how do i add author meta tags to my shopify website?

Shopify Blog Tags. What They Are and How to Use Them. what's going on everyone it's jamie here,from

Shopify Masterclass

Updated on Mar 20,2023

Shopify Blog Tags. What They Are and How to Use Them.

The above is a brief introduction to how do i add author meta tags to my shopify website?

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how do i add author meta tags to my shopify website? catalogs

Shopify Blog Tags. What They Are and How to Use Them.

what's going on everyone it's jamie here,from shopify masterclass today we'll be,taking a look at shopify blog tags what,they are how to set them up and if they,impact your seo at all so make sure you,stay to the end of the video here as,well in several different sections,relating to shopify blog tags before we,dive into it i just want to thank our,sponsor profitcalc the one click profit,calculator app available on the shopify,app store it come with a 15 day free,trial and there's a link in the,description below and i'm also going to,show a quick video detailing their full,feature set discover profit calc the,affordable and easy to set up shopify,app that crunches your numbers in just,one click it automatically syncs with,all your accounts and expenses to,calculate your profit displaying,everything in an easy to read dashboard,so you understand your business in real,time start for free on the shopify app,store today all right so let's dive into,shopify blog tags now so if you're not,sure what they are they allow you to,organize your blog posts into categories,or subjects for example you could add a,tag to all posts about summer to create,a summer category customers can click on,tags to find other blog posts in the,same category when a customer searches,for a tag in your online store matching,blog posts will appear in the search,result so essentially it's going to make,it easy for shopify to organize your,blog post by the tag it can possibly,make it easier for customers to find,different blog posts around the same,subject let's first figure out how we,can add them here and so if once you're,in your shopify dashboard you simply,want to navigate to the left-hand,section called online store click online,store once you're there you want to hit,blog posts which is going to be,underneath the theme section and i'm,just going to click on a random blog,post here it's going to be titled random,post this is a blog post we created in,another video and if you scroll to the,right hand side they're gonna be two,columns and underneath the organization,section you're gonna see tags so they,have some examples here so you can add,vintage cotton summer anything that's,gonna categorize this i'm gonna,categorize this one as summer you can,hit add summer here and you can add as,many tags as you want to your blog post,so i could say ocean you can add,multiple word tags i could add learning,to surf it's going to help group your,blog posts together so once you add your,tags you just want to hit save in the,top right and just like that you've,added tags to your blog post now let's,dive into if blog tags actually help,with seo as it can be a lot of work to,add text to each post let's dive into it,now so really using blog tags will give,you an seo boost that is a myth here so,in the old days it was believed that,adding tags to your posts would send a,signal to google in the search engines,to tell them what your post is about and,help you rank and so this message was,propagated throughout facebook and,twitter and linkedin as something that,was a generally good thing to do with,your blogs but that really doesn't turn,out to be the case here so if you're,doing this purely for seo purposes,there's no real need to do that there,and so they're really good just for,organizations it can help to organize,content around certain categories and,make it easy for your customers and your,blog post readers to navigate through,your blog in terms of some overall tips,on how you want to organize your blog,posts tags here you really want to think,about how to add and organize your,content plan your tags wisely something,to note is you want to be really paying,attention to how many tags you use say a,post most likely won't need 10 tags so,you're really just using them for,overall categorization and higher level,groupings here you don't need to go,crazy and add a bunch of tags as it's,not going to help for on-page seo,purposes and it will probably just make,it more confusing for the customer to,find related content so overall this,concludes the video on shopify blog tags,i hope you enjoyed the video if you did,i would love it if you hit that like and,subscribe button below if you have any,questions leave a comment thank you so,much for watching and i'll see you in,our next video

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