how can customers leave testimonials on my shopify site

How to Add Testimonials to Shopify Store hello and welcome my name is amuly and,you are watching,tub


Updated on Mar 29,2023

How to Add Testimonials to Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how can customers leave testimonials on my shopify site

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How to Add Testimonials to Shopify Store

hello and welcome my name is amuly and,you are watching,tubemint in this video i'm going to show,you how to add this testimonials,section on your shopify store to,increase,sales and conversion so let's get,started this is a shopify admin area so,go ahead and log into your admin area,like this so and then you have to click,on this,online store so once you are in the,dashboard,click on this online store i'm already,here,you might see something like this as,soon as you log in if you have,some products and sales this will appear,like this,and then you have to click on this,online store,and on the right here you will see it,says customize,so click on customize,and this is completely brand new,theme customizer for shopify after,shopify unite 2021 so you can see i've,got this testimonial,testimonials section here at the bottom,just before the products,this this products these are basically,uh blog posts not products but about the,products launches and all that,so to add this testimonial let's say i,want to,add testimonials they'll go to this,right section here,and you'll see i've got a testimonials,section,and this one so it should something like,it should look like something somewhere,somewhat like this,now you you may have more columns or,less columns,so go ahead and just close all the,dropdowns,like this and you would be able to see,this add,section okay,i remember one thing if i want i can,drag it up or down,okay so this is kind of drag draw,feature we have here,and i'm going to leave it that way,if you want to see it simply click on,this is basically you got,view hide view,feature and this starts displaying,to add this testimonial section you,simply click on this add section,and these are available pre-made section,that you can add to your,shopify store uh here we have,testimonials,so i'll go ahead and select it and you,can see i've got,these testimonials so and again,as i told you you can drag wherever you,want to keep it,and then you can customize each,testimonials by pressing on here,you see,here so if you click here,you can customize your text here right,author name whatever it could be,if i go ahead and save it this will be,updated right here,you can see in the center you can add,more,testimonials by pressing this button so,if you click on here,you will see something here,you see it here and this gets converted,into a slide which is awesome right,so you have slide testimonial so this is,how,you add testimonials,to your shopify store,from theme customizer so that's it for,this video guys if you have any,questions suggestion leave in the,comment below,thank you for watching bye for now

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