and add another,collection,and we're gonna put sam song,cases okay,so okay guys you got your product here,okay,it's in your store so you're gonna do,another one custom face,samsung case okay,and what you're going to do after that,is go backwards to apps,and click on best custom product option,okay,once you go there you're gonna see that,your item that you just,uploaded onto shopify and printful,is on there so what you're gonna do is,click on it,okay these are your shopify options,you're going to choose one,let's see here,you're going to add virtual options okay,so for title let's go let's go back,add virtual option okay,you're gonna do file,upload and then right here where it says,type you,hit the arrow and then you go to file,upload,and guys always don't forget to hit this,check mark here where it says required,that way it's a requirement,so that way they could upload their face,and once they upload their face okay,their picture,you're gonna see,you,all right guys so what you have,have it up customer,once you design your whole website it's,not going to look like this,customer's going to click on it they'll,be like oh wow that's nice,look at that they have they got,to choose a file files are going to open,okay they get to pick their color,they're going to read the description,and guys they're going to check out,and then there's going to be money in,the bank,then you're going to see here five cells,and it's gonna look amazing it's gonna,be an amazing feeling,that's how you can start a phone case,business okay,and you can just keep it you know if you,wanna make another store,you know for t-shirts you can do that,this is just like niching down to a,specific,product you know phone cases you know,that way you're not overwhelming,yourself on having,t-shirts phone cases you know hats have,having a lot of things at a store it,could be overwhelming,it's good to be organized and then you,can go back to your products,and also you know you can do design,phone cases,okay where you can have um,you know what let's do it let's do an,example of that,so,so,this,you,so,guys and also,if you guys wanna learn how to make,money literally on autopilot passive,income,i don't know if you guys know about that,and how to make money while you sleep,guys i'm gonna leave some links in the,description okay,and check them out,i'm actually getting into that right now,and i must say that it's,the value you get in that the amount the,the value and the content alone it's,it's game changing,it literally is it's really game,changing,and,i want to share that and pass it along,to you guys so you guys can,have an idea how to make some money,while you sleep you know get out that,nine to five grind,i'm still working my nine to five you,know still doing the online stuff but i,took a little break,and i must say you know i needed to get,back to it,i need to get back to it and now the,time i'm going to be consistent,and i'm going to be sharing value with,you guys,because i want to i want to grow a,community here on youtube,that helping others you know,helping others make money and we call,make money and we call it be happy,so this was an idea on how to start a,phone case business with shopify and,printful,okay take that concept if you're not,don't want to do a phone case and,try t-shirts t-shirts hoodies whatever,you want to do,but this is an idea on how to do it and,then how to set up your menus and all,that i think i go more in depth in my,previous videos,and uh i think it's a personalization,video yeah i'll link that in the,description as well,so that way you guys can check that out,and we'll go from there,okay guys and you guys have a good one,thank you for watching,make sure you like subscribe share this,video,and stay tuned for more videos,peace,i won't stop no no no no no no

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