can you open a shopify shop from anywhere

Shopify Dropshipping Outside the US 🌎 Does it Work? what's up everybody,Anton Corelli here from e-co

Anton Kraly - Drop Ship Lifestyle

Updated on Mar 18,2023

Shopify Dropshipping Outside the US 🌎 Does it Work?

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Shopify Dropshipping Outside the US 🌎 Does it Work?

what's up everybody,Anton Corelli here from e-commerce,lifestyle calm and welcome back to the,e-commerce lifestyle podcast in today's,episode I want to talk about drop,shipping outside of the US and the,reason I wanted to talk about this today,is because we get a lot of questions,from people that are located all over,the world asking if they can still get,involved with dropship lifestyle if,they're not from the States and you know,on my end I think it's funny that we get,that question so often because I see our,stats right and between students at,dropship lifestyle between YouTube,subscribers and podcast listeners we,only have about 60% of our members that,are in the u.s. so 40% of our audience,which is hundreds of thousands of people,are literally located all over the world,you know we have a lot in Europe we have,a lot in Australia but we got people in,the Philippines we have people in South,America we have people in Eastern Europe,just literally all over the world so,pretty cool and the short answer again,is this business model does work,regardless of where you are and you can,choose to do business where you're,currently located you can choose to do,business in the States even if you're,not from here but again where there's a,will there's a way and our members from,all over the world have proved that the,dropship lifestyle business model can,work just about anywhere so what I want,to get into in today's episode are some,things specifically that I think that,you should look for and look into if,you're located outside of the US and,you're looking to get into dropshipping,so the first question you should ask,yourself is should I do business in the,States or should I do business in,another country or another region,well we actually get a surprising amount,of people ask us hey I'm from the States,and I'm currently studying abroad or,teaching abroad or currently living in,another country should I wait until I,return to open a business and if that's,your scenario again if you hold a u.s.,passport or a citizenship and you're,just somewhere else in the world the,living or working or whatever just do,business in the States you don't have to,be here I lived abroad for like five,years as I ran all my businesses that,were based in the States so yeah don't,worry about that again if you're are you,citizen you're living somewhere else,just do business in the States it's easy,and that's what I would recommend now if,you're located somewhere else and your,citizenship is somewhere else,then you have to decide should I set up,a business in the States or should I do,business where I am and there's a couple,things that you want to ask yourself to,make that decision,the first is are people already buying,online where you're from so you would,know this because you're from there,hopefully you pay attention to what you,do and what your friends and family do,but are people already comfortable,buying online to people where you live,have credit cards and debit cards and,you might be thinking like yeah I'm in,New Zealand of course but I'm promising,you some people are watching this and,they're like oh you know what no we,really don't buy online or we pay for,things cash on delivery where we buy,things online yeah I didn't get,delivered and we have to pay cash for it,so if you're finding yourself in that,situation then I would not recommend,doing business where you're currently,located or where your citizenship is,again if buying online is not yet a,thing if people don't have credit or,debit cards then I would not recommend,doing business where you're currently,located and instead doing business in,the States now a good way to kind of,just check this if maybe you're on Shore,maybe you're thinking like well people,do buy online but not everybody I don't,really know what I would recommend you,do is go check out Shopify payments and,I'll post a link in the podcast,description but Shopify payments is,basically a way you can accept money on,your Shopify store they allow you to,accept credit cards debit cards Google,pay Apple pay and a whole bunch of other,stuff and they are accepted in a whole,bunch of different countries and the,countries that they are in the countries,that they support are typically the,countries where people are binding,online so again if you're unsure look,for the link in the description go to,the Shopify payments page see if your,country is supported and if it is that's,a good sign and that will show you that,enough people are interested in buying,online that they're actually making,their services available to you and to,your country and I'll just say one more,quick thing about Shopify payments,that's pretty cool because it does work,worldwide they actually adjust payment,options that they accept in different,parts of the world so for example there,are parts of the world,where most people pay via we pay right,lots of places in Asia and if you have a,Shopify store in Asia and you're using,Shopify payments you can actually accept,we pay also and the same thing goes for,Central America South America all around,the world so not only will they allow,you to accept money but they'll allow,you to accept money in the way that,people that buy in your country are most,comfortable already paying which is,super helpful ok so once you confirm,that people actually are buying online,wherever it is that you're located the,next thing that you want to look for is,is there enough demand where you are and,by demand I mean are there enough people,buying the thing that you want to sell,so in the US right we have 330 million,people that's you know gross that's,everybody including little kids but,there's a lot of people here that spend,a lot of money in the UK I think there's,66 million people again that's a lot of,people that buy online in Ireland though,there's a little less than 5 million,people so this is the way I want you to,think when you're deciding where you,should do business so let's just say I'm,at a stand-up desk now if I wanted to,sell standup desks in the US I'm dealing,with a subsection of 330 million people,in the UK still 66 million people that's,a lot of people but then if I wanted to,sell standup desks in Ireland I'm,dealing with a small subsection of only,5 million people so even if standup,desks were trending and going crazy in,Ireland if that's who my store targeted,if that's the only market I served then,guess what my potential sales are going,to be limited because there's just not,enough people there's not enough,consumers not saying there's not enough,to make any sales and to make any money,but you have a lot chance to grow a lot,bigger when you have more potential,customers so what I want you to think,about again is how big is the area that,you'd be serving how many people are in,the country or region that you'd be,marketing to and if it gets smaller and,smaller and smaller and in the example I,just gave if it was like 5 million,people like in Ireland if I was based in,Ireland and I want to sell standup desks,well then I wouldn't build standup desks,Ireland com I would build maybe standup,desks calm and sell them either in,America,or in the EU or maybe even in both right,that's something you can figure out but,you want to make sure again that the,addressable market is big enough so that,if your store does well you can actually,make real money so keep that in mind now,one thing that you'll want to look into,this is coming from me as somebody that,does business in the States so I don't,know much about this but you'll want to,look in to if you can sell to your,country and also neighboring countries,if it's someplace like the EU where,you're literally you know driving an,hour and you're in another country if,everything is closed like that,geographically then what you want to,look into is are there different fees,and taxes and tariffs if you're going,from country to country I'm not sure how,it works with the whole brexit thing now,that the UK is separate like if there,are different tariffs involved but if,for example you were somewhere in,Central America and you were going from,one country to another that was just,right there is that as easy as you're,just saying hey we ship there or do you,have to pay different fees to get in and,out of neighboring countries but look,into that again it sounds like a lot of,work and that's because it is again this,is a real business we're building here,by the way if you're watching this or,listening to this and you're brand new,and you want to know how we build these,stores be sure you go to dropship,webinar comm I'll post a link in the,description as well and you can get my,full free training there on how we build,highly profitable semi automated stores,but again make sure that you're either,country or region has a big enough,market that it makes sense to sell into,now let's say you do that and you say ok,cool you know what maybe you're in the,UK and you say we have 66 million people,which is more than enough then what I,want you to look at is are there enough,suppliers in your area to basically,build a business off of so if you've,watched any of my training when I talk,about supplier sourcing and market,research you know that we try to find at,least 20 potential brands that we can,sell for for every niche that we enter,so if I want to sell standup desks I,would want at least 20 different,suppliers that make standup desks okay,so I want to sell for all of them now if,you're let's say in the UK and you're,doing your research and you can only,find four different brands that ship to,the UK where that have warehouses in the,UK,not half standup desks then my advice to,you wouldn't be okay now you have to,sell to the EU or now you should just,automatically go and sell to the states,instead my advice would be how about you,Mitch up a level do what I call niche up,and what that means is instead of just,selling standup desks maybe now you're,selling modern office furniture and,maybe in the UK for modern office,furniture you could find 30 different,suppliers and brands that you could sell,for and that would be great that's what,I would recommend to you so make sure,you're looking into how many suppliers,are in your country and if you need to,niche up now another consideration that,I want you to take into account when,you're deciding where to do business is,is Google shopping available in your,country so I love Google shopping ads I,am a master of google shopping ads I'm,comfortable saying that because I'm,obsessed with them have been for a long,time,they make us a lot of money and it's a,great ad platform but it's not available,in every country so if you want to do,business wherever you are and you see,that Google Shopping ads are not,available for you to advertise then what,you need to look at is are there any,other marketplaces where people in your,country typically buy or are comfortable,buying from and if there are you need to,do some more research there and figure,out is that some place you could,potentially advertise in the future is,that some place you think you can learn,to be a top marketer on again I haven't,done that so I can't tell you you know,what country uses what platform I know,our students have done really well with,that in Australia for example I think,Gumtree is one of the marketplaces that,people have really excelled with but,kind of have to custom tailor the whole,dropship blueprint to your country if,Google Shopping ads are not an ad option,so keep that in mind as well as a,consideration when deciding where to do,business now let's say you're going,through these steps you're trying to,figure this out and you decide you know,what I want to do business in the States,you're from somewhere else but you know,that we have 330 million people you know,that people here are consumers and we,love spending money and you're like okay,I want to do business in the US what do,I need to do well you have a couple,options one of them and the one I would,recommend you try first is to use stripe,Atlas I'll post the link to that in the,description as well,but you're probably familiar with stripe,they're the biggest I think at this,point the biggest merchant account,company in the world they allow you to,accept credit and debit cards now they,also have a service called stripe Atlas,where they'll set up people that are not,from the US they'll set you up with a,legal US business entity they'll get you,a US bank account they'll get you a US,debit card and they'll basically get you,everything you need to start doing,business here so stripe I trust I mean,we've processed tens of millions of,dollars in sales with them they're a,great company never use stripe Atlas,because I haven't needed to but they're,stripe in general is great company so I,would highly recommend going with them,because they'll get you set up on the,business formation side you still do,have a couple of other options though if,for some reason you apply with stripe,and they deny you or you just don't want,to go that route there are a ton of,companies out there that will just,assist you in setting up US corporations,should you want to do that you don't,have to but if you want to and you don't,want to use stripe at lists you could,find the companies on Google look for,the best reviewed ones obviously that,will set you up with the US business,entity or what we've even had people do,is use their business entities from,abroad and apply with us suppliers while,using their business information from,other countries and I can't say that's,gonna work 100% of the time but it,definitely has worked in the past and,the reason why I think of it this way,the suppliers right the brands we work,with the tens of thousands of them what,they're looking for is relationships,with retailers that are gonna bring them,sales they don't care what you sound,like where you're from they don't care,about any of that they care that you're,gonna take good care of your customers,that you're gonna bring them additional,revenue and then it's going to be a good,business relationship so whether you,have a US company that you set up via,stripe Atlas whether you set up a u.s.,corporation with any website you find on,Google like or whether you,use your business information from,Ireland they're going to approve you if,you present yourself the right way if,you can explain to them how you're going,to increase their sales then they have,no reason not to work with you so if you,want more information on that like how,we get approved list of our suppliers,our supplier scripts everything like,that I do talk about it on my free train,that's a dropship webinar calm but the,full in depth training with all of those,copy and paste scripts is inside my,coaching program the dropship blueprint,that was voted best e-commerce course by,Shopify so be sure you check that out if,you want the full blueprint the whole,training and with that being said guys I,do hope you found this episode useful as,always if you did please go over to,Apple podcasts and leave a review means,a lot helps us get the word out and with,that being said I will talk to you in,the next episode of the podcast see ya,hey what's up guys anton here again and,i hope you've got some real value out of,that video you just watched if you did,you should definitely check out this one,or this video right here i do two new,ones every week you'll see a subscribe,button right here and if you want my,free training that is two and a half,hours long a value with 237 niches click,this button right down here it'll take,you to where you need to go

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